Two Realms: Don’t call me evil!

Chapter 195 Group (3rd update)

Two days later.

On a plane to Mexico.

Su Jie was holding a book and learning Mexican.

"Is it useful to cram now?"

Liu Yingying sat side by side with Su Jie and was curious.

She had a good command of English, but she had not learned the native language of Mexico.

"It's not difficult. When I learn it, I will take you to travel there and we can communicate without obstacles."

Su Jie said this, turning the pages very quickly. His spirit was so strong that he could learn the basic language with a glance of his spirit. It was just a matter of proficiency and accent.

"You don't seem to be nervous at all. It's Mexico, so forget about traveling."

Liu Yingying shook her head repeatedly. Before going to Mexico, she also did a lot of homework and knew how chaotic and dangerous it was.

And this place is not like the Mande area. There is no large number of Jeko security guards, which always makes people feel worried.

"We are here to do business, and we are too late to be welcomed by others."

Su Jie did not even raise his head. If he really encountered an unreasonable business partner, even if there was no Jie Ke security guard, Su Jie could easily solve the danger. It was just that Liu Yingying did not know that the greatest protection came from those around him.


There are 120 million people on more than 1.96 million square kilometers of land.

It is so close to the United States, the most powerful and wealthy country in the world, and there is a 3,000-kilometer border, but the people living here are extremely poor.

Speaking of Mexico, the impression of this country is chaos and violence.

And in this country, the most famous thing is the prevalence of opium.

For decades, the opium trade has become an important pillar of Mexico's economy, and more than 500 cities across the country are involved in opium smuggling.

The reason for this is mainly because there is the United States, the world's largest opium consumer, next to it.

Currently, more than 60% of the opium produced in the world is sold to the United States, and American drug addicts account for nearly 10% of the US population.

The thousands of kilometers of border between Mexico and the United States undoubtedly make it the best place for opium production and distribution.

The opium trade between the United States and Mexico, which is worth 30 to 40 billion US dollars each year, has created a prosperous opium industry in Mexico and countless drug lords.

Even if a drug lord is killed, driven by huge profits, more drug lords will rush forward and enter this business.

Tulu City, a city close to the US-Mexico border, is also an important center for drug trafficking and criminal activities.

In the airport, Su Jie walked out with Liu Yingying.

Originally planned to stop a taxi to go to the hotel, but unexpectedly, the place to go became more and more remote.

When the car stopped on a desolate road, Su Jie felt the simple folk customs of the local people.

The taxi driver got out of the car quickly and whistled hard.

Outside the taxi, several local residents heard the sound and warmly welcomed the arrival of Su Jie and his party, with black pistols against Su Jie's forehead.

"Take out all the money you have."

"Hurry up, you yellow monkey, don't you understand what I'm saying?"

"There are women, so you can have a good time."

These gangsters were swearing and enjoying it wildly.

Liu Yingying pursed her lips in the back seat, trying to stay calm.

"Alas, I feel your enthusiasm, so as a return gift, I will send you to the underworld for a trip."

Su Jie responded in Mexican with a strange accent, and when he stretched out his hand, the gun in the hand of a gangster disappeared and appeared in Su Jie's hand.

Su Jie held the pistol and pointed it at the gangster's forehead, with a smile on his lips.


A gunshot sounded, and the body fell heavily to the ground, with blood gushing out of a bullet hole in the middle of the forehead.

Just as the gangsters reacted and were about to pull the trigger, several gunshots sounded almost at the same time.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Three bodies fell to the ground in succession. Finally, Su Jie looked at the driver who led the way and pointed his gun at him.

"Are you going to take me to the hotel, or are you going to sleep here like them?"

The driver was frightened and nodded quickly: "I'll take you to the hotel."

The car continued to start, and Su Jie also sat back in the back seat and continued to read as if nothing had happened.

"Su Jie, you are so good at fighting!"

Liu Yingying was surprised. She also asked why Su Jie didn't bring a few Jake security guards with him. So this was the problem.

"Don't you feel it in bed normally?"

Su Jie raised his eyebrows, causing Liu Yingying's pretty face to be slightly drunk.

"This place is too dangerous. We should bring more people."

Liu Yingying hugged Su Jie's arm. The Mexicans looked at her and other foreigners with dangerous eyes. If Su Jie hadn't been there, she would never come to this place.

"It's okay. I'm here."

He comforted Liu Yingying and told her not to worry.

After chatting all the way, the car soon arrived at a hotel in the city center.

Su Jie took Liu Yingying out of the car and entered the hotel.

Behind him, the taxi stepped on the accelerator and flew away from Su Jie, a dangerous person.

"Wait for me to inform the boss. You killed our brothers. If you want to let it go, you can wait to be beheaded."

The driver's expression was no longer flattering, but full of hatred.


As he was talking, the driver suddenly felt a pain in his neck. He stretched out his hand and hit it, and a strange insect was slapped to death.

"Where did the insect come from?"

The driver was paralyzed before he finished speaking. He could not speak and his body was twitching violently.

He stepped on the accelerator uncontrollably and rushed straight into a thick concrete wall.

In the hotel room.

Liu Yingying took out the information. These were some intelligence collected in Mexico with the help of the Jeco Company, including the largest drug lord organizations in Mexico.

Trujillo is the base camp of one of the drug lord organizations called Tijuana. This drug lord organization ranks among the top three among the many opium trafficking groups in Mexico.

Their main job is to grow and sell opium. At the same time, they also run some human smuggling businesses, helping people from various countries to cross the border wall, enter the United States, breathe the sweet air of freedom, and realize the American dream.

"This man is called Juarez Guzman Loera. He is the leader of the Tijuana drug cartel and the world's most wanted criminal."

Liu Yingying pointed to a bald man with a very fierce face in the photo.

"I like him, so I decided on him."

Su Jie nodded with satisfaction. This person is quite capable and is a good partner.

If you want to complete the smuggling of Tianyuan Hair Growth Liquid, you have to rely on local forces. You can't do it on your own.

And these arrogant and brutal drug trafficking groups are the partners that Su Jie has circled. Others are afraid to cooperate with these guys, but Su Jie is a demon cultivator. In his eyes, these opium sellers are just cute little things.

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