Two Realms: Don’t call me evil!

Chapter 366 Tracer (two updates, 8,000 words!)

The action paused, and Wu Wo locked the position of the self-propelled howitzer that was firing back through the eyeworm. After finding that it was within the range, he half-crouched down, opened the ammunition box, and stuffed the shells into the barrel.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Three shells flew out quickly, and Wu Wo picked up the ammunition box again and ran away.

Because the enemy's anti-artillery radar locked his firing again, shells from other places attacked.

Not only self-propelled howitzers, but also rocket launchers covered the shooting, and even missiles flew over. He had to run.

Three mortar shells fell, and the self-propelled howitzer was also maneuvering.

This self-propelled howitzer was lucky that the mortar did not hit him, but because of the maneuvering, he panicked and the front wheel got stuck in a mud pit and lay down.

"Let you fight me."

Seeing this, Wu Wo couldn't help laughing, and decisively squatted down again to fire.

This time the three rapid shots were very successful, and a mortar successfully hit the self-propelled howitzer and directly destroyed it.

This thing is not a tank, so it can't defend against 120mm mortar bombardment.

More than 20 artillerymen continued to show their power, and they used their flexibility advantage to the limit.

They stopped and fought, and ran away after fighting. The dense forest environment made them like elusive assassins, playing around with the soldiers of Sakura Country and Zen Country.

More than 20 artillerymen did not have the violence of the previous rapid shooting, but Sakura Country could not deal with it at all.

Because their counterattacks could not hit the flexible steel battalion artillery at all, but their armor and artillery seemed stupid in the forest, stuck in the mud and difficult to move.

Armored vehicles and tanks could not rush into the primeval forest, and could only be like headless flies, not knowing what to do.

Rocket launchers, self-propelled howitzers, towed artillery and mortars, short-range missile launchers, self-propelled anti-aircraft guns, armored vehicles and tanks were all among the targets of the steel battalion artillery.

At this time, these armored and firepower units could only crowd on Xinfan Avenue. The artillery of the Iron Battalion deliberately bombed the dirt road into potholes, making it more difficult for these bulky steel behemoths to maneuver.

Each of them weighed more than ten tons or even dozens of tons. They could only be hit unilaterally, and their counterattacks could not lock on the artillery of the Iron Battalion who fired a shot and ran away.

After firing a wave of shells they carried with them, the artillery of the Iron Battalion would quickly find the shell warehouse stored in advance nearby, replenish ammunition and continue to bombard.

Others usually use guns to fight guerrilla warfare, but the guerrilla warfare of the Iron Battalion is carried out with 120mm heavy mortars, and the effect is extremely significant.

Those stupid armored units and artillery were dizzy by the mortars.

They couldn't figure out how the enemy's artillery jumped so fast in the dense forest and why they couldn't destroy it.

However, the high-altitude satellites could not see the ground in the forest clearly, and they were blocked by the lush trees.

As soon as the low-altitude drone took off, it was disrupted by the signal jammer when it wanted to guide its own artillery to shoot.

In addition, the forest itself had severe signal attenuation, which was not suitable for drones to work. The drones that took off fell one by one after another before they flew far.

This also caused the soldiers of Zen and Sakura to not discover the true appearance of their opponents until now.

It can be said that the artillery of the Iron Battalion, relying on only more than 20 guns, almost collapsed the joint army of Sakura and Zen with tens of thousands of people.

A large number of infantry were killed and wounded, and the firepower units were destroyed one after another. The battle situation was almost one-sided.

However, modern warfare is a three-dimensional war. In addition to the ground, there are naturally fighters in the sky, especially the side that controls the air supremacy.

The artillery of the Iron Battalion was bombing here, destroying the armor and firepower units of this 10,000-strong force, and killing and wounding as many as three or four thousand soldiers.

But at this time, fighters and helicopters roared in the sky.

These are aircraft that carry bombs for daily routine cruises. After receiving the news here, they quickly supported them.

Although it is raining heavily now, modern military aircraft can basically operate around the clock. Whether it is night or thunderstorm, it will not affect their attendance.

Wu Wo did not continue to be arrogant. The fighter plane was high above and too fast. Even if it was swept by machine guns, it could penetrate the biological colonization suit. They restrained themselves a little.

"Our fighter plane, it's our fighter plane that is coming."

"Finally, we are saved. Quickly destroy the enemy's artillery and avenge our dead comrades."

"Fight back, warriors of Sakura Country, follow me and find the enemy's artillery."

On Xinfan Avenue, the Sakura Country troops, whose morale was on the verge of collapse, suddenly boosted their morale and howled fanatically.

Miao Lun looked at the fighter planes in the sky, picked up the intercom and said: "Prepare the anti-aircraft missiles and drive them away."

On several hills, the camouflaged vehicle-mounted radars were turned on, and the radars began to illuminate and lock the fighter planes.

Along with the radar vehicle, a number of anti-aircraft missile vehicles were erected, and the tail of the six or seven-meter-long anti-aircraft missile ignited and took off. The infrared imaging tracking system was turned on, locking the heat of the fighter's tail flame and rapidly closing the distance to the fighter.

These anti-aircraft missiles purchased from the bear country were not used in urban defense in the past, because it was difficult to withstand the consumption of the wealthy Group of Eight, so they could only be used in critical battles.

For example, now, two anti-aircraft missile battalions are deployed here. In addition to the guidance radar vehicle and low-altitude search radar vehicle, there are also a full 24 anti-aircraft missile launchers.

"Missiles are coming!"

The faces of the fighter pilots who came to support changed drastically.

They were used to running rampant in the airspace of the Jeko Group. As they occupied air superiority, they almost forgot the threat of anti-aircraft missiles. At this time, the Jeko Group finally helped them remember.

Decoy bombs were constantly thrown, and fighters began to maneuver urgently, trying to avoid anti-aircraft missiles.

Some succeeded, relying on decoy bombs to deceive anti-aircraft missiles, or successfully avoiding anti-aircraft missiles by maneuvering.

But there were also many examples of failure. After locking on to the fighter, the anti-aircraft missiles purchased by the Jeko Group would begin to accelerate and advance, soaring to several times Mach, far exceeding the speed of the fighter and crashing into it.

There was no need for a real collision. When it came to a certain range, it sensed the fighter, and the radio proximity fuse was triggered. The anti-aircraft missile would explode in the air. The explosive bombs specially used to deal with fighters, the shock wave carried the fragments and flew across.

As long as the fighter was within a radius of tens of meters, it would be killed by it.

Modern fighters are too sophisticated, with various precision instruments inside. A slight damage would make the fighter difficult to control, or even lose balance and fall.

Some fighters had half of their wings broken by anti-aircraft missiles, and they rolled down like a big bird with broken wings.

Other pilots were pierced by anti-aircraft missile shrapnel and died in the cockpit. The plane crashed into the ground without control, exploding a huge fireball.

While attacking the fighters, these anti-aircraft missile vehicles and radar vehicles were also attacked by missiles from fighters, and some missile launchers were blown up.

Fortunately, the number of air defense missiles deployed far exceeded that of fighters, constantly threatening the fighters in the sky. After losing five or six fighters, the remaining fighters could only stay away from the war zone.


In addition to fighters, there were also helicopters from the Army Aviation to support.

When the battle broke out on the fighter side, Miao Lun locked onto an armed helicopter through the eyeworm and moved quickly in the forest with his legs.

He ambushed in the direction of the armed helicopter in advance and raised a 14.5mm anti-aircraft machine gun.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

When the armed helicopter approached, Miao Lun decisively pulled the trigger, and the machine gun kept hitting the armed helicopter.

Although the armed helicopters are all armored, Miao Lun relied on the powerful reaction and strength of the genetic warriors to keep the muzzle very stable.

The armor-piercing incendiary bombs with pointed heads, conical bottoms, and steel cores kept chasing the armed helicopters and smashed the tail rotor of the helicopter, the most vulnerable part of the helicopter.

"The BW-78 fighter is unbalanced, we need to make an emergency landing."

The two pilots of the armed helicopter were sweating and shouted to remind their comrades.

With the damage of the tail rotor, the lateral thrust of the tail of the helicopter disappeared, the center of gravity shifted, the whole fuselage vibrated at a high frequency, and the nose began to deflect automatically, producing a rolling effect.

If this was a flat plain, the helicopter would still have a small chance of successfully making an emergency landing.

But in the primeval forest full of jungles, the helicopter hit a big tree during the forced landing, the fuselage twisted and disintegrated, and fell into a pile of rotten iron, and the driver was naturally not spared.

Miao Lun was not the only one hunting the armed helicopter. A gene warrior climbed up a sturdy tree and decisively carried a 105mm caliber rocket launcher when the helicopter flew nearby. The rocket hit the belly of the helicopter, causing it to emit black smoke and fall straight to the ground.

Other gene warriors shot out individual anti-tank missiles hanging on their shoulders and blew up the hovering armed helicopters in mid-air.

The gene warriors were like fish in water in the forest. It was difficult for the observation and aiming equipment of those helicopters to lock them through the layers of tree canopies, and the thermal imaging sensors would be shielded by the Tianyuan protective suits.

On the contrary, their own huge targets and noise were like live targets, not to mention that the gene warriors had eyeworms as reconnaissance aids.

After crashing more than a dozen helicopters in succession, these helicopters also fled in disgrace like fighter jets.

Their only role was to pour cold water on the morale of the Sakura soldiers, which had just been boosted, making them more desperate than before.

When the air support was driven away, the artillery of the Iron Battalion, which had just been silent, attacked again, with dull artillery rumbling, blasting scorched earth and human bodies.

"Retreat, everyone retreat into the forest. The armored units try to break through and open up a way for us to survive."

Seeing this situation, Yusuke Izaka could only issue this order, asking all troops to retreat into the forest, so as not to continue to stay on Xinfan Avenue and be bombarded.

"The prey has entered the mountain."

Miao Lun discovered this situation through the eyeworm, and a long-lost bloodthirsty smile appeared on his face.

"The artillery units continue to bombard, cooperate with the fourth company to deal with those armored units, and the rest of the people, follow me to hunt prey, and get rid of these guys before the enemy's next round of air support arrives."

The magic shadows swayed in the forest, and the soldiers of the Iron Battalion set off one after another, heading from all directions towards the Sakura soldiers who entered the forest to avoid the bombardment.

Miao Lun took a step, and the wide, duck-like webbed feet under the biological colonization suit provided a strong ground support.

Inheriting the power of the Halberd Demon Beetle and the speed of the Wind Feather Springtail, Miao Lun jumped more than ten meters in the mud without being affected too much.

Locking the position of an infantry battalion through the eyeworm, Miao Lun quickly approached with an anti-aircraft machine gun in his right hand.

The lush trees and shrubs in the forest concealed his figure well, and Miao Lun deliberately slowed down his steps. It was not until he was more than fifty meters away that someone noticed his presence.

"What is that?"

A Sakura soldier looked terrified and stared at a three-meter-high metal mecha with camouflage paint on the surface.


The next moment, the body of the Sakura soldier was cut in half by a machine gun.

"Long time no see, you bastards from Sakura."

Miao Lun's eyes were filled with murderous intent. He looked at the alarmed infantry battalion without any fear on his face and rushed in directly.

Bang, bang, bang!

14.5mm bullets can hit armored vehicles. When they hit people, they will directly dismember the human body, blow up the head, break the limbs, and smash the chest.

This time, Miao Lun let go of his hands and feet, and the bullets almost never stopped.

The two thousand machine gun bullets carried by the biological colonization suit no longer required him to save ammunition and limit his output like in the past.

30,000 joules of 14.5mm machine gun bullets weighing two hundred grams, combined with Miao Lun's increasingly powerful physique, especially the induction brought by the purple light bat, made him almost never miss a shot.

As soon as he appeared, dozens of Sakura soldiers didn't react and were killed by Miao Lun on the spot.

"What the hell is this?"

"Baga, shoot, shoot, shoot."

When the Sakura soldiers reacted, countless bullets were fired.

Even if Miao Lun could run at a speed of more than 100 kilometers per hour, he could not avoid so many bullets.

No matter how Miao Lun himself did not intend to hide, because those rifle bullets would be directly bounced off when they fell on the biological colonization suit.

"Are you tickling me?"

Miao Lun kept firing back with anti-aircraft machine guns. The Sakura soldiers soon understood what kind of opponent they were facing. They had heard of the famous name of the Iron Battalion for a long time, and they had specially trained and prepared for this.

"Ya Bai, bullets can't penetrate, these are the monsters of the Iron Battalion, bring heavy weapons quickly."

Amid the roar of the Sakura officers, the Barrett anti-material sniper rifle was set up, and the 12.7mm Browning heavy machine gun with a belt was aimed at Miao Lun.

There were also rocket launchers, recoilless guns, anti-tank rifles, anti-tank missiles and other weapons with armor-piercing effects, which were used by the infantry to deal with Miao Lun.


An armor-piercing incendiary bullet fired from a Barrett sniper rifle hit Miao Lun's chest. The bullet, which could penetrate more than 20 mm of steel plate, could not completely penetrate the biological suit.

After the bullet penetrated the alloy metal scales on the surface, it was tightly clamped by the layer of flesh and blood inside the biological suit.

This layer of flesh and blood has the characteristics of high-strength special rubber. When the bullet enters, it is like hitting the solid bulletproof wheels of a wheeled armored vehicle, and it cannot penetrate it.

Bang bang bang!

The 12.7mm caliber Browning heavy machine gun opened fire, and the dense rain of bullets swept the biological suit, which was also resisted.

It was not until a 14.5mm anti-tank rifle fired an armor-piercing bullet that it really penetrated the biological suit, but it was blocked by the exoskeleton secreted by Miao Lun's body.

The Halberd Demon Beetle gene he inherited was not inferior to the biological suit in terms of defense alone. The 14.5mm bullet could not penetrate two layers of protection in a row.

"How is it possible? Why can't this penetrate him? How come his armor has such high defense?"

The soldiers of Sakura Country were dumbfounded after seeing all this.

According to their intelligence training, the alloy armor worn by the Steel Battalion could not defend against 12.7mm bullets.

These soldiers of Sakura Country did not know that the Steel Battalion had long been upgraded. The alloy armor that could defend against ordinary rifle bullets was retired and replaced with biological armor that could defend against 12.7mm heavy machine gun fire.

Such powerful equipment greatly increased the survivability of the Steel Battalion on the battlefield, and was also the confidence for hundreds of people to challenge a modern army of more than 10,000 people.

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