Two Realms: Don’t call me evil!

Chapter 312 Massacre (First Update)

Wuhe Military Camp is the garrison of the 13th Brigade of the Sakura Self-Defense Force, with about 3,600 soldiers here.

When the Wuhe Military Camp was bombed by assault helicopters, Miao Lun and other iron warriors also landed from the Mi-8 helicopter.


Holding a 14.5mm anti-aircraft machine gun in his hand, Miao Lun led the way and rushed to a barracks where soldiers lived.

This barracks was not attacked by aerial rockets, and its combat effectiveness remained intact. In addition, the barracks was a three-room and one-warehouse structure with a weapons room, equipment room, storage room, and supply warehouse. All weapons were deployed at the entrance on the first floor. After the Sakura soldiers in the barracks were awakened, in addition to panic and dizziness, a large number of soldiers ran downstairs.

"The barracks were attacked by the Jeko Group. Enemy infantry is landing in the barracks. There are many helicopters. Drive them out immediately and take shoulder-fired anti-aircraft missiles."

A company-level officer opened the armory on the first floor in a hurry and quickly distributed weapons such as loaded rifles, rocket launchers, and individual anti-aircraft missiles to every soldier passing by.

"What happened? What happened?"

"There is a war. The Jeko Group is attacking us."

"Baga, how dare they do that?"

"I saw that half of the two barracks in Area C next to me collapsed. Many people died and there were corpses everywhere."

Screams came one after another. Most of the soldiers were still in a daze. They just instinctively obeyed the orders of the officers, picked up their guns and rushed out of the barracks in a panic.

However, this group of Sakura soldiers did not know that walking out of the barracks was the beginning of their nightmare.

Under the mask, Miao Lun's eyes were as sharp as a falcon, with a cold light, as if he was staring at every move of his prey.

When he saw the large number of Sakura soldiers coming out of the barracks, Miao Lun pulled the trigger of the machine gun without hesitation.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

The next moment, a long tongue of fire spurted out from the muzzle, and the powerful recoil made Miao Lun's body tremble slightly.

Bullets with tens of thousands of joules of kinetic energy were shot out one after another, and the power was simply too great for human targets.

The bodies of more than 20 soldiers who had just run out of the barracks were like wheat cut down by a sickle, and they were directly exploded into incomplete corpses. Most of the soldiers were broken in two from the waist, and blood and internal organs flowed all over the ground. Almost no whole bodies were left.

Miao Lun's eyes did not change at all. The muzzle of the gun turned around, and the thick 14.5mm bullets swept directly into the first floor of the barracks, turning the large number of soldiers who were being armed here into a blood gourd on the ground, and there were broken limbs everywhere.

The company-level officer who was still encouraging morale just now had half of his body blown to pieces.

It's not that the soldiers didn't think of fighting back, but most of their weapons could not pose a threat to Miao Lun.

And Miao Lun's killing was so fierce, holding a 14.5mm machine gun as if he was in an empty space. This weapon has an effective range of more than 2,300 meters, high initial velocity, long range, and straight trajectory. Ordinary light weapons can't resist it at all.

"It's a super soldier, the super soldiers of the Jeko Group who can't be killed."

"You can't penetrate it, you have to use sniper rifles and rocket launchers."

"Don't show your head again, you will be killed."

In just a minute, the Sakura soldiers in the barracks were scared and rolled back to the wall shelter. They planned to wait for Miao Lun to come in and use various individual heavy firepower to sneak attack him with the help of the visual obstruction.

"Call the eagle, call the eagle, attack the barracks in front of me. There are a large number of enemy manpower inside. The enemy is in the direction. Repeat, attack"

Miao Lun did not rush in, nor did he choose to directly use 14.5mm bullets to break the wall to open the way.

Although he could do so, the muzzle kinetic energy of his weapon was much higher than that of the famous Barrett, and it could definitely penetrate thin reinforced concrete.

But the ammunition he personally carried was limited, and it was troublesome to rely on helicopters to replenish it back and forth, so it was just right to hand over this job to armed helicopters.

Outside the military camp, several armed helicopters responsible for fire output were attacking the anti-aircraft firepower units near the military camp to clear obstacles for other helicopters.

Its offensive plan was that the entire armed helicopter fleet circled back and forth, executing the merry-go-round tactics, and continuously outputting firepower to ground targets.

At this time, a Ka-52 armed helicopter that received the call turned around, pressed its nose, and flew nearby in the blink of an eye.

After confirming the target with Miao Lun, the Ka-52 armed helicopter made an attacking posture.

A 30mm caliber cannon under the belly of the aircraft spewed flames several meters long, and high-explosive tracer bullets as big as wine bottles and as thick as forearms easily penetrated reinforced concrete.

After penetrating, if it touches the human body, it will shatter the whole person.

Even if it didn't hit the human body directly, the warhead's built-in conical charge and impact fuse would detonate, and the high-explosive bomb with more charge than the grenade would explode, and the flying fragments would kill enemies within a few meters.

With a large puff of white smoke rushing out of the barracks, the barracks turned into a slaughterhouse, with screams and cries everywhere.

It fired for twenty seconds in a row, firing nearly half of the machine guns.

Finally, the Ka-52 helicopter flew over the barracks, and the FAB-500 iron bomb it carried detached from the mounting point to make up the last blow.

That's right, this kind of armed helicopter delivered by the Russians can carry bombs, mainly because they are too poor and can't afford too many precision-guided weapons.


Half of the barracks was blown down, and human bodies were blown away.

Although simple, this kind of bomb is powerful, and it wiped out the last living force in the barracks on the spot.

Miao Lun took a few steps back and looked in other directions on the battlefield. The battle completely entered the rhythm of Jieke Group.

One by one, the super soldiers were wreaking havoc under the camp, wiping out all Sakura Country soldiers in sight.

These super soldiers have accurate marksmanship, ferocious firepower, and strong defense. Ordinary rifles are basically no threat, and they cannot break the defense at all.

And those rocket launchers, heavy machine guns, and anti-material sniper rifles that can cause damage.

It's not that easy to hit a super soldier with quick skills and keen senses.

But war is cruel, and casualties inevitably appear in the Jieko Group.

Miao Lun saw a super soldier being blocked by several heavy machine guns. The smoke made him make a mistake in his judgment. Inadvertently, his mask was penetrated by a heavy sniper gun, and the body staggered and fell.

Miao Lun didn't care about his sadness. He turned his gun and fired at the building where the sniper was lurking. The bullets penetrated the wall and blew up the sniper hiding inside.

Then the muzzle of the gun turned, and in turn suppressed the exposed heavy machine gunners.

Coupled with the circling support of armed helicopters in the sky, each fire point was quickly eliminated.

"Kill all these Sakura Country bastards."

Miao Lun shouted angrily that when the ammunition he carried ran out, he would directly snatch the enemy's heavy machine gun and use it.

Inspired, many super soldiers became even more fearless and fearless of death, killing the military camp and causing rivers of blood to flow.

"Haha, battalion commander, I'm going to send all these idiots to hell."

A super soldier held a Gatling gun, the muzzle of the gun rotated at high speed, and the dense rain of bullets penetrated the bodies of the Sakura Kingdom soldiers like splashing water.

The enemy's bullets were fired, and the ping-pong-pong-pong on the armor was lively, but it was actually harmless. The super soldier withstood the enemy's shots and advanced step by step with the Gatling, killing the Sakura Kingdom soldiers with fear and palpitations.

"The 35th, the 36th, the 37th."

There is a super soldier holding an anti-material sniper rifle, lying on the commanding heights of the military camp, and silently chanting every time he kills one.

The sharp five senses brought about by swallowing the body-building pill make the super soldier's eyes as sharp as an eagle.

Within a kilometer range, accurately snipe enemies with rocket launchers and machine guns.

Many high-threat infantrymen were torn apart by bullets flying from nowhere without even making the first counterattack.

Some super soldiers carry double-layer flamethrowers, which are modified to be wider and thicker, making them immune to ordinary bullets.

"When I was young, grandpa invited you to a barbecue."

The super soldier roared angrily, holding a flamethrower gun in each hand, firing his bow left and right, and the rolling fire dragon roared. The high-temperature flames with a maximum range of one hundred meters raised the air temperature sharply.

Many soldiers hiding in bunkers and buildings were directly ignited by this unreasonable flame spray, and ran out of the bunkers screaming. Finally, after experiencing extremely painful torture, they fell to the ground. The ground burned into a charred corpse.

"Monsters, these are a group of monsters that emerged from the ground."

"I'm dead. I'm dead this time. How can we provoke these devils?"

"It's a mecha, the kind of mecha in anime. We can't be our opponents."

"Why are you here, those damn politicians, why are you sending us here to go through such a miserable journey through hell."

"I want to go home, let me go home, I don't want to die here."

The morale of the Sakura Kingdom soldiers began to decline rapidly. Looking at the murderous super soldiers one by one, they felt that they were cruel butchers and that they were just a group of lambs waiting to be slaughtered.

Even though the number of these super soldiers is extremely small, their individual combat effectiveness is too terrifying.

Wherever they passed, it was difficult for many Sakura Country soldiers to leave their bodies intact.

After killing several more Sakura Kingdom soldiers, Miao Lun walked towards a strategic warehouse according to the planned plan.

There are a large number of arms and ammunition aided by the Group of Eight in the warehouse, which are stored in Wuhe Military Camp. They hope that when the war starts, they can replenish the consumption of the front line nearby.

The air assault group attacked here not only to kill Sakura Kingdom soldiers, but also to destroy this important strategic arsenal.

This strategic arsenal had been bombed by multiple rounds of armed helicopters at this time. However, the arsenal itself was built to be extremely strong considering that it would be hit by fire. These bombings did not destroy it.

Miao Lun quickly walked to the strategic warehouse, kicked open the crumbling twisted steel door, and broke in alone.

"Baga is the enemy."

"Fire quickly."

"Don't let him in."

There are still many soldiers here. Because the strategic warehouse is well built, it has become a hiding target for many Sakura Kingdom soldiers.

Miao Lun directly moved the muzzle of the gun, the bullet chain shook rapidly, and the bullets continued to penetrate the human body, and soon the soldiers were killed, and they all raised their hands in surrender.

"Open the blast-proof door of the strategic warehouse, or die."

Miao Lun looked at these people indifferently. After a slight hesitation, he pulled the trigger and killed a few more people at random.

"I'll drive, I'll drive, please don't kill me."

When the logistics officer saw Miao Lun, the killer, he could only stand up tremblingly and go to open the strategic warehouse with multiple layers of protection.

Soon, Miao Lun saw a scene he would never forget.

Densely packed arms and ammunition, bullets and artillery shells of various calibers, a large number of armor and individual weapons.

Miao Lun knew that he had come to the right place. He took out the specially carried timed blasting explosives, threw them into a pile of high-explosive aerial bombs, set the detonation time, and then withdrew.

All the soldiers outside had already run away and left the warehouse. Suddenly, Miao Lun's ears moved slightly and he quickly dodged into a corner.

In the distance, an armored vehicle drove out of the warehouse and shot at him. The large-caliber machine guns kept digging deep pits on the ground. If he was a little slower, he would be beaten into a pulp.

There was a tank battalion and several armored companies in this military camp. Some armored units that had not suffered any damage were driven out by the desperate Sakura soldiers.

This was also their best way to deal with super soldiers. Under the attack of machine guns and high-explosive bombs, the steel armor was like paper, and it would be penetrated with one shot.

The fierce firepower would also make it extremely difficult to dodge. These armored units would greatly restrain the performance of super soldiers.

But there were not only super soldiers on the battlefield.

There were a large number of armed helicopters in the sky, and this kind of flying vehicle was known as the nemesis of ground armored units and tank killers.

"It's time."

The helicopter pilot laughed heartily, and the anti-tank missiles mounted on it flew out from the launch nest one after another.

A tank had just driven out of the tank garage for less than a minute when an anti-tank missile fell from the sky and poured into the tank's weak top. The shaped energy armor-piercing part exploded and instantly penetrated into the tank.


The drivers inside were basically all dead, and the tank emitted black smoke and flames. Then, the internal ammunition was detonated, and the flames shot up into the sky. The tank's turret was blown away ten meters and fell heavily on the ground, as if taking off its hat to salute.

Similar scenes happened from time to time on the battlefield. Armored vehicles and tanks became live targets for helicopters in the sky. As soon as they showed their heads, they were locked by anti-tank missiles, and their own air defense missiles had no chance to be launched.

On the ground, some soldiers from the Sakura Country launched single-soldier shoulder-fired air defense missiles, and the helicopters frantically avoided them by releasing jamming bombs and moving around.

These Sakura Country soldiers will soon face the attack of super soldiers. It is difficult for armed helicopters to find these sneaky single-person air defense soldiers, but it is not a problem for super soldiers at all.

The super soldiers and helicopters cooperated well, one attacked the armored units and provided fire support, and the other attacked the remaining infantry of the enemy.

Under the double attack, some Sakura soldiers have collapsed.

At first, only a small group of soldiers turned around and fled, and later this escape spread like a plague.

Up to now, more than a thousand Sakura soldiers have died in the barracks, and it is unknown how many have been injured. This has exceeded the bottom line of casualties for these Sakura soldiers.

"Battalion commander, we have found the command building. We are attacking the enemy. Do you want to capture a few senior officers and bring them back?"

The excited voice of the comrades came from the communication. Miao Lun, who was about to issue a retreat order, suddenly brightened up.

If you can capture a senior officer of Sakura at the beginning of the war, it will undoubtedly be a very embarrassing thing.

"Okay, send the position."

Soon, Miao Lun also came to the command building, joined several super soldiers, and killed his way in.

When he came to the command room, it was a dazzling place for officers. The ranks were all at the level of lieutenants, including first, second, and third lieutenants. There was also a senior officer who was promoted to general, with a rank of two stars.

The military rank of the Sakura Country is different from that of most countries. Generals at this level can be compared to major generals in other countries. Miao Lun was very happy to see this. This is a great harvest!

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