Two Realms: Don’t call me evil!

Chapter 385 Sarcoma (two updates, 8,000 words!)

This battle puppet has a magic circle to protect against divine consciousness. Su Jie's spiritual consciousness did not see through all the materials used in this battle puppet.

But just some of the spiritual materials discovered by Su Jie were worth more than 20,000 spiritual stones.

In addition, high-grade spiritual stones are still used as energy drivers, and one high-grade spiritual stone is worth thousands of low-grade spiritual stones.

And this Cang Lei's Wrath energy contained a total of twelve high-grade spiritual stones.

It makes sense that this combat puppet can fly so fast. If you put twelve high-grade spiritual stones on a pig, it will not fly slower than a fighter jet.

Su Jie was even more heartbroken because he didn't see through it.

Who knows how many precious spiritual materials these losers used, and they also burned in the formations to prevent spiritual consciousness, all of which cost money!


Zhu Changqi scratched his head and smiled, a little embarrassed.


Su Jie picked up Zhu Changqi with one hand and shook it, feeling a bad feeling in his heart.

"It took...a total of 58,000 spiritual stones."

Zhu Changqi finally revealed the price, which made Su Jie completely ashamed.

"58,000 spirit stones, you spent all the 50,000 research funds I approved for you at once? Did you overspend?"

Su Jie's face twitched and his heart ached.

In order to encourage these Puppet Hall disciples to study puppet technology, Blue Star would need their help in future equipment research, so Su Jie approved a fund of 50,000 spirit stones, thinking that they would be able to use it for a year or two.

After all, 50,000 spirit stones is already the price of a basic and cheap high-grade magic weapon, and it is also the majority of the net worth of an elder with a weaker cultivation level.

Such wealth shows how much Su Jie values ​​the Puppet Hall.

As a result, in just three months, they spent all of Su Jie’s money.

Now Su Jie understands the mood of the former Puppet Hall leader Peng Qin'an.

If you are not a master, you don't know that firewood, rice, oil and salt are expensive. It's no wonder that Peng Qin'an, an elder of the Secret Realm, has to drag his face all day long to donate funds and find people to borrow money for research. This puppetry is too expensive.

"Hall Master, we have tried our best to save some money, but we have never been so wealthy. Everyone is very attentive to research. We all raised funds to make up for the shortfalls."

Zhu Changqi shrank his neck, obviously knowing that he spent too much money.

When they were studying the puppets, they wanted to pile up more good spiritual materials.

With the Wind and Fire Liangyi Stone as the power core, the frame material cannot be too poor. A too poor frame cannot withstand the impact and vibration of the kinetic energy output.

The skeleton is made of pure gold steel. This surface armor cannot be beaten without being beaten. If someone breaks it, the skeleton will be damaged.

The surface armor is made of blue sky ruyi iron mixed with a variety of spiritual materials to make it so strong, but it can't always fight the enemy hand-to-hand.

In order to prevent being damaged by the enemy's kiting, you must have long-range attacks, and Liguang Thunder Branch is used.

In order to catch up with flying enemies, multiple floating formations were used.

In order to ensure sufficient damage and speed, power-driven spiritual stones and high-grade spiritual stones were added.

With so many layers added up, the original battle puppet designed by Zhu Changqi and the others cost only 10,000 spirit stones.

As a result, after designing and designing, everyone always wanted to be more perfect, and finally came up with an astonishing price of fifty-eight thousand spiritual stones.

Su Jie's mouth twitched after hearing Zhu Changqi's thoughts.

Let alone giving them 50,000 spirit stones, give them 100,000, or even one million spirit stones, and these guys can make everything for you.

It seems that researchers in any world are a bunch of assholes who are the best at spending investors’ money.

Su Jie changed this idea in his mind, but still let go of Zhu Changqi.

"You can't spend money like this. I have to find someone to take care of you."

Su Jie had a candidate in mind and planned to ask Chen Yun to come to the Puppet Hall to stop these lavish spenders from wasting his money.

Even if Su Jie's family is rich, he will feel bad if he continues to spend it like this!

"Hall Master, our money has not been wasted. Do you think this Cang Lei Wrath can compete with the Secret Treasure Realm? If it can compete with the Secret Treasure Realm, we will make more of them to show our power in the sect war. , the Sect Master will also look at our Puppet Hall with admiration."

In order to make up for himself, Zhu Changqi hoped that Su Jie would approve so that they could mass-produce Cang Lei's Wrath.

Su Jie heard what Zhu Changqi thought. He was still manufacturing 58,000 Cang Lei Furies in batches. He really thought he opened a bank!

"Whether it works or not, you'll know if you try it."

Su Jie waved his right sleeve and a thousand-handed centipede came out.

After seeing the hall master's natal Gu, Zhu Changqi also heard about the reputation of the Thousand-Handed Centipede, which once killed Du Shaochang, the genius of the Zhengdao Sect.

"Okay, the hall master is offended."

Zhu Changqi is very confident about Cang Lei's Wrath. He heard that the Thousand-Handed Centipede is a middle-grade fifth-grade Gu insect. Even if his fifth-grade puppet cannot defeat it, it can still compete with it.


Su Jie shouted lightly.

Thousand-Handed Centipede, who understood Su Jie's intention, roared low and pounced on Cang Lei's Wrath.

In the process of rushing forward, the body of the Thousand-Handed Centipede kept changing, and in an instant it turned into a 120-meter behemoth, like a small mountain.

"Wrath of Cang Lei, come on! Ugh!"

Zhu Changqi's originally quite confident face suddenly froze when he saw Thousand-Handed Centipede's true form.

As a disciple of Guiling Palace, although he specializes in puppet technology, growing up in such an environment, he will not be unable to recognize the grade of Gu insects. He still has this point of vision.

But when the time came, he could only bite the bullet and drive the Wrath of Thunder to fight.


The Thousand-Handed Centipede fell, the earth shook violently, and the Wrath of Thunder was directly blown away by the shock wave.


A second later, the Wrath of Thunder stopped its body, and the surface of its body flashed with lightning, and thunders hit the Thousand-Handed Centipede.

The Thousand-Handed Centipede raised its upper body, like a high-rise building of more than ten floors, casting a large shadow. Those thunders could not hurt the Thousand-Handed Centipede at all, but only made the chitinous exoskeleton shells on its surface darker.

Su Jie's magical power is the Purple Sky Thunder, and the Thousand-Handed Centipede has inherited a little resistance to the Purple Sky Thunder. Moreover, the thunder power of the Wrath of Thunder is much worse than Su Jie's Purple Sky Thunder.

Zhu Changqi didn't know this, and when he saw the Thousand-Handed Centipede that was unharmed, he was immediately confused.

He was confident that the Blue Wrath of Thunder, which could compete with the Secret Treasure Realm, could not even break Su Jie's Gu insect defense.

The Thousand-Handed Centipede continued to move forward, and the Blue Wrath of Thunder quickly dodged, looking for an opportunity to find the weakness of the Thousand-Handed Centipede.

The four-meter-tall Blue Wrath of Thunder was like a small fly in front of the Thousand-Handed Centipede.

In Zhu Changqi's opinion, the Thousand-Handed Centipede must be very clumsy with such a huge body, which was an opportunity for the Blue Wrath of Thunder. If it found a weakness without the protection of the insect shell, it would definitely be able to hurt the Thousand-Handed Centipede.

The Blue Wrath flew back and forth around the Thousand-Handed Centipede, looking for the so-called weakness.

The Thousand-Handed Centipede lowered its head and looked at this little thing curiously.

The hundreds of pale corpse hands under its abdomen continued to stretch and lengthen, like a dense and intertwined net of arms, grabbing the Blue Wrath of Thunder from all directions.

The Blue Wrath of Thunder evaded flexibly, leaving waves of sound barrier clouds.

"I will definitely find a weakness."

With sweat on his forehead, Zhu Changqi wanted to find an opportunity, but the Thousand-Handed Centipede did not give him this opportunity.

The Thousand-Handed Centipede, having had enough fun, turned over, its white bone cheeks cracked, and a series of purple rays blocked the Wrath of Thunder.

Its flexibility and speed could not avoid such a large number of purple rays. The high temperature melted through the surface armor of the Wrath of Thunder, slowing it down.

Zhu Changqi's face changed drastically, and he hurriedly controlled the Wrath of Thunder to fly higher, flying above the clouds, trying to use the cover of the clouds to avoid the purple rays.

But the Thousand-Handed Centipede just hissed slightly, and six pairs of wings grew on its back.

With a light flap of its wings, the Thousand-Handed Centipede opened its bloody mouth from below at a speed several times faster than the Wrath of Thunder. A pair of razor-like jaws clamped the Wrath of Thunder, and the overwhelming bite force burst out, causing the waist of the fifth-grade combat puppet of the Wrath of Thunder to break on the spot. Judging from the situation, it would be bitten to pieces by the Thousand-Handed Centipede in a few seconds.

"Xiao Qian, that's enough, don't bite it."

Su Jie reminded him. It cost fifty-eight thousand spirit stones to make it, and it would be a waste to bite it like this.

Hearing Su Jie's order, the Thousand-Handed Centipede flew down from the sky and landed in front of Su Jie, spitting the Wrath of Thunder on the ground, shaking its head and tail at Su Jie to seek credit.

Zhu Changqi looked like a bereaved mother, staring blankly at the Wrath of Thunder on the ground, as if he couldn't believe that his hard work was easily crushed like a toy in front of the Thousand-Handed Centipede.

"Don't be so depressed, you are facing a middle-grade six-refined Gu worm. However, your Cang Lei Zhi Fury does have defects, and its ability is too single. You don't know enough about the Secret Treasure Realm. You can't compete with the Secret Treasure Realm with Cang Lei Zhi Fury. You need to continue to study and work hard."

Patting Zhu Changqi on the shoulder, Su Jie said earnestly.

He didn't blame Zhu Changqi too much. If these Yunling Realm disciples of the Puppet Hall can compete with the Secret Treasure Realm with the combat puppets made by resources, then the elders of the Secret Treasure Realm are too worthless.

Zhu Changqi regained some spirit, picked up the Wrath of Thunder on the ground, and nodded heavily: "Master, I understand. I will continue to improve the Wrath of Thunder and strive to get your approval one day."

"In addition to the Wrath of Thunder, have you made any progress on the puppets I asked you to study?"

"Master, those puppets are not difficult to study, but the A-type puppet is too big. We have never made such a big puppet. The maneuverability of such a puppet is almost zero, and it is difficult for us to improve it."

Zhu Changqi's face showed a trace of difficulty when he heard it.

He often received strange research tasks from the master, such as studying combat puppets that people can drill into and drive.

"Just complete my design indicators. As for the problem of movement, it is originally on the water, so the speed does not need to be very fast."

Su Jie waved his hand. Su Jie issued several tasks to the Puppet Hall. These puppet studies were almost all prepared for Blue Star.

Chan Country's own military research and development and production were too poor, and Su Jie could not count on it.

On the contrary, in the Tianyuan world, Su Jie can use the Puppet Hall to make some puppets to attack with dimensionality reduction.

Of course, the puppet developed by Su Jie is not the Wrath of Thunder, he does not have so much money to spend, but it is pieced together by combining the modern technology of Blue Star.

This not only saves money, but also can better adapt to the battlefield of Blue Star. For example, for the drive device, Su Jie plans to continue to use oil, otherwise it will cost Su Jie money to drive it with spirit stones alone! He feels distressed.

"Okay, Hall Master, I understand, but recently we have to rush to produce rocket launchers. Many studies are just to complete the corresponding design, and there is no time for production."

"Wait until the sect war is over before launching it."

Su Jie instructed Zhu Changqi on the next task, then left the Puppet Hall and turned to the Refining Hall.

"Why are you here, kid? You just came out of retreat and didn't go to see your master, Taoist Qiu, but came to me."

Tang Peiqing was drinking tea and reading a book. When he saw Su Jie coming, he took out a chessboard and waved to Su Jie to play chess with him.

"Elder Tang, I want to see how the batch of tumors that I cultivated are doing. I'll come back to play chess with you later."

Su Jie took the boiled water and drank it all, burping comfortably.

"You kid, you don't even have time to drink tea with me, an old man."

Tang Peiqing shook his head, stood up from the chair, and took Su Jie to a cave.

All kinds of poisonous insects and cultivated poisonous plants can be seen everywhere here. As the master of poison making in Guiling Palace, Tang Peiqing would not bring anyone in unless they were close to him.

In a wide stalactite cave, Tang Peiqing stopped and pointed ahead and said, "Yes, that's the tumor you want. It's grown big enough, right?"

Su Jie took a quick look and saw a small tumor hill with a diameter of tens of meters in front of him wriggling. These tumors were specially prepared.

Some poisonous insects and poisons have the characteristics of rapid growth and replication, just like the octopuses, geckos, and earthworms on Blue Star, whose broken body parts can grow again.

Tumors are peeled off from such poisonous insects, and their rapid growth ability is peeled off and grafted using the "Wanbian Insect Codex", mixed with each other, and then spiritual stones are added as energy to allow it to replicate continuously, and various spiritual materials and spiritual fluids are added to make the tumor have certain characteristics in growth and replication.

Like the biological colonization suits worn by genetic warriors, the source of the flesh and blood inside is similar tumors, but the model is different.

"It's big enough, let me try it first."

A ball of spiritual energy appeared in Su Jie's palm, with the burning of the heart and body attached to it, and then it was thrown out.


The aura ball hit the tumor and caused a violent explosion, but the flames and shock waves were eliminated by the layers of flesh and blood wrapped around the tumor, only a small part of the tumor tissue was shattered, and the remaining tumors were still very large.

Looking at the effect of the simulated artillery explosion, Su Jie was very satisfied.

"Elder Tang, thank you for your help."

Su Jie bowed to Tang Peiqing. This kind of tumor with characteristics will be able to greatly protect against the possibility of being destroyed by modern weapons in the future with the new research of the Blue Star Puppet Hall.

"Take it back quickly. This thing needs to swallow a lot of spirit stones every day to maintain it. I won't charge you for the previous cultivation fee."

Tang Peiqing stroked his goatee. He still took care of Su Jie, the immortal seedling of the sect, and waived a fee without any hesitation.

If someone else came, he would probably not even agree to ask Tang Peiqing to help with the allocation of this tumor, let alone for free.

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