Two Realms: Don’t call me evil!

Chapter 275 Take Care of Your Wife (Fourth Update)

Ning Xinyue also breathed a sigh of relief, and the conflict was finally eliminated.

Afterwards, several people cleaned the battlefield and dug out Qi Shijian who was buried underneath. After this guy was captured, he had been fed medicine and was unconscious until now.

Then the three of them set off again without further delay, embarking on the road back to Ghost Ridge Palace.

However, in order to rush on the road, it was difficult to choose a travel tool.

Now that the Thousand-Hand Centipede is still recovering, it is difficult to fly with people, and it is difficult for Su Jie to over-squeeze it.

Therefore, only Han Ruyan's sedan chair was suitable as a means of transportation.

"Sit up and come here."

Su Jie held Han Ruyan's hand, nuzzled towards the sedan, and gestured for Xiao Fengyuan and Ning Xinyue to get on the sedan.

Ning Xinyue looked at Han Ruyan's expression and found that the other person didn't seem to be impatient, and then quickly got into the sedan chair.

Xiao Feng followed far behind, followed by Han Ruyan and cupped his hands: "Sorry for disturbing you."

It can be seen that Xiao Fengyuan does not treat Han Ruyan as a ghost, but as a living person with his own will.

"it's beautiful."

After coming in, Ning Xinyue found that there was something special about this place, and she was full of envy for Su Jie. This kind of sedan was suitable for those who were on the road. The interior was like a luxurious house, and the driving was extremely smooth, and there was no bump or shake at all.

"It's simply too strong."

Xiao Fengyuan also expressed emotion. He saw with his own eyes how Su Jie signed a contract with Han Ruyan. Such a help was what the demon cultivators dreamed of.

"It's not as good as you said."

Su Jie smiled and sat on the chair with the phoenix carved on it. Everything in the room was made of paper. After all, it was essentially painted by Tianyou ghost pictures, and ghost pictures were made of paper.

Han Ruyan's long black hair was tied up, and the color of her wedding dress also changed slightly, becoming a more homely style.

"Tea, please."

Picking up the teapot, Han Ruyan poured tea for the guests. Her etiquette was impeccable. She inherited everything the eldest lady learned during her lifetime.


However, when Ning Xinyue saw the tea, she almost stopped.

Because it is not real tea, the Wedding Dress Ghost does not have the ability to create something out of nothing. What she has mastered is transformation.

So in fact, these teas are like ink, and they are all formed by compressing and condensing the most intense fear and resentment.

For ghosts, such tea can enhance their strength, which is the most wonderful thing.

But for normal people, it may not be that easy to enter.

"Drink, drink!"

Seeing this, Su Jie winked at the two of them, then picked up a cup of tea and drank it.

Jiuyou's ghost-raising technique was operating, and all the resentment and fear were transferred to Han Ruyan through the contract with Han Ruyan.

Xiao Fengyuan's expression remained unchanged, he picked up the teacup and took a sip.

Ning Xinyue looked at Su Jie for help. After realizing that Su Jie was deliberately turning a blind eye and Han Ruyan was staring at her, she could only bite her silver teeth, kick Su Jie on the table, and put the tea to her lips gently Take a sip.

When the tea came into his mouth, the resentment and fear inside him instantly exploded.


Ning Xinyue was shocked because as she drank the tea, many human screams before death rang out in her mind. Her body almost synchronized with the pain and fear, and Ning Xinyue couldn't help but scream.

On the other hand, Xiao Fengyuan next to him could barely keep his facial expressions under control. For him who had experienced a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood, he could drink it without changing his expression even if it was a cup of magma. It was just a cup of water of resentment, and he could still restrain himself. Own.

The painful feeling came and went quickly. Ning Xinyue was sweating profusely. She felt as if she had really walked in front of the gate of hell. The fear energy that Han Ruyan absorbed and transformed was the same person she had killed just now. The fear and pain of death provided by the dead disciples are also hidden in the tea.

Han Ruyan looked at Ning Xinyue and continued to serve tea and water: "Please enjoy, there is nothing good to entertain here."

As for Xiao Fengyuan on the other side, he was ignored by the wedding ghost.

Now even a fool can see that Han Ruyan is targeting Ning Xinyue, and she has not really let go of the incident just now.

"Hey, Su Jie, take care of your wife."

Ning Xinyue quit and stood up.

Looking at the teapot in Han Ruyan's hand, she would rather fall out with Han Ruyan if she kept drinking.

"It's because I didn't entertain you well!"

Han Ruyan put down the teapot and stood up slowly.

The atmosphere in the room suddenly became colder. On the surrounding walls, ghost faces appeared from the walls, the color of the wedding dress became more and more gorgeous, the pearls on the phoenix crown above the head flashed with dim light, and the sound of thousands of ghosts wailed.

Ning Xinyue was angry. People often lose their minds when they are extremely angry.

However, people cannot be generalized. Ning Xinyue was extremely angry when she was extremely angry. Well, she was just angry for a while.

"The tea is good."

Ning Xinyue sat back on the chair obediently. Matching her angry expression just now, it was as if she was saying, 'If you mess with me, you will get a soft persimmon.'

It has to be said that Ning Xinyue is still very conscientious, and it can also be said that she is rational. Who makes her really fight, and she is not Han Ruyan's opponent.

Han Ruyan glanced at Ning Xinyue, then stood up and left. She went to the dressing table beside her and took a comb to dress herself up. She lost interest in Ning Xinyue.


Su Jie gave an unkind smile, which made Ning Xinyue glare at him. Her cute little tiger teeth were exposed, and she wanted to bite Su Jie.

"Laugh, laugh, laugh, you only know how to laugh. Do you think I'm stupid? You didn't help me just now."

Ning Xinyue's face was swollen like a pufferfish, and she was very dissatisfied with Su Jie's cold-eyed observation just now.

"No, in the situation just now, I thought you didn't want my help and wanted a fair fight."

Su Jie shrugged. If Han Ruyan really took action, Su Jie would naturally stop him, but the situation just now was obviously not so tense.

"I'm not stupid. If I could beat me, I would have beaten her long ago. How could such a good sister become so fierce after death? It must be your fault. Those who are close to vermilion will be red, and those who are close to ink will be black."

Ning Xinyue muttered, not daring to provoke Han Ruyan, and said to Su Jie unhappily.

But her words were heard by Han Ruyan again.

Ning Xinyue felt a chill on her back. She turned her head and saw Han Ruyan, who was dressing up with her back to her. Her beautiful face was reflected in the brass mirror. A pair of dead and cold eyes were staring at her from afar through the mirror.

"Don't say bad things about my husband."

Han Ruyan's voice was loud and protective of her husband.

Ning Xinyue wanted to cry but had no tears. She gritted her teeth and said, "I was bullied by you in the past, and now I am bullied by her."

In the past, she was deceived by Su Jie, and now she was coerced by Han Ruyan. Ning Xinyue suddenly had a strong desire to become stronger.

Humph, when my Xuanyin body is fully developed, I will definitely take your husband. Ning Xinyue stuck out her tongue at Han Ruyan, and her heart began to enter a beautiful fantasy time again.

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