Two Realms: Don’t call me evil!

Chapter 213 Super Soldier (First Update)

Border of Mande region.

On April 18, the war broke out.

The rumbling sound of artillery broke the tranquility of the past. The whistling shells landed on the sentry post, raising dust and smoke. After a short bombardment, the overwhelming Jeko security soldiers immediately rushed forward.

These sentry posts only provide early warnings and cannot really defend against a large number of troops facing the firepower of Jeko security.

The warlord soldiers who survived by chance surrendered quickly, holding up the French military salute and squatting on the ground.

The two warlords bordering the Mande region are Ang Yulun and Suo Mintun.

Ang Yulun has 8,000 troops, and Suo Mintun has 10,000 troops. The two families are like horns surrounding the two sides of the Mande region.

As for Guo Mindeng, the strongest with 18,000 troops, he does not have too many borders with the Mande region. Most of his territory is located behind the two warlords Ang Yulun and Suo Mintun.

Just after the battle started, the Jieke Anbao Mountain Brigade quickly broke through the defense line.

Nine thousand soldiers were divided into two places, attacking Ang Yulun and So Mintun at the same time, fighting on two fronts and breaking into their territory.

Because Jieke Anbao's attack was very sudden, the two warlords were not ready for a real war, and were caught off guard, and large areas of land bordering the border were constantly lost.

It was not until the second day of the war that the sluggish command system of the two warlords finally reacted and mobilized heavy troops to set off, intending to use the mountains to block Jieke Anbao's way.

At the same time, they immediately sent a telegram to Guo Mindeng in the rear for support.

Langgu Mountain.

This is a big mountain in the territory of the Ang Yulun warlord, and it is also the only way to the densely populated areas in the territory.

In the complex tropical rainforest environment of Zen Kingdom, heavy firepower is difficult to be effective, and mountain light infantry is the core of the fight between the two sides.

Hundreds of people from the 3rd Battalion of the 2nd Regiment of the Jeko Security Mountain Brigade, who were advancing rapidly here, appeared here. They were wearing marching leggings on their feet and light camouflage uniforms, and were marching quickly towards Hunei City.

Bang, bang, bang!

Suddenly, dense gunfire was heard in the dense forest, bullets were fired, mortar shells fell, and many people in the Jeko Security Team fell down.

"Disperse into the forest, super soldiers swallow the body-strengthening pills to kill those people."

The battalion commander immediately issued an order, glanced at the deep and dark forest, and asked his men to enter the forest to participate in the battle.

The soldiers rushed into the dense forest skillfully, and in the dim light, there were foxholes dug by the soldiers of the Ang Yulun warlord, or shooting behind trees and earth holes.

Compared with Jeko Security, they are more familiar with the terrain here, and have long been in a high position to form fire suppression.

For a while, the infantry of the Jeko Security Mountain Brigade found it difficult to break through the defense line.

Xituang is a newly certified super soldier of the mountain brigade. At this time, he was hiding behind a big rock. Bullets were whizzing around, stone chips were flying, and the bark of several trees on the left and right was flying, and fist-sized holes appeared.

"The firepower is so strong."

Xituang muttered and took out three red pills from his arms.

This is the strengthening pill distributed by Jieke Security. It is said that it can stimulate potential. Only soldiers who perform well in military exercises will be distributed.


Xituang swallowed the three strengthening pills and immediately felt hot all over his body.

His legs, which were originally quite tired from the long march, were no longer sore. The fatigue all over his body seemed to be swept away, and there was a constant flow of new power in his body.

At the same time, Xituang inexplicably felt that the movement of objects around him slowed down.

It was not that time really slowed down, but that his thinking speed became faster.

"This feeling."

Xituang's blood was boiling, and he raised the rifle in his hand and poked his head slightly.

His eyes became particularly bright, and all the past shooting training came to his mind. He subconsciously fired three shots, and a warlord soldier in the distance fell down.

Bang, bang, bang!

More firepower swept over, but Xituang was not panicked at all.

After swallowing the strengthening pill, his mind worked faster, as if he understood how to fight.


Suddenly, Xituang ran out from behind the boulder, his legs moving like a cheetah, running out in a Z shape, and bullets chased and swept behind him, making rows of holes on the ground.

While running, Xituang raised the rifle in his hand and fired back at the warlord soldiers who were hiding and shooting in the dense forest.

Almost every two or three shots, an enemy would fall down, with his head pierced by bullets.

In just a few seconds, Xituang escaped to another bunker behind an ancient tree, and the thick tree trunk blocked the dense bullets.

And in the just-sudden rise and fall, five warlord soldiers were killed by his headshot.

"Sharpshooter, the enemy is a sharpshooter."

"Hurry up and bring the rocket launcher to kill him, suppress him with heavy machine gun fire, don't let him come out, the heavy machine gun can cut down that tree."

"Fire correction, target is in the 064-053 area, request artillery support."

The warlord soldiers shouted to vent their inner fear.

Behind the ancient tree, Xituang had a premonition of danger in his heart, and inexplicably felt that the crisis was imminent. He quickly moved his legs and rolled out of the ancient tree shelter.

The moment he jumped out, Xituang saw the enemy machine gunner, twisting the muzzle to point at himself.

At the same time, Xituang also raised the rifle in his hand.

A few precise bursts of fire broke a big hole in the back of the head of the machine gunner who was about to attack, and his body lay in the pit, and the blood that flowed out moistened the flowers and plants below.

Almost immediately after Situon ran out, dense artillery fire fell, destroying the area around the ancient tree.

It turned out that the warlords had already set up defense lines here, and all positions were gridded according to the artillery range. During the battle, they only needed to report the corresponding area, and they could achieve accurate artillery coverage according to the pre-adjusted artillery parameters.

If Situon had been a few seconds late, he would have been bombed into a meat paste.

Bang bang bang!

The artillery bombardment of Jeko Security also arrived. The mortars, which were particularly favored in the mountains and forests because of their lightness, fell down and landed on several areas defended by the warlord soldiers.

The smoke of artillery fire obscured his vision, but Situon saw an opportunity.

With the cover of artillery fire, Situon emptied the magazine of his rifle in one go, and while changing the magazine, he put a bayonet on the rifle in his hand.

After reporting his actions to the rear and asking the rear to stop the artillery fire to avoid accidental injuries.

Situon crawled on the ground, moving forward among the bushes and trees like a gecko, and quietly broke into the warlord's defense line with the help of the blind spot of vision.

A warlord soldier was shooting outward to suppress the security soldiers of Jeko who were about to attack the hilltop. Suddenly, a figure rushed from the right, and the cold and sharp bayonet pierced his heart, piercing him through the heart.

Several warlord soldiers next to him widened their eyes, some were about to turn the muzzle of the gun, and some directly hit Situon with the butt of the gun.

Situon remained calm in the face of danger. The enemy's movements were a little slow in his eyes. He picked up the rifle and fired continuously, taking the initiative.

He was already an excellent shooter, and fully demonstrated what it meant to shoot quickly and accurately within seven steps. Several warlord soldiers were directly shot in the head.

Just after dealing with the few in front of him and changing the bullet, a soldier at the corner behind him pulled the trigger, but Situon heard the movement first and hid in the other side of the trench.

When two soldiers were chasing them in a hurry, one of them took out a grenade and was about to throw it. Situang crouched down and approached, piercing a soldier's chin with his bayonet.

Then he punched out with his right hand, breaking the throat of another soldier, pulled out his pistol, pointed it at the enemy's head and pulled the trigger directly.

"Don't blame me, blame the warlord who sent you to the battlefield."

Looking at the corpses on the ground with their eyes open, Situang took a deep breath and suppressed the slight touch in his heart.

This is a life-and-death war. If he doesn't kill the other party, he will die.

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