Two Realms: Don’t call me evil!

Chapter 362: Anti-aircraft guns are put down, military court (two updates, 8,000 words!)

"Retreat, retreat quickly."

Kobayashi Hikohei looked at his comrades who were on fire and the heavy footsteps approaching gradually, and had no intention of fighting those first-class super soldiers.

Although they were special forces soldiers, they did not bring any heavy firepower weapons for concealment and infiltration this time, and it was difficult to compete with the heavy armor of the first-class super soldiers.

In fact, they did not expect to encounter first-class super soldiers here, and there was no rehearsal preparation for this in the combat plan.

The equally frightened special forces of the Sakura Country nodded repeatedly. In the initial fight just now, more than a dozen brothers were killed. This steel battalion was really cruel.

A group of special forces of the Sakura Country began to run away, but the layers of the Twin Peaks, like an ant nest, were really complicated.

As they ran, they didn't know where they were going and fell into a maze-like tunnel.

"Where should we go?"

Three bifurcated tunnels appeared in front of them, and the special forces of Sakura Country were confused. They did not want to go deep into the Twin Peaks, and originally planned to open up a foothold on the periphery, but the reality was often not as they wished.

In this situation, there was no GPS to guide them.

"First row, third squad, second row, first squad, third row, third squad, you go to explore the way respectively."

Kobayashi Hikohei took a deep breath and had to let someone explore the way.

The special forces of Sakura Country whose names were called had a stiff face, but the culture of superiors and subordinates in Sakura Country was very serious, and there was a respect for the order. In school, seniors and juniors were emphasized, and even more so in the army. They did not dare to refute and reject Kobayashi Hikohei's order.

"May Amaterasu bless you."

The soldiers of the third squad of the first row walked into the cave on the left, passed through the winding tunnel, and then saw a figure standing in front of them.

The other party was wearing a set of heavy alloy armor, holding a samurai sword in his hand, and grinned at them: "This weapon is the trophy I captured when I killed a senior officer of Sakura Country on the battlefield of Jibang last time. I heard that you Sakura Country highly value Bushido duels, today I will play with you."

As soon as he finished speaking, he rushed up with a knife. His footsteps were amazingly fast, like a gust of wind.

"Shoot him."

"Baga, dare to insult our Bushido spirit, I will not spare you."

"Go to hell, bastard."

These Sakura Country special forces pulled the trigger frantically, and the bullets hit the alloy armor and bounced off. Some soldiers wanted to get the rocket launcher, but the distance between the two sides was too close, and the super soldier did not give this opportunity.

A cold light flashed, a head rolled down, and the rocket also fell to the ground and was kicked aside.


Just like playing a game of mowing the grass, the super soldier wielded the samurai sword wantonly. With fierce strength and speed, he could dismember people with one blow, beheading, chopping off legs, hands, and waists.

Wherever the samurai sword fell, it was cut off.

It was not because the samurai sword was so sharp, but it was difficult for the samurai sword to cut bones. It was all done by the super soldier with brute force.

The scene was shrouded in wailing. Although compared with the killing efficiency of hot weapons, the killing efficiency of cold weapons was too low.

But this scene of challenging a fully armed special forces team with cold weapons, the scene of every sword drawing blood and every punch to the end, still made people feel excited, and there was a kind of chic and violence that was difficult to achieve with hot weapons.

After killing seven people in a row, the samurai sword could not withstand the continuous slashing and broke directly in the middle.

"Bah, a broken knife, just like your country, good-looking but useless."

The super soldier dropped the broken knife, said arrogant words, grabbed the head of a special soldier from Sakura Country, and smashed it heavily on the concrete wall, breaking most of his skull.


He turned around and elbowed the special soldier from Sakura Country, and his sternum was sunken, and his internal organs in his chest were displaced and shattered.

The special soldier from Sakura Country, who was vomiting blood, was picked up by his feet and smashed directly at the last soldier. The two bodies collided and became a bloody mess. I don't know how many bones were broken, and the upper body was folded in half, and he was breathing out more than breathing in.

For a first-class super soldier, it doesn't make much difference whether to use cold weapons or not. As long as his fists and feet touch it, the human body cannot withstand it.

The first squad of the second platoon entered the cave on the right. The group of special soldiers from Sakura Country soon saw that a first-class super soldier was sitting cross-legged here, and it seemed that he had been waiting for them for a long time.

"Finally here, but I've been waiting for so long."

Standing up, the first-class super soldier swung a revolver in his hand and chuckled, "Anyone want to have a cowboy duel with me? Let's see who can draw the gun faster."


Unexpectedly, these special forces soldiers didn't want to cooperate with the super soldiers' game, and turned around and ran away in panic.

"What a bummer! If you like to run away so much, let's see who can run away from me."


The next moment, green smoke came out of the muzzle of the super soldier's revolver, and the bullet pierced the head of a special force soldier from Sakura Country.

These special forces soldiers from Sakura Country were terrified and ran faster.

The super soldier followed behind calmly, and each shot blew off an enemy's head.

In just ten seconds, there were ten more corpses on the ground.

"Still not able to run!"

Shaking his head, leaving this sigh, he continued to search for new prey.

The special forces of the third platoon and the third squad held the gun tightly and groped their way into the middle hole.

After walking for a while, the winding tunnel suddenly became straight.

"Could this be the exit?"

Some Sakura Kingdom special forces thought this way, thinking that this straight road would lead to the outside of Twin Peaks.

Just when they were feeling a little happy, they suddenly heard the sound of the turntable turning in the silence and darkness.

The distance was a bit far, and the low-light night vision devices they carried were not powerful enough, so they had to risk turning on the flashlight to illuminate the source of the sound.

Just this look made the twelve Sakura Kingdom special forces pale on the spot.

But at the end of the straight road, there was a 25mm anti-aircraft gun.

The person controlling this anti-aircraft gun was also a first-class super soldier. He was sitting behind the anti-aircraft gun with an excited smile on his face. He kept pushing the horizontal turntable, adjusting the up and down elevation of the anti-aircraft gun, and leveling the muzzle of the anti-aircraft gun.

"Hey, they say anti-aircraft artillery is flat, military court, I haven't tried what it's like to hit someone with anti-aircraft artillery."

The super soldier smiled happily and lowered his four-gun anti-aircraft gun, aiming its black muzzle at the Sakura Kingdom special forces.

At the same time, his right foot was placed on the firing pedal of the foot-operated trigger.

Pass! Pass! Pass! Pass! Pass!

The sound of anti-aircraft gun fire was distinctive, like dull rolling thunder piercing the night sky.

This 1.5-ton, three-meter-long anti-aircraft gun fired at a speed of 700 rounds per minute, with a muzzle velocity of over 1,000 meters per second. Shells about the size of a beer bottle came out of the barrel and fired straight away.

In an instant, the entire passage was covered by the deafening sound of shooting. The length of the gun barrel's tongue was nearly two meters, illuminating a large area.

On the opposite side, the bodies of the twelve Sakura Kingdom special forces had been smashed into pieces of flesh and limbs, with no intact parts to be found.

Anti-aircraft guns used to hit armored vehicles and helicopters were used to hit people, just like cannons hitting mosquitoes. They were severely overpowered, leaving the scene covered with blood and making it difficult to clean up.

"This power is so satisfying."

The super soldier smiled and pushed the anti-aircraft cannon, and wanted to go out and shoot other Sakura Kingdom special forces, but he was stopped by other super soldiers who appeared.

"It's time for us to have some fun."

"It's just that there are just a hundred or so people, which is not enough to allocate."

These first-class super soldiers joked that because they had been staying in the Twin Peaks, they, the aces, were not ordered to participate in the war and were recuperating inside the Twin Peaks.

As a result, when I was bored, I heard that Sakura Kingdom's special forces had infiltrated. They were like a group of sharks smelling blood. They took the initiative to ask the division commander Li Yuqi to deal with this group of Sakura Kingdom's special forces as a toy to pass the boring time. .

In the eyes of these first-class super soldiers, the special forces of Sakura Kingdom who dared to come here to play with infiltration without carrying heavy weapons were really no different from playthings that would break at the touch of a touch.

As a result, the fate of those Sakura Kingdom special forces soldiers was miserable. They became like lambs waiting to be slaughtered. In the complex and changeable tunnels, these hunters who became first-class super soldiers killed their prey in various ways.

The number of Sakura Kingdom's special forces continued to decrease. When all the surviving Sakura Kingdom's special forces ran into a slightly larger space, they saw seven or eight first-class super soldiers approaching from all directions.

The pupils of Sakura Kingdom's special forces widened. During their escape, they had understood that these super soldiers were deliberately playing tricks on them.

"I surrender, and we demand to be treated as prisoners of war according to international conventions."

Xiao Lin Yanping was very decisive. He knew that his group had failed today, but he still wanted to save his life.

"Sorry, Sakura Country does not allow surrender here."

The super soldiers looked at each other, raised their weapons in unison, and completed the final cleaning amidst screams.

After one night, every one of the special soldiers who sneaked into Twin Peaks stayed inside forever.

The super soldier used his record to defend his reputation as Blue Star's strongest special operations soldier.

When the infiltration operation also failed, a full ten days passed.

Fully 150,000 Zen government troops and Sakura country soldiers were trapped in front of the small Twin Peaks, unable to move forward.

The 6th Mountain Division of Jieke Security stationed at Twin Peaks became famous in the first battle. It is like a standing iron tower. It is true that here in Twin Peaks, one man can guard the gate and no one can open it.


"Twin Peaks, how can you single-handedly trap an army of 150,000 people?" 》

"Sakura Country is an exaggeration, but the resilience of the soldiers of the Jacko Group is breathtaking." 》

"Having control of the air but fighting so ugly, does Sakura Country really understand how the war is going to be fought?" 》

News after news came out, and the battle between Twin Peaks attracted the attention of the world.

Especially not long ago, Yoshimura Yuichi, the commander of the Sakura Kingdom, also said that most of the military power of the Jieko Group has been eliminated. The Group of Eight will completely destroy the Jieko Group within a month and liberate Eastern Chin State and Ji State.

But a small twin peak stopped the Zen government army and the Sakura Kingdom's 150,000 troops for ten days and ten nights, beating them to shame.

After the relevant news came out, it attracted a lot of ridicule, and the Western media and the government were unable to ban it.

‘Is this the so-called prospect of victory in Sakura Country? An army of 150,000 people couldn't take down a mountain with ten thousand people stationed there. How dare they brazenly say that they would destroy the rule of the Jieko Group within a month? Who gave them the courage to say such things? ’

‘It is a tradition of Sakura Country to brag. They did so in the past and they still do so now. They obviously overestimated their combat effectiveness and underestimated the strength of the Jeko Group. ’

‘The Jeko Group is really capable! I guess the Twin Peaks were built with the specifications of a nuclear defense project. They are still as stable as a rock after being bombed for so many days. ’

‘The Jeko Group is only capable of being a coward. Even if they can defend the Twin Peaks, what will happen? Dongqin State and Jibang in the rear have been bombed into ruins and have no resistance.

As long as the Zen government army and the Sakura soldiers bypass the Twin Peaks, they can directly take Jibang and destroy the evil force of the Jeko Group. ’

Faced with the difficult situation on the Twin Peaks side, the real bigwigs of the G8 are very dissatisfied.

Saito Ayumitsu, who commanded the Twin Peaks Battle, was dismissed overnight, and Yoshimura Yuichi, the commander-in-chief of the Sakura Army in Zen, was also held accountable. If it were not for his family in Sakura Country having the power to operate, he would have ended up like Saito Ayumitsu.

"Hey, hey! I understand. Give me another half a month, and I will definitely cross the Arakan Mountains and attack the heartland of the Jieke Group."

In Yangcheng, in the headquarters of the Sakura Country, after hanging up the phone with sweat dripping, Yoshimura Yuichi sat on the chair with an ugly face.

Just now, he was scolded by the Prime Minister of the Sakura Country, who opened the phone and ordered him to immediately come up with a solution to the situation in the Zen Country.

If he still can't attack East Chin State and Ji State under the rule of the Jieke Group, he will have to take off this clothes and return to the country to go to the military court.

"Order it down, implement Plan No. 3, and start the Oasis Operation."

Yoshimura Yuichi took a few minutes to calm down, and seemed to have made up his mind. He said to the staff next to him.

"General, although we have deduced the actions of the Oasis Plan and made many perfect measures and preparations, this move is still too risky."

Some staff members objected that the so-called Oasis Operation is to let the troops cross the Arakan Mountains instead of advancing along the Xinfan Road.

But since ancient times, the army has avoided the complex primitive forest environment when marching.

There are similar proverbs in many countries about the principle of "don't enter the forest", not to mention that the soldiers of Sakura Country are not used to the environment of tropical rainforests.

"Now we only have this one way. Who knows when we can knock down the iron turtle of Twin Peaks? We don't have that much time."

Yoshimura Yuichi looked at the staff officer with a cold look. He certainly knew that such an action was dangerous, but if he didn't let the troops enter the control of the Jeko Group as soon as possible, his career would basically end.

"Hey, let's do it now."

Seeing Yoshimura Yuichi's dangerous eyes, the staff officers could only bite the bullet and go down to carry out the Oasis Operation.

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