Two Realms: Don’t call me evil!

Chapter 217 Intervention in the War (Fifth Update)

in the international community.

When there was another fierce exchange of fire on the Zen side, public opinion reacted quite a bit.

Because the Zen Kingdom often fights internally, sometimes warlords fight with each other, and sometimes warlords fight with government forces, it stands to reason that it would be difficult to make some big news.

But this time the war initiated in the Mandeb area was different. There were obviously soldiers who exceeded the standard on the battlefield.

Especially the appearance of those first-class super soldiers, which were photographed by the warlord's soldiers and posted on the Internet, attracted a lot of attention.

‘Oh, buy it, is this a mecha? Have individual mechas appeared now? Which country is so powerful? ’

"It's fake at first glance. It must be the trailer of some movie. It's better to make a good movie and produce a convincing quality than to do this kind of marketing gimmick." ’

‘A 7.62-caliber bullet cannot penetrate it. The human body of such a mecha cannot move at all. Is it any different from an iron coffin? Human technology is currently unable to provide the power of such a single-soldier fully-defense mecha. ’

‘What is Zen country? They don't even have the ability to produce their own artillery and aircraft. How could there be such an advanced individual mecha? Only a fool would believe it. ’

‘Although I know it’s fake, these mecha warriors look really handsome, and the bloody battlefield is extremely realistic. I look forward to the release of their movie, and I will definitely go to the cinema to support them. ’

‘No, I see no traces of synthesis in the video. It seems like it was actually shot. Could it be that these mechas are real? ’

It seems lively on the Internet, but most people don't believe that there is a so-called individual mecha.

But in the command room of Guo Mindeng's warlord camp in East Chin State, his face was extremely solemn.

Because he knew that the group of super soldiers that appeared on the battlefield, including the group of terrifying soldiers wearing heavy armor, really existed.

At this time, Ang Yulun and Suo Mintun were sitting next to him, which was the best evidence.

The two warlords whose territories were all annexed and occupied by Jieko Company took a helicopter and came to his territory to seek shelter when the war situation was unfavorable. He had no determination to fight the enemy until the last moment.

"General, soldiers from Jieke Security are currently operating in the area of ​​Puling Mountain and Jiuzhaiguan. They may send out two troops at any time to attack our army."

The chief of staff looked at the map and reported his unfavorable battle situation to Guo Mindeng.

"If you can't handle it for a week, what kind of soldiers are you raising?"

Guo Mindeng looked gloomy and directed his anger on Ang Yulun and Soo Mintun.

"Hmph, I asked you to send troops to support us. If you wait for a long time without reinforcements, we will lose all because of you."

Ang Yulun slapped the table and spit at Guo Mindeng. The territory where he settled down and lived was occupied. He believed that the fault was all on Guo Mindeng.

Guo Mindeng has 18,000 soldiers. If he is willing to send troops to save him, he will not fail at all.

"You haven't encountered those super soldiers. If you have, the soldiers under your command are not much better than us."

Soe Min Tun also had a lot of resentment. In his opinion, his soldiers were definitely capable of fighting. In the past, they often went into the woods to fight guerrilla warfare with the government troops, and many times they repelled encirclement and suppression campaigns by the government troops.

That's why he was so confident that he threw his troops into the mountains and forests to confront Jieke's security, and did not deploy any soldiers in the city.

As you can imagine, his confidence was shattered to pieces in front of the super soldiers.

After realizing the horror of super soldiers, it was too late to draw the soldiers back.

The soldiers he sent into the forest to fight guerrillas were all beaten up like meat buns and dogs. They never came back. They either died or surrendered. They were defeated miserably.

"Hmph, I have nearly 20,000 soldiers, as well as aircraft, tanks and artillery. How can I be like you?"

Guo Mindeng sneered and was about to say something else when the phone representing military intelligence suddenly rang.

The staff officer immediately stepped forward to answer the call, but his face became increasingly ugly.

"General, Jieke Security launched an attack on us. They divided their troops into two groups and approached from Qigang Mountain. They broke through many of our sentry defense lines and captured Hongshang City within an hour. The other group broke through from the Minshui River. There was a fierce battle in Yibo City two hours ago, and now I am afraid that the situation in Yibo City is in danger."

The staff officer went to the military academies of European and American countries for further training. Speaking of this information at this time, it proves that Jieke's security is strong and is not alarmist.

"Where are our armored units and our aircraft? Why didn't we attack them?"

Guo Mindeng looked in disbelief. Could the elite soldiers he had trained be so vulnerable?

"Before Jieko Security invaded, our Houxun Air Force Base and Zuolunping Air Force Base were infiltrated by armed elements. They were super soldiers belonging to Jieko Security. More than a dozen military aircraft purchased from overseas were blown up, and the external Many pilots were also shot.

As for the armored units, it is the spring rainy season and the roads are muddy. Many of our armored units are lying in the mud. We lack maintenance soldiers and engineering vehicles with sufficient logistical support. It is difficult for our armored units to appear on the battlefield. "

The staff officer's tone became lower and lower as he spoke. This start was already very unfavorable for them.

Although it has received a lot of arms support from abroad, Guo Mindeng's army was only light infantry before. If you want to play with armored units, you need more than just paper data. Whether the logistics is complete is also the key to whether this armored unit can exert its power. .

"General, Mr. Lawrence is here."

A soldier walked into the command room to deliver the news. Guo Mindeng, who was having a headache about how to deal with Jieke's security intrusion, was overjoyed.

This Lawrence is the representative sent by Asder Pharmaceuticals. His weapons are provided by the pharmaceutical company through arms dealers.

Soon, the door opened and two white men walked in.

What surprised Guo Mindeng was that Mr. Lawrence, who used to be arrogant, took the initiative to stand behind another white man, as if the other party was the real boss.

"Mr. Lawrence, this is..."

"CIA senior special agent, you can just call me Moritz."

After Moritz revealed his identity, everyone present was shocked and knew why Mr. Lawrence was so humble.

Guo Mindeng immediately became excited and asked, "CIA, is America going to intervene in this war?"

Moritz smiled and said, "Jeko has committed many evils. We in America have made up our minds to eradicate this cancer of Zen, but we will not declare war publicly, but will send secret troops to support.

At the same time, we have also contacted your Zen government army, and they will also send troops to attack Jeko and break the rule of this Chinese warlord in the Mande area."

The three warlords of Guo Mindeng were overjoyed. With the participation of America, this war was completely free of suspense.

No matter how powerful the super soldiers of Jeko Security are, how can flesh and blood defeat airplanes and missiles.

With almost no hesitation, Guo Mindeng announced that he agreed to the help of the CIA.

Even if the CIA took out a harsh agreement and asked him to pay various prices after the war, he signed his name without hesitation.

After all, he could be defeated by Jeko Security at any time, and his life would be gone by then. It would be useless for him to care about territory and money!

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