The Dharma Boat was hundreds of meters long, like a palace spanning the sky, with spiritual light shining in all directions. The Thousand-Handed Centipede was smaller in front of it.


Amidst the roar, dozens of layers of defensive magic arrays rose from the Dharma Boat, intertwining with each other to form a colorful brilliance.

The Thousand-Handed Centipede hit this layer of defensive light curtain, which only caused the Dharma Boat to tremble slightly, and the whole was not affected.


The Thousand-Handed Centipede lowered its head and roared at the Dharma Boat. Countless purple rays burst into the defensive light curtain, and suddenly it was like a drop in the ocean. No purple ray could break through the defense.

Seeing this, Su Jie waved the Ten Thousand Souls Banner in his hand, and the Blood River appeared again. Unexpectedly, the Dharma Boat immediately dropped a thousand meters, and infinite arrays of light burst out from the Dharma Boat. The vast spiritual power turned into a pillar of fire that reached the sky and fell into the surging blood river, causing the blood river to boil, and it was able to suppress Su Jie's Ten Thousand Souls Banner.

Suddenly, Su Jie kicked his feet hard, and the void in the direction where he was originally located rippled slightly.

A translucent flying sword shuttled through, and several nearby boulders turned into two pieces silently.

On the magic boat, an elder of the Golden Sword Pavilion snorted coldly, and the translucent flying sword turned back and fell into his palm.

It was a flying sword that was only slightly longer than a palm, as thin as a cicada's wing. It was more like a dagger than a flying sword.

Almost when Su Jie was retreating, a terrifying spiritual pressure covered his head.

The magic boat was shining, and the high condensed spiritual pressure seemed to apply layers of gravity to Su Jie, making it difficult for Su Jie to move.

This was the spiritual power suppression of the magic boat. Through the precise multiple formations on the magic boat, the spiritual power nearby was flexibly controlled and compressed, making the spiritual power extremely dense, just like turning air into water. People in it naturally couldn't move an inch.

In addition to attacking, the magic boat can also assist high-level battles and affect the battle situation.

Almost at the moment when Su Jie was suppressed, a sharp breath came from behind him.

"The righteous also play sneak attacks, and use their numbers to bully the few."

Pale corpse hands grew on Su Jie's back, facing a black long knife that suddenly attacked.

The one holding the knife was the elder of the Secret Treasure Realm of the Zixia Sect. He shouted angrily: "There is no need to talk about the morality of the rivers and lakes and the true law of the mighty heaven for you demon cultivators."

The blade burned with raging flames, cutting off many corpse hands, but more corpse hands covered them, and pairs of corpse hands joined together, finally clamping the blade.

"Wonderful method - Thousand Blades Slash!"

A cold voice came from the sky, and a middle-aged beautiful woman with a graceful figure held the heavenly law in her mouth. This was the elder from the Miaoyin Temple. The air was cut open, and a series of green air blades slashed continuously.

Han Ruyan waved her hand, and the red wedding dress fluttered. The layers of silk red wedding dress spread out, like a sea of ​​blood covering the sky, annihilating thousands of green air blades.

Heavy footsteps were heard, and an elder of the Dragon and Tiger Sect, who was more than three meters tall, half naked, and covered in golden light, as if made of gold, rushed over and attacked Su Jie from the front and back with the elders of the Zixia Sect.

"Baby, please turn around."

Su Jie remained calm, and two rays of light, one white and one red, escaped, cutting deep wounds on the Dragon and Tiger Sect elder, but could not really kill him.

The Dragon and Tiger Sect is a body-refining sect, and their physique and strength are their foundation. Even the top-grade magic weapons cannot kill the opponent with one blow.

"Devil, die for me."

Accompanied by the sound of tidal surges, an elder of the Guanchao Pavilion clenched his hands in vain, and the underground water veins were drawn out, turning into a hundred-meter-long blue sword light. The terrifying sword energy penetrated, and the rocks along the way collapsed. The ground was cut into huge gullies by the sword energy, covering Su Jie's body, and exploding countless smoke and dust.

When the smoke and dust dissipated, it was revealed that a corpse handball tens of meters high stood in the deep pit.

"Five elders of the Secret Treasure Realm, do you really want to get rid of me?"

Pale corpse hands wriggled and formed Su Jie's face, which was dozens of meters in size and emitted a dull thunder sound.

Five elders of the Secret Treasure Realm from the five sects of Guanchao Pavilion, Jinjian Sect, Zixia Sect, Miaoyin Temple, and Longhu Sect surrounded Su Jie.

Each of them was above the third level of the Secret Treasure Realm. Among them, the elder from Guanchao Pavilion had the cultivation of the fifth level of the Secret Treasure Realm, and his cultivation level was comparable to that of Qiu Laodao.

"Devil, you have no future to speak of. I will kill you here today."

The voice of the elder of Guanchao Pavilion was like a tsunami, carrying overwhelming spiritual power, blowing a layer of ripples on the corpse hand ball.

He looked at Su Jie with a murderous look, not to mention Su Jie's record of killing Wei Ji. If such a fairy seedling continued to grow, it would be something that the entire Qingzhou righteous sect would not want to see.

With such fighting power at such a young age, who knows how high Su Jie will rise in the future if he continues to grow, and the power of the demons is growing, won’t they, the righteous ones, be in trouble!

"You are not qualified to kill me."

Su Jie's voice came out, and the pale corpse hands clasped and intertwined with each other, as a skeleton, the human-faced moth filled the gaps between them, like muscles, and then used the soul to build nerves. Finally, the densely packed corpse hand balls grew hands and feet, slowly stood up, and formed a giant tens of meters high, a giant composed of countless corpse hands and poisonous insects.

The corpse hand giant clenched his fist and smashed it, and the fist wind wrapped the insect cloud, and the wind and clouds changed color in an instant.

The elder of Guanchao Pavilion also raised his fist, and the underground river under his feet condensed into a long spear, colliding with the corpse hand giant.

The shock wave swept, and the corpse hand giant retreated dozens of steps, and the elder of Guanchao Pavilion was like being hit by a train running at full speed. The whole person retreated hundreds of meters, stepped out two long gullies under his feet, and his face became particularly solemn.

"Let's go together. This demon is not easy to deal with. The magic boat will suppress it with all its strength."

The elder of Guanchao Pavilion said in a long voice. He stepped on the waves of the underground river. The water turned into a dragon, tightly entangled Su Jie. There was also a magic boat in the sky releasing spiritual pressure to control Su Jie's spiritual power.

The four elders of the Secret Treasure Realm looked at each other and surrounded Su Jie.

Su Jie controlled the giant corpse hand. The Yuanshen of the Heshen Realm resisted the spiritual pressure of the magic boat. At the same time, the power of the wild beast burst out from his body, and he stretched out the water dragon that bound his body. A ferocious smile appeared on his face, and he strode towards the five elders of the Secret Treasure Realm with murderous aura.

"Damn it, it is still so powerful even though it is covered by the spiritual pressure of the magic boat."

The faces of the five elders of the Secret Treasure Realm changed slightly. They saw the fight between Su Jie and Wei Ji just now.

I thought Wei Ji had forced Su Jie to reveal all his trump cards, but I never thought that Su Jie still maintained such a strong fighting power until now.

Fortunately, they were five people moving together. If they fought alone, even the elder of Guanchao Pavilion who was at the fifth level of the Secret Treasure Realm would not be sure of winning.

"Come on, let me see your performance, come and please me."

Su Jie bent his legs, and the huge corpse hand giant jumped hundreds of meters, and fell heavily like a small mountain.

The five people dodged in a hurry, and the ground shook violently. Two huge deep pits were stepped on by Su Jie, and then he twisted his waist, sank, and punched, punching the Dragon Tiger Gate elder closest to him.

Han Ruyan temporarily stopped the other four Secret Treasure Realm elders and used strange power to delay time.

"Get out of here."

The Dragon Tiger Gate elder glared with anger, and the spiritual power of his whole body gathered towards his arms. His arms instantly became thicker, with blue veins on them, and muscles like rocks, fighting against Su Jie's corpse hand giant.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

The two sides exchanged punches more than a hundred times in an instant, and each collision caused the shock wave to spread hundreds of meters, like a missile explosion.

All the disciples of the righteous and evil ways nearby retreated.

Including the disciples of Su Jie's Puppet Hall, they did not care to continue firing rockets, and put the rockets in their storage bags and ran away quickly to avoid being killed by the aftermath.

After a hundred punches in three seconds, the elder of the Dragon and Tiger Gate saw that the four companions behind Su Jie had already shaken off Han Ruyan and rushed to support him, and he was secretly relieved.

At the waist and ribs of the corpse-hand giant controlled by Su Jie, countless pale corpse hands squirmed, and suddenly four huge arms grew again, and a full six arms waved layers of afterimages.

The whole scene was extremely exaggerated. The elder of the Dragon and Tiger Gate had never expected this move. Like whack-a-mole, he was smashed into the ground by Su Jie, and then more fists fell, just like a pile driver, and the ground shook continuously.

When the other four elders arrived, they all stopped.

Because one of the giant hands of the corpse hand was grabbing the elder of the Dragon Tiger Gate. The opponent's bones were broken, and blood was oozing out of his mouth, nose and ears. He was like a pool of mud, and was held in Su Jie's palm.

"Hehehe! Are you confident in your defense? It seems that it is just so-so!"

Su Jie laughed wildly, and clenched his five fingers. Under the gaze of the other four righteous elders, the elder of the Dragon Tiger Gate was crushed and rubbed. Countless meat mud flowed out from the fingers of the corpse hand giant, and blood dripped down his palm.

"The first one."

Su Jie had a cold smile on his face. The four elders trembled slightly, and they couldn't help but feel a little fear in their hearts, and then more anger surged in their hearts.

"Devil, you still dare to be violent at this time."

The beautiful eyes of the female elder of Miaoyin Temple were wide open, and she uttered the heavenly sound: "Wonderful method - Divine Fire Cauldron."

A round of virtual cauldron condensed and turned upside down above Su Jie's head. There was a terrifying sky fire burning in the cauldron, and the air was burned and distorted, trying to refine Su Jie completely.

"In this case, the next one to be killed is you."

Su Jie stared at the other party with murderous eyes, as if killing an elder was as simple as killing a dog or a chicken.

"You are so shameless, die for me."

The elder of Jinjianmen controlled the flying sword and drilled into the body of the giant corpse hand to find the location of Su Jie's body.

The elder of Guanchao Pavilion slapped the giant palm of water waves, and the elder of Zixia Sect held a long knife close to him, as if he wanted to cut Su Jie in half.

They didn't cooperate well, but they were all elders of the Secret Treasure Realm with rich combat experience, and wanted to suppress Su Jie with a stronger attack.

The corpse-hand giant did not dodge at all, allowing the attack to fall on him. The pale corpse hands broke and shattered, and most of the body disappeared.

Coincidentally, a broken pale corpse hand fell in front of the elder of Miaoyin Temple, and the other party was unaware.

The next second, a ball of light emerged from this pale corpse hand and quickly condensed into the appearance of Su Jie, which was Su Jie's soul living here.


The arm of Su Jie's soul pierced into the head of the elder of Miaoyin Temple. The palm was like an illusion. Her head had no injuries, but her whole beautiful body shook violently.

Immediately afterwards, a translucent illusory soul was pulled out of Su Jie's head, which was the elder of Miaoyin Temple's soul.

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