Seeing Su Jie's weird and terrifying figure with his own eyes, Lu Wenbo finally understood why the previous staff officer reported that way.

Because the boss of Jieko Company is really a non-human being!

"why do not you speak."

Su Jie jumped off the Thousand-Handed Centipede's back and walked step by step to Lu Wenbo.

"Who are you."

Lu Wenbo's pupils shrank to the size of a pinhead.

Su Jie's existence shattered his worldview. How could there be such a supernatural power in the world?

Could it be that the ghosts, gods, and devils in the legend are real and that I have been concealed and deceived since I was a child?

"I'm just an ordinary businessman."

Su Jie walked up to Lu Wenbo, his smile even brighter.

Lu Wenbo: "."

"Don't come over here, I told you not to come over."

Trembling, Lu Wenbo pulled out a gold-plated pistol from his waist. His eyes were full of fear, and the gun was pointed at Su Jie, but it did not give him the slightest sense of security.

"Tsk tsk, it was you who asked me to come over to meet you, and now you tell me not to come over. Is there something wrong with your brain?"

Su Jie grinned, Lu Wenbo's eyes were dazzled, and the golden pistol fell into Su Jie's hand.

"The taste is good, it will be a good addition to my collection."

After playing with it for a while, Su Jie threw it into the storage bag.

But Lu Wenbo had lost all courage and fell to the ground weakly. He no longer had the warlord demeanor that had shocked the world in the past.

"I am a member of the Wu family, one of the three major families. If you dare to kill me, my family will never let you go."

Facing such an inhuman monster, he could only move out of his backstage in an attempt to scare Su Jie away.

In the Zen Kingdom, in addition to the government army, there are many major warlords. The three major families, the Wu family, the Bai family, and the Liu family, control a large part of the economic and political resources of the Zen Kingdom. They can secretly control certain political elections and influence the Zen Kingdom. Very powerful.

Lu Wenbo was born in the Wu family of the three major families.

Hearing this, Su Jie shook his head repeatedly: "Kill you, no, no, no, you can't die now."

Lu Wenbo's face lit up, thinking that his family had suppressed the other party.

"Let me go quickly, or my family will die."

"It would be a shame to kill you now. Nothing is more shocking than being executed on the spot. Many people want to see you executed with their own eyes."

Lu Wenbo's voice stopped. He still didn't understand what Su Jie was thinking. He wanted to kill a chicken with his own head to scare the monkeys!

Su Jie knelt down, picked up a bayonet, inserted it into Lu Wenbo's mouth and smashed his tongue to prevent him from talking nonsense. He ignored his screams and threw him into the jeep.

At the same time, the Thousand-Hand Centipede's pale corpse hands also eliminated the last group of soldiers who escaped. Under Su Jie's order, they dug mass graves and buried all the corpses in them.

The subsequent battlefields can be handed over to the Security Department to clean up and collect useful firearms and equipment. The military camp of the Mander United Army can be used as the headquarters camp of the newly established Jieko Security Department.

After dealing with all this, Su Jie drove into the jeep and headed back to Mandech City.

Mandela City, in the central square.

A large number of citizens gathered here, because employees of Jieko Company were everywhere in the city, publicizing the destruction of the Man-Deliver Army. At the same time, Lu Wenbo was captured and wanted to be convicted and executed in public.

As soon as this news came out, citizens naturally gathered to watch.

When the time came to three o'clock in the afternoon, a team of Jieke security guards carried the limp Lu Wenbo and brought him to the square.

At this moment, the whole square was in a sensation.

The Mandecheng area has been harmed by Lu Wenbo for too long. Over the years he has been a warlord, he has made people angry with all kinds of extortionate taxes. Now seeing him being dragged along like a dead dog, people naturally cheered and applauded.

At this time, Su Jie patted a middle-aged man on the shoulder near the square with a smile.

This was the newly appointed mayor, An Sangqing, the former deputy mayor of Mandech City. He said, "Mayor An, it's your turn to take the stage. You should know everything you need to say, right?"

"I understand. Don't worry, Mr. Su. I will definitely comply with your request."

As the mayor, An Sangchen nodded and bowed to Su Jie, almost taking out his heart to show Su Jie his loyalty.

Just because An Sangchen clearly knew how he came to power, and he also knew that as long as the other party wanted to, he could dismiss himself at any time and replace himself with a puppet as mayor.

"Go ahead."

Su Jie waved his hand, and An Sangqing didn't dare to delay. He trotted up to the temporary high platform. After seeing Lu Wenbo being brought up, he said into the microphone: "I am the new mayor of Mandech City, An Sangqing. Please take a look. This is Lu Wenbo, who has been poisoning the Mande area for many years, also known as General Lu. I would like to express my special thanks to Jieke Company for assisting our city government in capturing him. The so-called Mande United Army under his name was also wiped out. From now on, you no longer have to pay high taxes and taxes, nor do you have to worry about being oppressed by the Man-Democratic Alliance."

An Sangchun held a manuscript and talked eloquently on the high platform, which attracted thunderous cheers from the people below.

Under the high platform, Su Jie walked slowly and sat next to Liu Yingying in the front row.

Liu Yingying, as the nominal president of Jieke Company, sat in the best seat, and there was a group of specially invited Mandela City officials next to her. These officials were basically the ones who had not colluded with Lu Wenbo, or had not had a deep connection. Really The officials who were in close collusion had long been captured and imprisoned by Jieke Company.

Seeing that Su Jie didn't speak, Liu Yingying thought of Su Jie's warning and warned several officials nearby.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, there are many key positions vacant in Mande City. I hope that after you take office, don't forget what happened today, don't repeat the same mistakes, and keep your hands clean, otherwise you won't want to experience the methods of our Jeko Company."

Liu Yingying glanced away, and these words made several officials sweat on their foreheads, and they promised again and again: "No, no, we will do whatever Jeko Company asks us to do in the future."

After all, Zen Country is a country with many warlords, and officials are also accustomed to this kind of power change. Although Jeko Company is only a company in name, it can unite hundreds of thousands of ordinary people and wipe out the powerful Mande United Army. It is undoubtedly the new overlord of the Mande region. Officials know very well who they should serve.

"That's good."

Liu Yingying nodded pretending to be indifferent, but in fact she was very nervous.

In the past, she had no chance to talk with these senior officials who controlled a city. Now she can not only talk, but also scold them, which makes Liu Yingying feel inexplicably refreshed.

And all this was brought by Su Jie.

Su Jie once made it clear that he wanted her to be the spokesperson of the JECO company in the Mande area and to preside over all the affairs here when he was away.

Liu Yingying raised her head and looked at Su Jie beside her with complicated eyes.

She had also been to the Mande United Army camp before and saw all kinds of traces of battle left there.

In silence, the Mande United Army with thousands of troops suddenly collapsed and disappeared, and even Lv Wenbo was captured alive.

Liu Yingying guessed that Su Jie must have secretly controlled a military force, otherwise it would be impossible to do this without anyone knowing.

Shaking her head, Liu Yingying shook off the thoughts in her mind and heard An Sangzhen had announced the various crimes of Lv Wenbo and the Mande United Army.

". I declare that Lv Wenbo is found guilty of a total of 21 charges and executed."

After An Sangzhen finished reading, several JECO security guards pressed the trembling Lv Wenbo to his knees on the ground, and one stood behind Lv Wenbo, picked up a long gun, pointed it at the back of his head and pulled the trigger.

The executioner, the Jake security guard, was in his early twenties. He was Miao Lun, who was specially appointed by Su Jie.


With a gunshot, Lv Wenbo fell down with his eyes wide open, and the square was filled with thunderous cheers, cheering that the biggest cancer in the Mande area had been eradicated.

An Sangzhen took the microphone, glanced at Su Jie who was sitting in the audience, and spoke to the people again: "In order to prevent things like Lv Wenbo from happening again, our city government has signed a package of cooperation agreements with Jake Company to support Jake Company in providing business cooperation and security guarantees in the Mande area. Now, please invite the president of Jake Company to come on stage to speak. Everyone is welcome."

Liu Yingying took a deep breath and was a little nervous.

"It's just reading the script. You are a top student. What are you afraid of with such a small scene?"

Su Jie pushed Liu Yingying, and Liu Yingying mustered up the courage to walk up to the high platform, picked up the microphone, and spoke in a crisp voice.

"Dear people, I am Liu Yingying, the president of Jeko Company. Now that the Mande United Army has been destroyed, our Jeko Company solemnly promises that we will never allow any external forces to destroy the stable life in the Mande area and protect everyone's life and property safety.

At the same time, our Jeko Company will also increase investment in the Mande area. As long as everyone is dedicated to raising insects, Jeko Company's breeding farm will unconditionally purchase them, so that everyone can make a fortune by raising insects and live a well-off life."

"Jeko Company!"

"Jeko Company!"

"Jeko Company!"

The people in the audience shouted one after another. Jeko Company, which swept away the Mande United Army, is now shining in the eyes of the people.

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