Two Realms: Don’t call me evil!

Chapter 153 Accidents Occur Frequently (5 updates, 10,000 words, please subscribe)

The Fumen breeding farm occupies a huge area, with insect breeding plants densely dotted in between. If you are not familiar with the road conditions, you will easily get lost.

Before setting off, Marco had rehearsed the route and marked it on the map. He could plan the route through the positioning instrument, and prepared several backup plans in case he could not find the way.

At this time, Marco took a shortcut and passed by a venomous snake breeding nest area.

There are not only venomous snakes raised on the ground in glass cages, but also pits for raising snakes.

"This place is really weird. There are so many venomous insects and snakes."

When a mercenary passed by a pit of snakes, he felt incredible when he saw that the hollowed-out underground was full of all kinds of colorful venomous snakes.

There was another mercenary next to him who laughed and said, "What's the matter? The hobbies of the rich are weird. Maybe they just like this kind of thing."

"I have a pet snake at home, and I like them very much."

Another mercenary lay on the guardrail, looking at the pit of snakes inside, shrugged and said.

However, perhaps he was destined to be unlucky. Just as he leaned over to look at the snake pit, a cobra suddenly raised its upper body, its neck became flat, and two streams of venom sprayed out of its fangs, which just hit the mercenary's eyes.


The venom entered the eyes, and the mercenary could not see anything.

To make matters worse, the section of the guardrail he was holding happened to fall off due to his violent collision, and he fell into the pit of thousands of snakes.

In that scene, tens of thousands of venomous snakes instantly submerged the mercenary.

All he could hear were shrill screams, and then even the shadows of people could not be seen.

Marco was dumbfounded, and the mercenaries around him also opened their mouths wide, looking at their companions covered with venomous snakes. Anyone who saw this horrible scene would shudder!

What's worse is that the mercenary was bitten by thousands of snakes, and the venom did not kill him immediately.

In the chaos, he pulled the trigger of the rifle in his hand and fired a volley of bullets.

Bullets whizzed through the mercenaries' scalps. Although no one was hurt, and the muzzles of the guns had silencers to eliminate most of the sound, so as not to alarm the garrison troops in the distance, these bullets hit other glass cages where various venomous snakes were raised.

Accompanied by the sound of glass shattering, venomous snakes flowed out of the glass cages one by one.

The large number of them made the mercenaries' scalps feel uncomfortable and goose bumps appeared.

These venomous snakes seemed to have been locked up for too long and had a strong desire to attack. The dense swarm of snakes swam towards the mercenaries at the first time.

Several mercenaries were surrounded and had no way to escape. In a blink of an eye, venomous snakes climbed up their bodies, biting their necks, faces and other exposed skin, injecting streams of venom, and screaming and shouting in fear.

"Retreat, retreat quickly."

Marco didn't care about saving people. If he dragged on, he would have to stay here too. He hurriedly took the rest of the people away from here.

Only after running hundreds of meters and arriving at a safe place did Marco angrily look at everyone around him and roared.

"If any of you dare to be so curious and touch and look around, I will kill you first."

A group of mercenaries were silent. They had not reached their destination and had not even seen an enemy, but the team had unexpectedly lost several people. This had never happened before.

"Evil Wolf, did we alarm those warlord troops just now?"

He asked the outer sniper observation team through the headset.

"Boss, the garrison troops have not moved yet, but you must pay attention to safety. I don't want to see all of you die in it."

Hearing the earphone's consolation, Marco rubbed his headache temples, looked at his group of unpromising men, and said: "Keep going, I don't want any more accidents."

The team set off again. Fortunately, the journey was smooth this time. They did not encounter any patrol troops along the way, and did not encounter any other accidents.

"Boss, this is it."

Suddenly, a silver-white building appeared in sight.

This is the building they are looking for. It is said that only Su Jie can enter, and the hair growth protoplasm is probably produced secretly inside.

Seeing the tightly guarded door of the laboratory, all with pupil and fingerprint locks, you know that it is definitely not simple.

"Can it be cracked? If not, set a bomb to blow it up."

Marco called the locksmith in the team, and the other party nodded at the combination locks.

"I can try, but if the combination lock here is connected to the alarm, it may alert the enemy."

As he spoke, the locksmith took out the toolbox, which was full of various tools, and then began to work hard.

More than an hour later, the locksmith used hydraulic tools and gas welding to open the last purely mechanical door.

"Huh, fortunately there is no alarm tool connected here."

The locksmith put away the tools, wiped the sweat from his forehead and said.

"Mostly, they thought no one could come in, so they were so careless, but it did make it convenient for us."

Marco waved his hand, and a group of mercenaries filed in and entered this most mysterious laboratory.

There are all kinds of sophisticated instruments in the laboratory, but what is strange is that there are no documents at all.

"Why is there nothing here?"

Marco frowned. If he came in and found nothing, he would have a hard time reporting to Raphael.

"None of these instruments have been used. They don't look like a laboratory!"

Lu Yixin wiped his fingers on the instruments and found that there was dust on them. He even saw that some of the instruments had not even torn off the protective film. It seemed that these instruments had not been used since they were shipped in.

"Boss, we found a secret elevator."

A mercenary made a new discovery and found a hidden elevator by coincidence.

"Let's go down."

Marco's eyes lit up and he immediately wanted to understand what was going on.

This laboratory on the ground must be hidden from others. The real laboratory is underground, and the hair growth serum they want is probably down there.

"Well, can I not go?"

Looking at the elevator, not knowing how deep it would go underground, Lu Yixin had a bad feeling and wanted to refuse.

Marco turned his head, picked up a flashlight and handed it to him, comforting him: "Lu, we are professionals. You have to trust our judgment. We will protect you and you will be fine."

It's okay that Marco didn't say it. This statement reminded Lu Yixin of all the previous incidents, which had inexplicably failed several team members, but he still had the nerve to say that he was a professional.

Unfortunately, the arm could not twist the thigh, and Lu Yixin was eventually forced to take the elevator. The group took the elevator to the laboratory below.

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