Two Realms: Don’t call me evil!

Chapter 69 Shaoshan Town

Riding on horn-scaled horses, a group of people stepped into the wilderness plain.

Looking around, the terrain is flat and vast. Although the weather is freezing cold, the various wild flowers and grasses on this plain are still standing tenaciously, undulating in the cold wind.

"It's much safer outside."

Along the way, Su Jie and others did not encounter any danger. There was no environment of layers of dangerous land in the territory of Guiling Palace.

This is also very easy to understand. Good land is always occupied by the strong, and poor mountains and bad waters are not rare to live in.

In the history of Blue Star China, the fertile and vast plains were always occupied by the Central Plains Dynasty, and ethnic minorities mostly lived in mountains, snowfields, and high-altitude areas with poor resources.

Is it that they don't want to live in the plains with comfortable temperature and rich products?

Of course not, it's because they can't beat the Central Plains Dynasty.

The same is true for Guiling Palace. Now that the righteous way is prosperous, Guiling Palace can only be forced to take root in the mountains with dangers, dangerous environment, and scarce products.

In the heyday of the magic path, the major magic sects once occupied the fertile plains, and few people liked the environment of deep mountains and old forests.

Even for immortal cultivation, except for some sacred mountains and blessed places, people prefer to stay in the plains.

Walking on the plains, without the rugged mountain roads and cliffs, Su Jie and other disciples of Guiling Palace can finally let go of the reins and ride on the grass, and the speed has increased by more than ten times.

Half a day, everyone crossed the grass plain and could see people.

A small village appeared in the field of vision with smoke curling.

There were farmers tending the fields, women weaving hemp and picking mulberry, children playing and fighting, chickens crowing and dogs barking, and neighbors could hear it.

Su Jie and others rode horned horses passing by the village.


The big bell in the village was rung, but it was the working farmer who found a horse team of dozens of people. His face changed immediately and he ran back to the village to report the news, shouting about horse thieves.

It turned out that they mistook Su Jie and the others for bandits and horse thieves.

A young man in the village ran out with a grass rake and a hoe, watching the dozens of horses passing by vigilantly.

This road is not a common road for the Guiling Palace black market caravan. It is densely populated and crowded. Usually, the black market caravans take a detour, but this time, Su Jie and his team can only take this relatively unfamiliar shortcut for the mission.

Looking at the small village of more than 300 people in front of him, Pei Haibing's fingers moved slightly, his eyes were bloodthirsty and greedy, and in the end, he still restrained the idea of ​​attacking the village.

Because they still have a mission to do, once they do such a thing and make a big noise, they will soon alarm the local government and even attract the encirclement and suppression of the famous and upright sects. This is a big act of seeking death.

"Try to avoid densely populated areas and take small roads."

Perhaps noticing that his group was too conspicuous, Pei Haibing issued a new order.

According to the instructions on the map, the horse team moved forward again, but this time Su Jie and others avoided crowded areas and took more remote roads.

Although they still encountered villages and passers-by along the way, the frequency was greatly reduced.

Su Jie rode on the horseback, thinking about the introduction of the outside world in the book.

Now Su Jie and others are in the Dali Dynasty, Qingzhou, and Jiashao Prefecture.

Qingzhou is the largest grain-producing area in the Dali Dynasty, and the population is not small.

Especially in the Tianyuan world with backward productivity, a large population is needed to maintain the operation of farmland.

Although the monks here master all kinds of magical skills, they never humble themselves to engage in these agricultural production.

The lower-class civilians naturally cannot borrow convenience, and can only rely on manpower and buffalo water carts.

"The front is Shaoshan Town. We don't have much supplies. We have to go inside to buy supplies. Those whose names are called are responsible for going in to purchase."

Three days later, Pei Haibing ordered the team to stop for repairs and arrange tasks at the same time.

This is also true. Storage bags are not equipped by every disciple. Almost all outer disciples do not have this thing. Supplies must be carried by people and horses. Most of them have been consumed during the journey, and they really need to be replenished.

"Su Jie, Xu Tu, Chen Qinan..."

Pei Haibing pointed out seven or eight names, and coincidentally, the names of Su Jie, Gu Weinian, and Chen Yun were among them.

"Brother Pei, we will set off now."

After bowing, Su Jie did not say anything, turned around and rode to Shaoshan Town, and the disciples whose names were called followed one after another.


Half an hour later.

Su Jie saw Shaoshan Town marked on the map from a distance.

It was a town of neither large nor small, and most of the surrounding land was cultivated by the townspeople. The townspeople, who were slightly dressed in thin clothes, worked in the fields.

"Well, spiritual power."

Su Jie stood on a small earth slope and saw the spiritual energy fluctuations in the southeast of Shaoshan Town.

There is a weak spiritual land there, where the spiritual power of the earth veins penetrates the surface, and some ordinary spiritual grains can be cultivated.

Su Jie's eyesight is not bad, and he can see clearly that there are buildings with pavilions, eaves and corners, and couplets hanging in the vicinity of the spiritual field.

There are also some practitioners with spiritual power who are taking care of the spiritual fields.

Some people perform rain-praying spells, and small groups of dark clouds gather on the spiritual fields, and rain mixed with spiritual power falls on the fields.

Some people enslave a kind of burrowing worm, which can easily turn over several acres of soil and plant spiritual seeds.

Some people are carefully caring for the fields, and there is a layer of formation running on the spiritual fields to prevent insects and birds from pecking.

This spiritual field is not large, at most more than 80 acres, and there are only a few practitioners who take care of it. Compared with those ordinary fields that require a lot of labor, the gap is too obvious.

"Let's go."

Su Jie led the way into Shaoshan Town.

The town is mainly made up of wooden buildings, and those who can live in bluestone brick houses are all relatively wealthy families in the local area.

From what Su Jie saw, most of the townspeople here are not living well. It's not that they can't survive, but judging from the paleness and numbness on their faces, they are still wearing thin clothes in winter. Most of the families have poor food and clothing, and at most they are struggling on the edge of the poverty line.

"It's time to pay the rent. The autumn harvest has been over for half a month. Those who haven't paid the rent yet, please be more conscious."

As soon as he entered the town, Su Jie saw a strange scene. A group of arrogant people were knocking on the door to notify every household.

Su Jie didn't ask more questions, but came to the town's grain store, but saw a long queue here.

A large number of townspeople were carrying sacks of grain and rice in carts and paying them to several people who looked like managers in front of the grain store.

"Hey, the rent of the Chu family has increased again this year."

"What can we do? We have to pay the rent anyway!"

"I hope they can weigh less."

"I don't even dream of expecting the Chu family to be kind."

The townspeople discussed in a low voice. As outsiders, the arrival of Su Jie's team attracted a lot of attention.

"I didn't expect to have to pay rent here."

Gu Weinian was quite emotional, thinking of the monthly allowance he paid to Taoist Qiu.

"These townspeople don't necessarily live well. Everyone has enough food and clothing, which can only be seen on paper."

Chen Yun sneered. Guiling Palace has many books sent from the outside world to the library. Ordinary disciples can read books that do not involve cultivation.

Among those books, most were written by scholars of the Dali Dynasty. The books portrayed Dali as a prosperous dynasty where soldiers were put down and wars were not popular, and the people lived and worked in peace.

But from the small to the big, the people in Shaoshan Town are poorly clothed and poorly fed, and have to pay heavy land rents, which has nothing to do with living and working in peace and contentment.

"Hey, where are you from? Do you know that this is the territory of the Chu family? If you continue to talk nonsense, I will smash your ugly face."

A grain store manager happened to pass by and immediately showed a bad look when he heard Chen Yun's complaints.

Chen Yun's face turned black. After she was rescued by Su Jie, she had several centipede-shaped scars on her face. Women all love beauty, and they don't like to be talked about this the most on weekdays.

"What a shitty Chu family, just a local household in a small town."

Chen Yun restrained the urge to kill and just kicked the Chu family manager away.

This stirred up a hornet's nest, and several Chu family managers shouted everywhere in an instant.

Some people wanted to come up and continue to make trouble, but they were rushed by Chen Yun on horseback and fled in embarrassment.

"Go to the store to get some supplies and get ready to leave."

Su Jie did not stop Chen Yun's reckless behavior. He glanced at a bee flying on the street and said, "We should not fight here. Move quickly."

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