Two Realms: Don’t call me evil!

Chapter 207: Letter of Invitation (3rd update)

"Sujie, the cartel is coming."

A pair of lotus-rooted arms stretched out from behind and held Su Jie's waist.

"Well, I'll go talk to him."

After patting Liu Yingying's buttocks, Su Jie stood up and came to the living room.

"Mr. Su."

Carter is standing here, he was called by Sujie.

Su Jie walked to the balcony step by step. From here, he had a panoramic view of the entire Teluk City.

"Mr. Su, our actions this week have achieved considerable results."

The cartel sounded excited. After training, his drug dealers used underground tunnels to defeat the border patrol's arrogance.

His drug lords alone cannot do this because their training is relatively poor. Many of them are elite soldiers from Jieco Security who control various heavy firepower.

"Cartel, are you loyal to me?"

Facing the cartel's excitement, Su Jie suddenly asked an irrelevant question.

Cartel was stunned, and quickly knelt down and prostrated in the tunnel: "Mr. Su, I am loyal to you. If it weren't for you, I wouldn't be in the position I am in today."

"Very well, I need you to do something to prove this loyalty."

Su Jie wrote an address with pen and paper and said calmly: "Kill all the people in this place. In our country, this is called a petition. With your loyalty, I will not let you down."

"Third Community Fairwindow Building?"

Cartel looked up, not understanding what was so special about this position.

"A group of CIA special service teams and a team of American special forces are here. They plan to launch a beheading operation to kill the leaders of Tijuana and eradicate the smuggling chain. Look how nice I am to you, and I also informed you of the danger in advance. What you need to do now is to prey on these people, understand? "

"CIA, we want to kill CIA."

The cartel's pupils contracted violently. This was the CIA, the world's most famous military intelligence organization, with the global hegemon behind it. If their people were touched, it would be hard to imagine what kind of revenge there would be.

"If you're afraid, you can just wait for them to take your head off. I won't force you."

Su Jie exerted psychological pressure with his words to strengthen the other party's will.

A ruthless look flashed across Cartel's face. He was a drug lord and had a ruthless heart. He immediately gritted his teeth and said: "Mr. Su, I understand what to do. Since those CIA dare to come here, I will never do it." I will let them go, this is my territory in Mexico, and I will let them understand the consequences of intruding on my territory."

"I'm waiting for your good news. In addition, the team is now impure. Clean up a group of people."

Su Jie waved his hand and threw out a piece of paper.

Cartel subconsciously took it and saw the names written on the paper. Several of the names on it were his confidants. He suddenly broke into a cold sweat and his eyes flashed fiercely.

"Mr. Su, I will hang all betrayers."

"Go deal with it."


After the cartel left, Su Jie chuckled.

"It's getting more interesting."

The reputation of the CIA is unknown to everyone around the world, and they have been involved in subverting the regimes of many enemy countries.

This time, they actually went out for Tianyuan Hair Growth Liquid. I don’t know what benefits Asder Pharmaceuticals promised.

But before Carter stepped out of the flat floor and got into the car, there were two loud sounds of heavy objects falling to the ground.

When he turned around, he saw two human bodies falling from the tall building next door. Bodyguards went up to check and found that they were members of the gang. Monitoring equipment was also found on the bodies.

"It's Mr. Su who helped me clean up the trouble."

Carter raised his head and vaguely saw Mr. Su's aloof figure on the balcony. He immediately understood what was going on and his face became a little gloomier.

It seems that they are indeed CIA personnel, and they have actually begun to monitor their activities.

"Drive back, notify the brothers in the gang, take the guys with you, and let's go on a killing spree."

Leng Bingbing issued the order, and Cartel's eyes were filled with murderous intent.

The Fairwind Building in the Third Community!

This place is located in the central area of ​​the city. It is one of the first batch of old houses to be built. However, due to urban reconstruction, it has fallen into disrepair and has been ordered to complete the relocation and is ready to be demolished and sold to new buildings.

Dika was in a private house at this time, writing and drawing on the map. He was surrounded by elites from the CIA Field Service Department, from Team A of the Special Action Division. There were 12 members, all from the military. Active duty or retired personnel with extensive battlefield experience.

Unlike the internal service, which specializes in intelligence collection and political work, the field service department is the sharp knife of the CIA, mainly engaged in assassinations, sabotage, raids, ambushes, etc., and occasionally trains foreign rebel forces and leads them in combat.

In addition to members of the field department, the Delta Special Forces Team was also deployed here to cooperate with this operation. The team has a total of 25 people, all of whom are elites of the American army.

"Cartel is cautious by nature. He lives in as many as 12 places. The place he rests every night is temporarily decided. If we want to attack, we must first determine his foothold."

Michele Cantu was sitting on the sofa. For this operation, Michele Cantu also brought his subordinates to Tulu City.

At this time, another black man with a strong temperament and a strong body slowly spoke: "We are only responsible for annihilating the target. You need to determine the target's location."

His name is Joaquin James and he is the captain of Delta Force.

"Don't worry, we have found an insider in Tijuana, they will provide us with intelligence, and it will not be difficult to determine the location of the cartel."

Dica pointed his finger on the map, pointed to a residence, and chuckled: "He will never think that even one of his loyal bodyguards is a bribed person. What are you going to do?"

"As usual, we will carry out the assault by helicopter landing, with the support of fixed-wing platforms, drones, and satellites, and carry out the attack from midnight to early morning. Under the cover of night, we have good night vision equipment and can achieve one-way transparency on the battlefield, which is very beneficial for arrest."

Jaquin James punched the map and spoke in a decisive tone.

"No problem, I will contact the Mexican officials and ask the top leaders to delegate our actions, and the planes can come in through the border."

Michele Cantu said that this kind of armed raid needs to be communicated with the Mexican officials, otherwise it will be difficult to transfer helicopters in.

"In fact, there is a more convenient way. Use the Predator drone to fire a few missiles at the residence of this cartel, and everything will be solved."

Jaquin James was a little regretful. This precision-guided beheading is easier and simpler.

"We need to be alive. The Tijuana criminal group has been provoking us through smuggling. We must catch them alive and bring them back to the country for trial. This will have a sufficient deterrent effect."

Dika directly rejected it. This is not the main reason. They need to catch the cartel and subdue the entire Tijuana group organization.

It is also a demonstration to the behind-the-scenes controller of the Jaco Company, Tianyuan Daily and other companies that support Tijuana, and Su Jie, the local warlord of Zen.

If you can force the other party to hand over the Tianyuan hair growth liquid directly, it would be the best. If not, you can also show the other party the unparalleled strength of the United States. It is simply a foolish dream to rely on a criminal group to fight the United States.

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