Two Realms: Don’t call me evil!

Chapter 230 Commander Su sends you greetings (first update)

In the violent explosion and flames, Miao Lun fired coldly.

The violent rain of bullets hit everything, and the bodyguards in the manor were like clay sculptures and were beaten to pieces on the ground.

A super soldier is holding a heavy sniper rifle and is sniping at a fixed point to kill the bodyguards who dare to resist and struggle. His extraordinary body and keen senses allow him to shoot like a god and shoot headshots with his gun.

A super soldier carried a Gatling gun, the muzzle of the gun rotated wildly, and the rate of fire was thousands of rounds per minute, turning several fleeing cars into a hornet's nest.

A total of five super soldiers ran rampant in the manor, as if they were in no one's land.

The Avilson family is protected by dozens of bodyguards in the manor, and they are equipped with long and short firearms. The defense can be said to be very tight.

However, when encountering the killers from the Iron Battalion who fought on the battlefield, they were as fragile as children, and the combat effectiveness of the two sides was not at the same level.

"It's the super soldier from Jacko's security. Go to the secret room quickly."

A flash of fear appeared in Jose's eyes, and he recognized the origins of several killer stars. Only the Jieko Group in Blue Star had such exaggerated non-human soldiers. The other party must be seeking revenge against him.

The meeting room was in chaos. These Avilsons, who used to be graceful and considered themselves gentlemen, were running around like bereaved dogs, screaming and crying, and panic spread throughout the manor.

Bang bang bang!

Bullets don't have long eyes. Many people were beaten to pieces by the bullets while they were running.

"Battal Commander, the target is at two o'clock, one hundred and twenty meters away from the tower."

A super soldier holding a heavy sniper rifle saw Jose flashing past the window sill and immediately reported the situation through the headset.

Miao Lun raised his head, smashed the head of a bodyguard next to him with the butt of his gun, looked at the tower, and then strode forward, his steel boots leaving deep footprints on the ground, and he charged at a very fast speed. Going up, the bodyguards blocking the way along the way were directly knocked away by Miao Lun, both men and guns.


Miao Lun grabbed the outer wall of the tower with his fingers and dug into the cement wall. Like a gecko, Miao Lun went upstairs in a few seconds.

At this time, Jose was being escorted by several bodyguards and had just arrived at the escape room when he suddenly heard the bodyguards' frightened screams.

"A monster is chasing me."

"Fire, fire."

"Shoot him in the eyes and knuckles."

The voices of several bodyguards were short and urgent, but they all disappeared in the blink of an eye, and the room became silent outside.

Jose understood that those bodyguards must be in danger.

Fortunately, he acted quickly. The secret room was made very strong and could not be opened by bullets.

Outside the secret room, Miao Lun took off the anti-tank rocket launcher and fired it directly at the thick secret room in front.

The rocket launcher used to deal with tanks directly destroyed the seal of the secret room.

Jose was shocked to the core in the secret room. Before he could react, he saw the door of the secret room being kicked open, and a steel monster covered in heavy armor appeared in front of him.

"José Avilson, Chief Su asked me to say hello to you."

Miao Lun aimed at Jose indifferently.

"No, we can..."

Jose was horrified and wanted to say something, but Miao Lun didn't listen to his nonsense and directly pulled the trigger.

The bullet directly made a huge bloody hole in Jose's chest, and the internal organs inside were sprayed against the wall behind under the impact. The head of the Avilson family, the man behind Asder Pharmaceuticals, died in the secret room.

Putting the 14.5mm machine gun on his back, Miao Lun took out his camera, took a few photos at the corpse on the ground, confirmed the results, and then turned around and left.

Outside, the only bodyguards had been beaten to the point of fear by several killer stars, and they all fled.

Miao Lun and the others did not stay any longer. After completing their set goal, they immediately left the manor and got into a car waiting outside.

Beep! Beep!

The piercing siren sounded, and the fierce gun battle here had already alerted the police. The accident was still at the Avilson family estate. A large number of U.S. police officers rushed out to chase the car in which Miao Lun and others were riding.

There are helicopters following closely in the sky. They are the helicopters of the TV station. They are faster than the police and are live broadcasting the chase between police and robbers below.

"Viewers, viewers, this is CNN TV. We are now on Flynn Avenue. A group of brutal gangsters bloodbathed a certain manor ten minutes ago and are now absconding in fear of crime. You can see that our police are chasing them. , Dragnet, they only have...Oumaika..."

The beautiful blonde female reporter who was giving a live broadcast on the helicopter screamed.

Just because among the escaping cars, one of the gangsters picked up a rocket launcher and pointed it at the pursuing police cars. With a flash of fire, the rockets roared out and several police cars chasing in front braked suddenly and rolled violently after losing control.

"Oh my god, these gangsters actually used rockets. They actually wanted to blow up the police car. It's so crazy, it's so crazy.

This is definitely the craziest gangster of the year, and I'm reporter Melissa Ordway, calling us now, let's give them a close-up, zoom in.

Oh my God!

What are these people wearing? Are they the mechas from the game? This group of gangsters are actually cosplay enthusiasts. Could it be that they confused games and reality, and in order to find excitement in reality, they embarked on the road of crime? "

The female reporter was excited and excited, and the TV station's ratings were also rising. This kind of hot news is definitely not to be missed.

The female reporter was desperate to become famous, but the helicopter pilot was frightened. He was afraid that innocent people would be affected, so he quickly raised the altitude.

The madness of the super soldiers also frightened the police who were chasing them. The distance of the pursuit was obviously slowed down, and they hurriedly looked for support.

In the end, not only the police, but also the state government urgently mobilized the National Guard to participate in the roundup, because this group of bandits was obviously not ordinary robbers. Even with the light firepower of the police, they would be defeated.

The National Guard is actually the militia of the United States. It has tanks, armored vehicles, artillery, missiles, fighter jets and other equipment. The heavy firepower is extremely sufficient, and it is not something that a few super soldiers can fight against.

Chio Russell stepped on the accelerator desperately, looking at the police car following far behind, and the super soldiers such as Miao Lun who were constantly pouring bullets to block them, and swallowed his saliva nervously.

If he had known that Miao Lun and his men would make such a big fuss, Chio Russell might not have dared to pull them over.

But now the road is dark, Chio Russell just hopes to escape successfully and not be caught by the police.

A few minutes later.


There was a sudden roar in the sky, and an armed helicopter arrived.

"We've reached the underground tunnel."

Chio Russell yelled, slammed on the brakes, and the car stopped at the bottom of a gentle slope.

Everyone in the car got out quickly, opened the manhole cover covering the underground tunnel, and went in one by one, disappearing from sight.

When the heavy fire support arrived, everyone had already slipped away.

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