Two Realms: Don’t call me evil!

Chapter 209: The whole army was annihilated (first update)

In the devastated building of the third community, Jacqueen fell to the ground in a bloody mess, his body already cold.

A steel bar pierced Dicka's thigh, and his face turned pale due to excessive blood loss.

On the opposite side, Michele was still holding a submachine gun, staying with the last few remaining survivors. Some of them were CIA agents, and some were elite soldiers of the Delta Special Forces, but now they were all as embarrassed as refugees.

"Everyone, I underestimated the enemy's cruelty."

Dicka took out a painkiller from his pocket and swallowed it, and then gave himself an injection in the thigh.

"How can the enemy have so many armored units?"

Michele's voice was dull, and he glanced at the tanks and self-propelled howitzers that were continuously bombarding below. The vibrations were like a heavy hammer hitting the atrium, making people upset.

"Ahem, I'm afraid it has something to do with the warlord in Zen. Our intelligence shows that the other side only deployed infantry fighting vehicles, but I didn't expect that they would bring tanks."

Dika coughed twice. In Mexico, although drug lords are rampant, gun battles are generally the main form of warfare, and using heavy machine guns is considered a great deal of firepower.

For example, tanks and howitzers have basically never been deployed. Only the crazy warlord named Su Jie would do such a thing.

"Michele, follow them and try to break out."

Feeling the building swaying and even creaking, Deka spoke again: "The American plane will arrive in eight minutes, the helicopter rapid response force will need 31 minutes, and the Mexican military ground forces will arrive in less than two hours. Leave now. I remember there is a manhole cover not far from the building. You leave through the sewer."

"Deka, then you..."

"I'll stay here. I misjudged the enemy's strength. This is what I deserve. Besides, with my physical condition, I can't leave with you."

Michele was silent for a while, took the recorder and ID card handed by Deka, looked at the other survivors, and nodded: "Take care."

After that, Michele left a pistol with a bullet in it, and then led the team to rush out of the building.

As Dicka watched the approaching sound of tracks and the dull bombardment, he slowly took out the pistol and stuffed it into his mouth. There was a lot of important information in his mind, and he was not sure if he could withstand torture after being captured alive.

"I hope the boss and the others can pay attention to the enemy this time and not repeat the same mistake."

Just as Dicka was about to pull the trigger, the floor under him suddenly shook and a 155 shell blasted into the room.


Before the last swear word could be uttered, Dicka was engulfed by the dazzling flames along with the floor.


Michele, who had hurriedly escaped from the third community building, turned around and saw that the building collapsed under the continuous bombardment, and countless smoke and dust filled the air, obscuring his vision.

"Good opportunity."

Michele put on a gas mask and rushed to the underground manhole cover with the remaining few people under the cover of the dust from the collapsed building.


Suddenly, one of the team members fell heavily to the ground, and his head exploded.




A few more gunshots, and three people in the team were shot in the head.

Michele looked up in disbelief and looked in the direction where the gunshots came from.

There was dust blocking the vision, so how did the opponent's sniper find him and others? Was it thermal imaging?

Before Michele could figure out the situation, his head exploded like a balloon, and all his thoughts and consciousness also sank.


In the distance, Su Jie dropped the Barrett sniper rifle in his hand and said to Cartel beside him: "It's done, notify everyone to evacuate, if you don't want to encounter retaliatory bombing by the Americans."

Cartel sat upright and immediately picked up the intercom after hearing this: "The operation was successful, everyone evacuate the scene."

Su Jie walked downstairs slowly and said: "Go to the corpse to collect some identification and take pictures, and then issue a notice in the name of the Tijuana Group, saying that we wiped out a CIA and Delta team this afternoon."

"This... okay."

Cartel was slightly startled. This behavior was simply provoking the United States, just like a terrorist, announcing that the attack and bombing here were his own responsibility. Now the United States can't cover up and pretend not to know.

Su Jie went downstairs and got into a black car, driven by a member of the Jeko security.

At the battlefield, one Tijuana member after another got on a pickup truck and a truck and left.

More than a dozen armored units also started the tracks and turned around to drive off the street.

When passing a street, there were police standing on both sides of the road. They were stunned to see tanks and infantry fighting vehicles passing by. They were too frightened to move. They just stared at this scene. It seemed like they were seeing off the convoy.

It took a few minutes to retreat. The members of the Tijuana Group dispersed to various places on the spot, and the armored unit also drove into a warehouse.

It was not until the mighty Tijuana completely left the scene that the sirens that had been sounding for a long time approached the battlefield, and a group of Mexican police approached cautiously.

In fact, they had arrived a long time ago, but facing the brutal Tijuana Group and the terrifying bombardment of more than a dozen armored vehicles, they were trembling with fear with only light weapons. They did not dare to approach this side at all, but just watched the show from a distance.

Not long after, the roar of fighter planes came from the sky.

This was a fighter jet that took off from an air force base in the United States with bombs loaded on it. It entered Mexican airspace after being authorized.

A Mexican policeman looked up and saw a few small black spots falling off the belly of the fighter jet.

Several missiles fell from the sky and accurately hit the warehouse where the armored unit entered.

The violent explosion shattered the warehouse, set off a fireball tens of meters high, and the shock wave swept in all directions.

However, the satellite in the sky had been staring at the direction of the armored unit's retreat, and the fighter jets destroyed the armored units parked in the warehouse as soon as they arrived.

However, the fighter jets in the sky did not know that there was an underground tunnel connected to the warehouse, and the armored units had already evacuated through the underground tunnel, and the missiles were blown up in vain.

Soon after, more and more support arrived, including Mexican military forces, the American airborne special service team, and a special investigation team, all of which arrived at the ruins of the third community within a few hours of the incident.

Looking at the broken bodies dug out, with the logos of CIA and Delta Force on them, the Mexican military at the scene was speechless for a moment. Is the Tijuana Group crazy? How dare they do such a thing?

Not to mention the American personnel, each of them looked extremely ugly.

For many years, few organizations dared to challenge the authority of the United States like this.

This kind of anger and shame occupied the hearts of every American personnel at the scene, and when they saw the notice just issued by the Tijuana Group, announcing that it was responsible for the incident, the suppressed anger broke out completely.

I don’t know how many people shouted angrily, determined to eradicate this dangerous criminal group.

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