Two Realms: Don’t call me evil!

Chapter 57 Fighting Insects

Feng Wenjin smiled and nodded, and said, "Haha, Fellow Daoist Su actually remembered my name. It's been two months since we last met. It seems that Fellow Daoist Su is doing well."

"No, no, no, my life is not good at all. You disciples have never stopped. Now even the inner disciples are out. I still underestimated the temptation of the White Bone Heavenly Evil Sword."

Su Jie moved his fingers slightly, and the White Bone Heavenly Evil Sword quickly penetrated the clouds and air, flew over Su Jie's head, and spun around.

Hearing this, Feng Wenjin sighed and blamed himself: "I caused the master to lose the bet and lost the middle-grade magic weapon Tai Suhuang Soul Bead. Although the master did not blame me later, I felt very sorry and wanted to personally Give the master an explanation. And the best explanation is to take the Bone Sword back, I believe he will be very happy."

"It seems that you have convinced me?"

Su Jie narrowed his eyes slightly, and dozens of Yin Fire Blood Bees and Silver-winged Golden Thread Cicadas flew out from his sleeves and robes.

"Fellow Daoist Su, you are underestimating the strength of the inner disciples. A flying sword does not mean that you can really compete with our inner disciples."

Feng Wenjin raised the corners of his mouth, and with a brisk smile, several Gu insects were thrown out and swelled in the wind.

Looking carefully, he suddenly saw a huge poisonous insect with a body length of five meters, covered with pustules and burrs. This was a low-grade, first-refined Gu insect, called the Scaly-Spined Mandrill Insect.

In addition, there are four giant beetles covered in thick insect armor and more than two meters long. All of them are low-grade Gu insects, named Thunder beetles. They are not only strong and thick, but also have the ability to thunder and lightning.

"We Gu Masters rely on Gu insects to fight, and relying on flying swords and other foreign objects, you can only show off your evil for a while."

Feng Wenjin opened his arms gracefully and calmly, the four thunder beetles shook their bodies, opened their teeth and claws, a pair of insect horns comparable to spears flashed with cold light, the scaly mandrill raised its bloated head, and the six-winged centipede also faced Su. Jay hissed.

When Su Jie saw this scene, instead of being surprised, he asked suspiciously: "Is it gone?"


Feng Wenjin felt that he was shocked by such an appearance and did not quite understand what Su Jie meant.

"I mean, this is the only Gu insect you, an inner disciple, has, you can't do that! You are an inner disciple!"

Su Jie rubbed the center of his eyebrows. Although one low-grade, one-refined Gu worm, plus five low-grade Gu worms, was already very terrifying. It could be said to be a crushing advantage for the outer disciples, but it was not enough in front of Su Jie. watch.

"You are still talking arrogantly even when you are about to die. You were able to defeat these losers all because of the Bone Sword. I am different."

Feng Wenjin was a little unhappy, and felt angry for some reason at Su Jie's contempt.

The trash in his mouth was the bug-eyed man who had escaped. Hearing Feng Wenjin's words, he opened his mouth. Just as he was about to speak, he saw the dense forest shaking behind Su Jie, and a terrifying figure appeared in the field of vision.

It was a huge insect body that was more than ten meters long and as black as ink jade, with hundreds of pale corpse hands winding around.

On the ferocious and terrifying giant head with a mask, a pair of cold and ruthless insect eyes rotated, which was really creepy, and the fear of giant things arose spontaneously.

After the Thousand-Hand Centipede appeared, Feng Wenjin's face suddenly changed, and his calm expression disappeared.

Instead, his mouth was slightly open and his eyes were dull.

He looked in disbelief at this low-grade third-level refined Gu insect that appeared behind Su Jie.

"Low-grade third-level refinement. How come there are low-grade third-level refinement Gu insects? Where did you get the resources to cultivate them?"

Feng Wenjin's confusion and shock were unanswered, so she could only turn her head and stare at the bug-eyed man.

If that look could kill, the bug-eyed man would probably have a few more bloody holes in his body now.

With a cold face, Feng Wenjin squeezed out a soul torture sentence through his teeth: "He has a low-grade third-refined Gu insect, why didn't you tell him earlier?"

The bug-eyed man had a sad face and tried his best to explain: "I want to say it, but you keep interrupting me and I don't have a chance to say it!"

Feng Wenjin was silent. He was too contemptuous of the outer disciples. He preconceptionally believed that Su Jie only relied on the Bone Sword to commit evil, and did not pay attention to the insect-eyed man's previous excuses.

"It seems that I have overestimated your inner disciples. No, it should be said that I have overestimated you. It is impossible for all inner disciples to be similar to you."

Su Jie shook his head. Before confronting the inner disciples, Su Jie had always underestimated Feng Wenjin's strength.

Looking at it now, there were only one low-grade and one refined Gu worm, plus a few ordinary low-grade Gu worms. Su Jie was really disappointed.

Of course, this is also related to Feng Wenjin's strength. Su Jie can vaguely feel that his cultivation level is at the sixth level of Yunling Realm, which just meets the qualifying line for inner disciples. He is definitely not comparable to those senior inner disciples.


The Thousand-Handed Centipede seemed to feel its owner's dissatisfaction and screamed in the sky.

The heavy and terrifying body rushed past like a train.

Several Thunder Beetles were covered in lightning surges, and several lightning spheres fell down, landing on the Thousand-Handed Centipede's shell, only slightly cracking the beautiful black jade shell.

The scaly spiny mandrill opened its mouth, the burrs all over its body exploded, and venom spurted out along with the pustules, pricking the Thousand-Handed Centipede like a hedgehog.

Despite this, the Thousand-Hand Centipede's speed remained unchanged, as if these attacks were just tickling it.

Immediately afterwards, I saw the Thousand-Handed Centipede bite head-on.

A Thunder Beetle screamed sadly and was bitten in half by a Thousand-Handed Centipede.

After a blow, the upper body of the Thousand-Handed Centipede stood upright, and the densely packed pale corpse hands under its abdomen separated from the insect body, and crawled toward the other Gu insects in a weird and fast manner, like a group of ants clinging and biting.

In the blink of an eye, the remaining three longhorned beetles were wrapped in countless pale corpse hands and crushed into pieces.

Only the scaly mandrill was covered in pustules and had a stress reaction when attacked.

Large pustules on the body surface exploded, and corrosive poisonous blood spurted out, corroding many pale corpse hands that were close to him.

It took less than ten seconds from the start of the battle. Although there was only one Thousand-Handed Centipede, the level difference between the two sides was huge. It was like an adult beating a child. Several Thunder Beetles were crushed in the blink of an eye, and the Scaled Mandrill was also trembling.

At the same time, the White Bone Heavenly Evil Sword pierced down, nailing the six-winged centipede to death, and then flew towards Feng Wenjin without stopping.

"Thousands of mosquitoes!"

Feng Wenjin looked ugly and patted the small blue bag on his waist.


Large swarms of mosquitoes, flies and tiny insects emerged from the bag, wrapping Feng Wenjin in it and forming a black insect cloud covering an area of ​​hundreds of square meters.

The flying sword escaped into it, just like a swordfish breaking into a school of sardines. It could not find Feng Wenjin and could only kill those tiny mosquitoes and flies.

Even the line of fire sprayed by the Yin Fire Blood Bee controlled by Su Jie will be swallowed up and annihilated by the cloud of insects. The Silver-winged Golden Thread Cicada flew into it and was devoured in the blink of an eye.

"Thousand mosquitoes, body insects!"

Feng Wenjin’s high-pitched voice came out from the insect cloud.

Countless mosquitoes and flies gathered into a dragon, rolled and twisted in the air, and attacked Su Jie.

As the insect cloud passed by, the rocks turned into a hornet's nest, and the ancient trees exploded into pieces of wood, which was very powerful.


Su Jie shouted.

The Thousand-Handed Centipede let go of the scaly mandrill that was about to reach its mouth. The white bone mask cracked and purple rays bloomed. The extreme high temperature instantly wiped out a large number of mosquitoes and flies, leaving a large blank space in the insect cloud.

The insect cloud surged, and a black pagoda floated in the void.

As soon as this powerful magic weapon appeared, the pagoda opened layer by layer, the air fluctuated, and the invisible air blade slashed in all directions.

The Thousand-Handed Centipede coiled its body and protected Su Jie in the center. Countless air blades slashed the ground into pieces, and also caused some minor injuries to the Thousand-Handed Centipede, but in the blink of an eye, the Thousand-Handed Centipede healed itself.

When the Thousand-Handed Centipede defends itself, the scaly mandrill opens its mouth wide, its abdomen bulges, and white eggs erupt from its mouthparts like a waterfall.

As soon as the insect eggs hit the ground, they embedded themselves in all flesh and blood.

Visible to the naked eye, the flesh and blood under the Thousand-Handed Centipede's shell are bulging.

White maggots hatched and grew out, swimming back and forth in the flesh.

Just in an instant, the Thousand-Handed Centipede's body shook with a bang, and its huge insect body turned into thousands of small centipedes, which in turn devoured those white maggots and regarded them as their own delicious snacks.

It was at this juncture that Feng Wenjin, who had been waiting for a long time, saw the opportunity and decisively threw out three low-grade and high-grade Thunder Talismans.

Because the Thousand-Handed Centipede turned into a small centipede, Su Jie's figure was exposed, and three arc-shaped lightnings struck down his head.

The White Bone Heavenly Evil Sword that flew over quickly to resist was buzzing continuously as it was struck. Su Jie felt a tightness in his chest, and blood surged in his body. These inner disciples had many cards in their hands.

It was also because Su Jie was one level behind in strength and could not truly exert the power of the White Bone Heavenly Evil Sword. Otherwise, Feng Wenjin would not be able to shake this flying sword at all.


Feng Wenjin sneered, and the insect swarm compressed sharply, condensing into a black giant sword.

He himself even used his body and sword to stab Su Jie at lightning speed.

The black pagoda continuously stimulated the air blade, continuously bombarding the White Bone Heavenly Evil Sword, delaying the attack of this flying sword.

"Finally showed up."

Su Jie had been waiting for this opportunity. He snorted coldly, and the flesh on his waist and ribs split. His pale arms grew rapidly, tumbling outwards, like a blooming corpse hand flower, resisting the thrust of the insect sword.

But they saw countless pale arms being cut off, and then new arms grew to replace them, and the stalemate continued.

Feng Wenjin gritted his teeth and wanted to break through in one go, when he suddenly saw Su Jie's cold eyes looking at him.


Two purple rays shot out from Su Jie's pupils. The distance between the two sides was less than one meter. Feng Wenjin had no way to avoid it. His entire upper body was melted by the high temperature of the purple rays, leaving only a pair of thighs stiff in place.

Bang bang bang bang bang!

When Feng Wenjin died, he lost his spiritual power supply and command, and the mosquitoes and flies fled like rain.

Not far away, tens of thousands of small centipedes surrounded the scaly mandrill, eating it until only its skeleton was left.

Further away, the bug-eyed man was affected by the battle between Su Jie and Feng Wenjin. He was covered by the eggs of the scaly mandrill, and large white maggots hatched from the inside out on his body. Now he has become a lifeless carrion.

It can be said that he was the one who died the most unjustly. What does it mean when gods fight and mortals suffer, the bug-eyed man is an example.

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