The so-called patrolling mountains and protecting roads is also very particular.

The locations where the disciples are stationed are not randomly assigned, but are arranged according to the important trade routes from the outside world to the Ghost Ridge Palace.

This arrangement is mainly to protect this business road.

The Ghost Ridge Palace is located in a mountain, and most of its resources have to be imported from the outside.

Once there is no external supply, the black market will stop operating, and the Ghost Ridge Palace will be extremely uncomfortable.

The disciples who went to patrol the mountain to protect the Tao had at least reached the second level of Yunling Realm, and their leg strength was much stronger than that of ordinary people.

Even when walking among high mountains, the speed is not slow.

As time went by, disciples continued to arrive and leave the station during the march, and the long queue became shorter and shorter.

Starting in the morning, by sunset, there were less than ten teams left.

"That's Niujiao Ridge."

Su Jie passed through a narrow canyon lined with ravines, and two hills at the angles of each other appeared in his field of vision.

"Finally we're here."

Panting and sweating profusely, Sun Zhihai sat down on the ground with his knees in his hands. The journey almost made him fall down from the exhaustion of his weak body.

"Black mountains and white waters, twin peaks like horns, a evil force pierces the heart, dangerous place, dangerous place!"

Looking at the environment at Niujiangling, Gu Weinian twisted a string of rosary beads with his left hand and muttered something in his mouth.

Su Jie looked curiously: "Brother Gu still knows Feng Shui?"

Gu Weinian laughed at himself and said: "If you know a little bit about it, I won't be able to improve my level of cultivation, so I can only learn more miscellaneous jobs."

Su Jie and his two teams of six people walked towards Niujiao Ridge. When they arrived at the foot of the mountain, they saw wooden houses built every few hundred meters in the forest, but there were already people stationed here.

The six disciples were waiting here, watching the arrival of Su Jie and others cordially.

The leader of this group of disciples was a middle-aged man with an elegant temperament. As soon as they met, he stepped forward happily and said: "You are from the lineage of Qiu Laodao, right? I received the letter from the command hall two days ago. I can't wait for you." Here you go, my name is Meng Dongge, I came twelve days earlier than you, and I belong to Elder Zhong’s sect.”

"Meng Dongge, this person is at the fifth level of Yunling Realm. I heard that he had offended the inner disciples. Now it seems to be true. Otherwise, how could he be sent here with his strength?"

Gu Weinian whispered to Su Jie that he had lived in Guiling Palace for many years and could find out a lot of gossip.

"My dear fellow Daoist Meng, we have been ordered to come and station here."

Su Jie took out his token and spoke more formally.

"Hello, Brother Meng, we have just arrived and there is a lot of trouble."

Chen Yun spoke very politely, speaking on behalf of her family.

Meng Dongge's eyes moved slightly, as if he noticed that Chen Yun was the strongest among the six, and his tone was quite enthusiastic.

"It's easy to talk. I'll take you to the station first. With more people, the sense of security will be stronger. You don't know that I haven't had a good night's sleep in the past half month."

"Thank you."

"Let's go there together."

The group of people walked towards the temporary camp, and soon the teams of Su Jie and Chen Yun were assigned an adjacent wooden house on the left peak of Niujiao Ridge, which was about two kilometers away from the right peak of Niujiao Ridge where Meng Dongge and others were located.

Meng Dongge distributed some supplies needed for daily life to everyone, and gave some instructions on what to pay attention to before turning around and leaving.

"What a good guy! He's much more pleasing to the eye than the guy named Chen Koudang just now."

Watching Meng Dongge go away, Sun Zhihai sighed. Among the cold and ruthless disciples of Guiling Palace, it is rare to see such sincere disciples.

Gu Weinian nodded and said: "Just now, Meng Dongge said that he hopes we can come over to share the pressure and fight the threat of the White Walkers together. It is human nature, and this person has a very sincere character."


Seeing that someone agreed, Sun Zhihai looked at Su Jie again and asked, "Brother Su, what do you think?"

"Instead of discussing this, let's clean the house first."

After hearing Sun Zhihai's words, Su Jie didn't say too much.

Anyway, he felt that in a demonic cultivator sect like Guiling Palace, it was not difficult to find a pure good person.

While talking, Su Jie stepped forward and pushed open the three-story wooden house in front of him.

Wooden houses like this are not temporary construction, but have been built for a long time.

On weekdays, when the disciples go out, they sometimes rest here temporarily. The house has dry food and simple beds.

But this kind of situation is relatively rare after all. In addition, it is just a temporary break and no one cleans it. These houses are usually very dirty.


The heartbreakingly heavy wooden door was pushed open, and Su Jie walked into the house first.

From what I could see, the house was not as messy as expected, but rather very clean.

Su Jie wiped his fingers lightly on the table and twirled his fingers, but there was no accumulation of dust.

Looking up, there were no spider webs on the ceiling either.

It seems that not long ago, someone lived here and cleaned it.

Su Jie looked at Gu Weinian and Sun Zhihai who came in behind him, and said: "There should be someone stationed in this room before we arrived. Did it say anything above about what other disciples were stationed here in Niujiao Ridge besides Meng Dongge's group? Pass?"

Gu Weinian was stunned and said: "Who knows this! You have to go to the command hall to find out the status of the disciples' dispatching, but if you are not an inner disciple, no one will pay attention to it at all."

"Perhaps some disciples cleaned it when they were stationed temporarily. It just saved us some time."

Sun Zhihai put down the package, opened all the doors and windows, and then picked the room by himself.

"Brother Su, what are you thinking about?"

Seeing Su Jie frowning slightly, Gu Weinian was confused.

"Meng Dongge only said that he was afraid of the threat of the White Walkers. I remember that they had never encountered the White Walkers?"

"No, he didn't seem to say that. Is there any problem?"

"Did you notice that the two teams of Meng Dongge were very well-organized, with a total of six people. If there were teams stationed in this room before we came, then they encountered the White Walkers, but Meng Dongge and his team were still safe and sound, with a full complement of personnel. Do you think there is a problem?"

Su Jie spoke out some of his guesses. After all, everyone is now in the same trench, and this is not the time to play dumb. More combat power means more protection.

Gu Weinian was an old and shrewd man. After being reminded by Su Jie, he immediately woke up and couldn't help asking: "You mean, we are in the middle of the game?"

"Not sure, but it's possible. After all, the house was chosen for us by Meng Dongge."

Su Jie's frown relaxed and continued: "I want to find another place to stay. Whether it is or not, it's better to be careful."

As the saying goes, a gentleman does not stand under a dangerous wall. Su Jie does not want to take risks, especially risks that are life-threatening.

"Yes, we need to change places."

Being able to live to such an old age in such a cruel sect like Guiling Palace, Gu Weinian may not have good qualifications, but to put it nicely, it's better to be safe than sorry, and to put it bluntly, it's cowardly.

After hearing Su Jie's words, the suspicious Gu Weinian immediately planned to follow wisely.

At this time, Sun Zhihai, who had chosen a room upstairs, came down and said curiously: "Hey, haven't you chosen a room yet? I'll stay in the room on the left on the second floor. You can choose other rooms."

"Brother Sun, we plan to change our base."

Gu Weinian saw him and immediately told Su Jie's guess.

"Ah! Could it be that you are too suspicious?"

Hearing this, Sun Zhihai was reluctant to go to other rooms and clean up.

"Anyway, I'm leaving."

Su Jie glanced at him, picked up the package on the ground and turned to go out.

"Brother Sun, you'd better go with us."

Gu Weinian kindly reminded him, holding the package and turning around to catch up with Su Jie.

"Hey, you, let's go together, don't leave me alone!"

Although he was a little reluctant, Sun Zhihai was more afraid of being left alone.

Seeing the two walking away, he hurried back to pack up the package and caught up with Su Jie and Gu Weinian.

There are many similar wooden houses in Niujiaoling. Su Jie did not walk too far. He stopped at a wooden house about 700 to 800 meters away.

"This is it. Let's clean the house first."

Su Jie pushed open the wooden house he had chosen. As soon as he entered the house, there was a musty smell. The table and floor were covered with a thick layer of dust. It was obvious that no one had lived there for a long time.

"Brother Su, I wonder if I should go over to remind Chen Yun..."

Gu Weinian hesitated for a moment and spoke hesitantly.

"I'm not that stingy, but I'm afraid others may not believe that I'm willing to move."

Su Jie did not comment. It's not easy to be a good person these days.

Gu Weinian patted his chest and said, "It's okay. I'll go over and tell you."

"Then you go quickly and come back quickly."

Su Jie looked at the sky. The sun was gradually setting over the mountain.

Although the White Walkers are now active day and night, night is still their most active time period. It is too dangerous to go out alone at night.

"Okay, I'll go there now."

Gu Weinian set off immediately, since the distance was not far anyway.

Su Jie and Sun Zhihai began to clean the house, but they didn't do it too carefully, just sweeping away the dust in the house.

Su Jie then set up some simple bell traps, which might not be useful for the White Walkers.

The White Walkers are not beasts, they are very intelligent and know how to avoid conventional traps.

The real means of vigilance is the dozen dragonflies released by Su Jie. The panoramic vision of this small insect can greatly facilitate reconnaissance and vigilance.

In addition to dragonflies, Su Jie also released a few small moths. Dragonflies have poor vision at night, and moths, small nocturnal insects, can make up for the vision.

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