Two Realms: Don’t call me evil!

Chapter 67 Dangerous Place


The clear sound of horse hoofbeats echoed through the mountains and forests. After more than a day of marching, Su Jie and his group of dozens of people moved away from the mountain gate of Guiling Palace and entered the outer area.

"That's Yunwu Mountain."

Su Jie was riding on a horned horse, holding a map in his hand and looking at a mountain more than 6,000 meters high.

This mountain is so high that clouds and mist linger on the mountainside. The mountain is majestic and majestic, like a brave beast squatting down and looking down at the world. From time to time, there are terrifying screams coming from the mountain.

There are two golden-winged Luan birds, male and female, living in this mountain. Their strength is terrifying. Once the leader of the Ghost Ridge Palace came to lead a team to encircle and suppress them, but they were helpless against these two spiritual beasts.

Fortunately, these two golden-winged phoenixes have a gentle temperament and have been staying near Yunwu Mountain on weekdays, so they can be considered at peace with Guiling Palace.

As long as the disciples do not intrude into their territory, there is generally no danger.

After walking for dozens of miles, Su Jie and others came to a strange area.

The ground ahead was scorched, black, and yellow, with dark potholes scattered in a messy manner. The smelly black smoke curled up, and strange shadows loomed in the potholes.

There is also a strange flower growing here. The flower is as red as blood. When it blooms, it is half a meter in diameter. It is extremely delicate and beautiful.

"Dismount and pass quietly."

With a cold face, Pei Hai got off the horse, held the reins, held the horse's mouth, and walked slowly into this strange area.

The disciples followed the instructions one after another, holding the reins and passing carefully.

"Diying Cave, one of the top ten dangerous places in Ghost Ridge Palace."

It was also the first time for Su Jie to come here. In the rolling mountains where the Ghost Ridge Palace is located, the Shadow Cave in front of him can be said to be famous because it is one of the main roads leading to the outside world from the Ghost Ridge Palace. Over the years, countless lives have been lost here, and Su Jie has often seen human bones half-buried in the soil.

"White Walkers, there are White Walkers behind us."

When everyone was halfway to the Shadow Cave, an accident occurred at this moment, and several strange ghosts appeared in the field of vision.

The disciples began to be confused. When they saw the White Walkers appearing, many disciples looked fearful.

Some people subconsciously speed up their pace, but end up missing a step and half-stepping into the pothole. The falling rocks make a sound, and the black smoke in the pothole changes immediately.

Black smoke surged out, as if it had life, and wrapped around this disciple like a living creature.

In the black smoke, wisps of black hair-like hyphae spread and poured into the disciple's eyes, mouth, nose, ears and other parts. His body was covered with spores, and he was then dragged into the pit and screamed. There was no time to send it out.

A minute later, a new pothole appeared next to it, green stems and vines grew out, and bright red buds were in bud.

Through the holes in the ground, the disciple who had been devoured before was already wrapped in white mycelium, and roots were drilled out of the eyes and mouth, becoming fertilizer for the flowers.

Seeing this scene, the remaining disciples' hands and feet were cold and they no longer dared to make any move.

Fortunately, those strange ghosts were also afraid of the dangerous place of Shadow Cave, but they just wandered outside and did not break in.

Otherwise, if there is too much noise when fighting here, both sides will be swallowed up by the Earth Shadow Cave.

Because they didn't dare to make any noise, everyone moved very slowly, and it took them half an hour to get out of the Shadow Cave completely.

After leaving the Earth Shadow Cave and walking for another two hours, the sky was almost getting dark.

Su Jie and his horse team of dozens of people found a flat and gentle land, tied the horn-scaled horses to a tree, and began to take out tents and set up camp.

Under night!

Most of the disciples who had been marching for a whole day had fallen asleep from exhaustion under the darkness of night.

Only a few disciples who took turns to watch the night sat around the fire to warm themselves up.

At this time, the climate has entered winter. Although it has not started snowing yet, the temperature is already very low, and the cold night is extremely unbearable.

"With this damn weather, if I hadn't had a mission, I would still be sleeping in a warm bed right now."

"Who says it's not the case? A brother died just over a day after we came out. Later, we left the Guiling Palace territory. If those righteous sects find out, I don't know how many people will die."

The disciples were warming themselves by the fire while complaining, but they did not relax their vigilance. They secretly set up many sound traps, and at the same time, their eyes were constantly scanning around to monitor the movements around the camp.

After all, we are in a dangerous wilderness, and not being vigilant will only harm others and ourselves.

But even if these disciples were so vigilant, accidents still happened.

While the disciples were talking, in the darkness that was not covered by the fire, several tall and faint shadows were approaching in the dark.


A disciple heard the noise and was about to turn around to check, when he saw several White Walkers coming out of the darkness.

"Enemy attack."

The disciples on duty yelled in fear. They didn't expect that with so many people in their team, there would actually be White Walkers coming to attack them at night.

The screams alarmed the entire camp, and the fire light shook. The disciples who were sleeping in armor immediately got out of the tent and saw the silhouette of the White Walkers.

"A bunch of trash, they can't even serve as a sentry."

Pei Haibing's face was frosty. He did not deal with the White Walkers immediately, but instead found the disciple on duty.

Of the five disciples who were originally on duty, there were still two survivors.

"Will you be keeping vigil tonight?"

Pei Haibing looked over.

The two disciples looked like they were surviving a disaster and nodded repeatedly: "Senior Brother Pei, we don't know how the White Walkers got close. The defense lines outside have been prepared, but the result is ugh!"

Before they could explain anything, Pei Haibing had already taken action.

A pair of slender white hands stretched out like lightning, instantly crushing the necks of the two disciples, and extinguishing all subsequent explanations.

"Waste can only find excuses for themselves."

Throwing away the two disciples who died with their eyes wide open, Pei Haibing said coldly: "Kill these aliens, what are you still standing there for."

The disciples hurriedly turned their heads away, not daring to look anymore, and concentrated on dealing with the aliens. One by one, the poisonous insects were summoned and attacked the aliens.

There were four aliens this time, and the number of disciples was as many as more than 50, which was more than ten times that of the aliens.

Although the aliens were powerful, the number gap between the two sides was too large. The disciples had the upper hand after the battle, and the two aliens were quickly bitten to pieces by the poisonous insects, and the poison entered their bodies and died here.

The other two aliens saw that things were not going well, and they turned around and fled immediately with high IQs. They jumped into a cave outside the forest and disappeared in an instant.

The disciples who surrounded the aliens looked at each other, looking at the cave in front of them, and no one dared to jump down to chase.

Su Jie walked out of the crowd, waved a torch in the cave, twisted the fresh soil near the cave, and said, "These are the aliens that appeared in the Shadow Cave during the day. They are very smart. They have been following our traces and have learned to dig tunnels in the Shadow Cave. In this way, they approached us without anyone noticing."

When these words came out, the disciples looked a little strange, surprised at Su Jie's courage. These words were like slapping Pei Haibing in the face.

Just now, Pei Haibing killed two disciples on duty without knowing the truth. It turned out that they were not negligent in vigilance, but did not expect the aliens to attack from underground. This was something no one expected. It was really unfair to die.

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