Two Realms: Don’t call me evil!

Chapter 38 Qinghong Sword Technique

"Mr. Su, our Zhang family's caravan will add 120 blood marrow crystals and a low-grade primary magic weapon. Please give it more thought."

"My shopkeeper said that if Mr. Su is willing to make a deal with us, and if he wants fertile land and a beautiful concubine in the future, we can arrange it for you."

"This is Cuilanxuan's upper-class seat token. Every year you collect rent, you can receive hundreds of blood marrow crystals. If Mr. Su is here..."

As Su Jie announced the bidding, the merchants raised their hands to bid, and the scene suddenly became heated again.

"Don't crowd, don't crowd, everyone is talking, it's so noisy that we can't hear clearly."

Wu Bin was maintaining order at the scene, and Gu Weinian and Chen Yun also stepped forward to help.

Su Jie is constantly comparing the prices offered by various merchants. This is the greatest wealth he can earn at this stage, and he must maximize his profits.

After more than ten minutes, the highest price was called two thousand blood marrow crystals.

If the price exceeds this, merchants will not raise the price, fearing that no matter how high the price is, it will not be easy to recover the capital.

There are also some merchants who use items other than blood marrow crystals to offset the price. Some are magic weapons and elixirs, and some promise mansions and beautiful concubines. All kinds of temptations are thrown out.

The former was okay, but the latter left Su Jie speechless. Does he seem to be someone who lacks that kind of thing?

When the price call reached the psychological price level of the merchants, the scene gradually fell silent.

At this moment, a gentle voice came.

"Master Su, our Taixu Pavilion offers 1,500 pieces of blood marrow crystals, plus this book."

Cai Chun'e walked in lotus steps, with a smile on her pretty face, holding a jade slip and offering it to her with both hands.

The jade slips were written in the official script of Qing Hong. The entire jade slip was white and transparent, and there seemed to be a large number of tadpole-like small characters flowing inside the jade slip.

Only very precious magic formulas, sutras, and secret texts would be recorded on jade slips, because the jade slips themselves were worth as much as fifty pieces of blood marrow crystals.

"What's this?"

Su Jie was a little curious. Judging from Cai Chun'e's confident look, the jade slip must have recorded something right.

Cai Chun'e pointed at the White Bone Heavenly Evil Sword on Su Jie's back and said, "Master Su has mastered such a magical weapon. Without the corresponding sword techniques, I'm afraid it would be difficult to bring out its full power. The Qinghong Sect recorded in the jade slips Sword Technique is a set of sword-handling techniques, which includes the essence of sword-handling, body sword-handling, and sword-making, allowing you to learn masterful sword-handling skills as quickly as possible.”

As soon as these words came out, the nearby businessmen all turned around and looked surprised.

Su Jie's eyes lit up slightly.

Throughout the ages, practicing the scriptures related to cultivation has been the real treasure and fundamental method of suppressing the clan.

The spiritual elixir and magic weapon will be used up one day, and the paradise of cave will wither away with the changes of the sea and the sea. Only the scriptures can be passed down forever.

Even though those merchants were bidding very aggressively before, no one came up with the cultivation scriptures.

Didn't they?

Of course not. Behind these businessmen, almost all of them are from aristocratic families. It is impossible that they have not inherited the cultivation scriptures, but the other party is not willing to trade them.

"It seems that you are really sincere. Let me verify it first."

Su Jie reached out and took the jade slip, intending to check it out.

"Master Su, please excuse me."

Cai Chun'e said calmly, obviously prepared, and the strategy she adopted was specifically aimed at the White Bone Heavenly Evil Sword that Su Jie had just obtained. It could be said that it was the right medicine for the situation, and it immediately aroused Su Jie's interest.

The jade slip was cold in his hands. Su Jie looked at it and put it against his forehead.

The next moment, a large number of sword-shaped scriptures poured into Su Jie's mind.

Within the sea of ​​​​consciousness, the rainbow light of sword shadows is sometimes like thunder and lightning, fast and fierce, sometimes like wind blowing catkins, misty and hard to find.

Su Jie checked it and verified that the jade slip really had a flying sword technique as Cai Chun'e said.

Perhaps in the outside world, sword-controlling skills like this are nothing, and you might be able to buy them with a few hundred blood marrow crystals, but Cai Chun'e's actions are obviously more sincere than other businessmen, and this Qinghong Sword Technique is exactly what Su Jie needs. .

"How is it? Mr. Su, are you satisfied with this set of sword techniques?"

Cai Chun'e asked. From Su Jie's smile, she felt that Su Jie was satisfied.

"Fifteen hundred pieces of blood marrow crystals, plus this set of Qinghong Sword Techniques, I will hand over the three corpses of the White Walkers to you."

Su Jie nodded. Cai Chun'e was so sincere that he did not continue to argue.

"Thank you Mr. Su for your support."

Cai Chun'e jumped on the spot in excitement, a pair of heavy weapons trembling on her chest, which was really bluffing.

Regarding this transaction, neither Gu Weinian nor Chen Yun made any comment. They knew their own weight and it was entirely up to Su Jie to make the decision.

Su Jie did not treat the two of them badly and promised to share more of the blood marrow crystals. After all, he took away the Qinghong Sword Art.

Cai Chun'e did not carry so many blood marrow crystals with her, so the group returned to the black market Taixu Pavilion.

Soon, under the witness of Wu Bin, Su Jie and Cai Chun'e successfully completed the transaction.

Both parties are very satisfied with the results of this transaction.

Cai Chun'e gave a small gift, which was a few low-grade primary talismans, and said with a smile: "Master Su, come to Taixu Pavilion more often. If you have such good business, remember to come to me!"

"You sound like you're talking about pimping. Speaking of which, Sister Cai, does what you told me last time still count?"

Su Jie's tone was teasing. Last time, this charming and beautiful woman made a promise.

Two intoxicating blushes appeared on Cai Chun'e's pretty face, and she spat softly: "My sister was joking with you, why did you take it seriously?"

"I'm an honest person and can't tell whether it's a joke or serious, so..."

Su Jie reached out his hand, felt the snake-like waist, and then reached down. He didn't have time to marvel at the amazing curve ratio that suddenly changed, and pinched the roundness of the peach.


Cai Chun'e screamed, her body softened, and her eyes stared at him charmingly.

"Sir, why are you like this? It's so... obscene, too obscene."

"Haha, I'm a demon cultivator! It's normal to be obscene!"

Su Jie raised his eyebrows at Cai Chun'e, and then walked away from Taixu Pavilion without paying attention to the shame of the young woman behind him.

"Brother Wu, I really troubled you today."

Su Jie gave Wu Bin more than 20 pieces of blood marrow crystal as a reward for today.

"Haha, I saw such a wonderful gambling fight with my brother. I wish I could have more trouble like this."

Wu Bin wanted to have a meal together, but when he saw Gu Weinian and Chen Yun who had injured their legs, he knew it was not the right time, so he just bowed, exchanged contact addresses and left.

Su Jie personally accompanied Gu Weinian and Chen Yun to the Ningdan Hall, asked the doctor to check their injuries, and bought healing pills for them to use for healing.

When they finally separated, Su Jie gave each of them his portion of blood marrow crystals, and reminded them: "Be careful recently, and be alert to the wild wolves outside while taking good care of your injuries, so as not to be eaten up by others."

"I will take good care of myself."

Chen Yun nodded, knowing that in her current state, holding such a large amount of blood marrow crystals was like a child carrying gold in a busy city, and it would be robbed in a minute if she was not careful.

"I have found a way out, brother Su, don't worry."

Gu Weinian said so. He was old and smart. He had been in Guiling Palace for so many years, and there were always some means to hide.

Su Jie didn't say much when he saw this, because compared with these two people, Su Jie himself was the one in the greatest danger.

What others were eyeing was not only the blood marrow crystals, but also the white bone sword.

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