Two Realms: Don’t call me evil!

Chapter 296 The Anger of the Beautiful Country (Second Update)

Mahat finished shooting the pistol bullets in one breath, and before he could do more, his feet began to leave the ground. He could only hold on to his neck, trying to break away from the thing that was invisibly wrapped around his neck.

But compared to the ability of Li Gui, it is really difficult to compete with the power of human beings alone.

Moritz waited for himself to be hoisted into the air, but he was still unharmed until everyone in the command room was hoisted.

Feeling uneasy, he saw someone walking into the command room.

With just one glance, Moritz recognized the other person. It was Su Jie, the man behind the Jieko Group that he longed for.

"Director Moritz, this must be our first meeting."

Su Jie walked up to Moritz, with a gentle smile on his face. Together with the figures hanging and struggling around him, it was indescribably weird and terrifying.

"Su Jie, it is indeed your Jieke Group who is planning all this behind the scenes. How did you study these evil spirits?"

Moritz looked at the devil in front of him, this man, who was always against their beautiful country, and now he had killed thousands of people in the base.

"You don't need to worry about how to do the research. I'm just here to check on you. After all, I've been against our Jieke Group for so long, so I'll give you a ride anyway."

Su Jie sat on a chair with his legs crossed.

"You can only be arrogant for a while. Our beautiful country has multiple aircraft carrier battle groups, the most powerful air force in the world, and military bases all over the world. Extremist organizations like your Jieko Group ignore human rights, kill innocent people indiscriminately, and are violent and cruel. "Sooner or later, you will be wiped out by us, especially you. You will be caught and put on trial in our country, and you will regret what you have done."

Moritz knew that he was going to die and had no intention of begging for mercy. He cursed at Su Jie and was incompetent and furious.

"Disregarding human rights, killing innocent people indiscriminately, and being violent and cruel? Aren't you talking about the beautiful country itself?"

Su Jie raised his eyebrows and said contemptuously: "Have your beautiful country provoked and created too few wars? How many countries and people around the world are against you. As a senior CIA official, you don't know, right? "

"Our beautiful country is a beacon of the free world. Although people in some countries have lost their homes, they have gained precious freedom. We have brought them advanced systems and civilization to help them get rid of ignorance and backwardness. You will never understand Such greatness.”

Moritz retorted without thinking. He didn't know whether he really thought so in his heart or if he was just using his words.

"It's nothing more than a struggle for interests. It's so high-sounding. A hooligan is a hooligan."

Su Jie sneered, waved his hand and said: "Forget it, why am I arguing with you about this? You Angsa gangsters have taken a fancy to the wealth of the Jieke Group, and you will target it everywhere if you want to harvest it.

As for me, I like to eat soft and hard things. The more you want to grab my things, the more I like to surprise you. Today's base is a small gift to your country. "

Su Jie snapped his fingers, and the next moment, Moritz felt his neck being tightened and his body being hung in the air. The suffocation made him subconsciously scratch his neck.

"By the way, take whatever is in your stomach to hell. If you want to inform your master in the next life."

When the last words came out, Moritz was in despair. Couldn't he hide everything from the man in front of him?

After Su Jie said this, he no longer paid attention to the human bodies hanging from the ceiling, turned around and walked out of the command room.

Outside the command room, countless pale corpse hands surged up from all directions, handling each corpse.

Throughout the base, all electronic equipment and instruments began to emit black smoke. They were damaged and irreparable due to the power of the Marrying Ghost.

Han Ruyan held the Tianyou Ghost Picture in her palm, and one ghost after another walked into it.

When Su Jie walked out of the base and left with the Wedding Dress Ghost, raging fires broke out everywhere in the base behind him.

When the ammunition depot was detonated and the fire alerted the police, Su Jie and the Wedding Dress Ghost had long disappeared.

Siam was extremely lively this night.

When the news of the accident at the CIA base spread, not only the beautiful country's garrison was alerted, but the local police, fire fighters, and troops in Siam were also urgently mobilized to participate in the rescue and investigation of the CIA base.

The fire was extinguished just before dawn. When search and rescue personnel entered the base, many places here had become ruins.

"No one alive."

"I found a body here, yuck."

"All dead, all dead."

When the American army and the Siamese search and rescue team entered the scene, their stomachs immediately turned upside down.

In the innermost part of the base, thousands of corpses were stacked together, forming a mountain of corpses.

The high temperature melted human body fat, and the charred human bodies were stuck together, making it impossible to tell them apart.

When seeing this scene, even the battle-hardened veterans felt a fit of physical discomfort.

Not to mention the Siamese police and fire fighters, many of whom vomited out their overnight meals.

"Report to the country immediately."

A brigadier general from Kong Si Air Force Base in Siam came to the scene in person. When he came here wearing a mask, what he saw in front of him made him angry no longer. After giving an order, he said angrily: "Check it for me. I will dig three feet into the ground to find out the murderer."

As he spoke, the brigadier looked behind him again, facing the mayor of Siam City. The police chief said: "Both of you, our beautiful country needs your help. Please help Siam to find clues."

"It must be certain. We have been partners with the beautiful country for many years. This kind of thing is inevitable."

The mayor of Siam City was the first to state that such a serious terrorist attack occurred in his country, killing and injuring thousands of people at one time. Although it was American soldiers and CIA who died this time, who can guarantee that the other side will not attack Siam and will not find out The murderer couldn't sleep well.

"Our police are collecting clues now. The enemy can commit such a heinous murder because they must have a large number of people and well-equipped equipment. The actions of a large number of elite personnel will definitely reveal clues. Once I find the clues, I will notify you immediately."

The police chief also patted his chest and made a statement. If he had any clues, he would inform the beautiful country of the enemy and ask them to take action.

As for letting the police go into battle in person, that is absolutely impossible. Being able to break through the CIA base and kill thousands of soldiers and agents will make the enemy's scalp numb just thinking about it.

The Siamese police will not go into troubled waters. Being able to help provide information is enough to bring face to the beautiful country.

While discussions were still going on inside, a large number of people and news media had gathered outside.

The reporters used long guns and short guns to broadcast this global news, which instantly made headlines around the world.

"shock! At 1:30 a.m. this morning, a military base of the beautiful country in Siam called Amy Galois was attacked. The specific casualties are still being counted, and the initial estimate is more than a few hundred people. 》

"Currently, all parts of Siam are collecting clues to find clues about the enemy's attack. Anyone who provides valid clues will be rewarded with half a million US dollars." 》

"The beautiful country's aircraft carrier battle group stationed in Sakura Country is being mobilized and will be deployed to the Lion City Naval Base. It is expected to be related to the Emigarova attack. 》

One piece of news was immediately posted on social platforms, causing an uproar immediately.

Not long after, the White House press secretary came forward, causing the news to explode.

"In a despicable, disgraceful and inhumane attack, the enemy took advantage of our nation's peace-loving will and suddenly attacked our base in the middle of the night."

The spokesman's face was darkened with angry accusations.

"Have you found out who the murderer is?"

A reporter in the audience raised his hand to ask a question, his eyes very fiery.

"Let me answer this question. We have initially determined that the enemy is a group of extremist organizations from the Zen Kingdom. This group of extremist organizations are actually funded by certain large groups and countries and are specifically working against us. For example, the Jieke Group "

Not only the White House press secretary was present at the press conference, but also CIA Deputy Director Judienne. At this time, he picked up the microphone and said these words with righteous indignation.

"Jieco Group, is it the Jieco company that I understand that sells Tianyuan hair growth serum?"

"Yes, it's them. They use pharmaceutical companies as a cover to engage in all kinds of illegal and disciplinary work.

Smuggling Tianyuan hair growth solution is only one of their crimes. This group has become a substantial armed warlord in the Zen Kingdom, persecuting the people, causing social unrest and triggering terrorist attacks.

This time our Amy Galois base was attacked, and it is very likely that the Jieko Group was involved.

Because we have increased our efforts against Tianyuan Hair Growth Liquid, which is well known as the core product of Jieke Group.

In order to retaliate against our righteous forces, the other party sponsored such a vicious sneak attack. "

Judith nodded heavily, with undisguised anger and hatred in his eyes.

His most valued right-hand man, Moritz, died in the Siam base.

At this time, more than 1,300 people were killed, including not only American soldiers, but also agents carefully trained by the CIA. The destruction of the Amy Galois base was an extremely heavy blow to the CIA.

"This is just your one-sided statement. What evidence do you have to prove that this attack was carried out by the Jieko Group?"

Some reporters boldly spoke up and framed things, but the beautiful country often did this by calling a deer a horse and turning the target to the enemy it really wanted to attack. The most classic one is the washing powder incident.

"We are collecting evidence and we will release it when the time comes."

The reporter was really right. Judith had no evidence. All traces at the crime scene were burned, and so far nothing has been found in the investigation.

But regarding the position of the Jieco Group, Judien asked Judith to put the blame on the Jieco Group first.

Regardless of whether it was done by the Jieco Group or not, the beautiful country will use this to cause trouble.

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