In the afternoon, the sky gradually turned dark, accompanied by lightning and thunder, a heavy rain suddenly came, and the strong wind swept through the big raindrops and soaked the mountain forest.

Bang bang bang!

Seven or eight tall horses were galloping in the heavy rain. The horses' hooves fell down and splashed large amounts of muddy water, turning the ground into mud.


On a hilltop, Su Jie suddenly reined in his horse and stopped.

"Brother Su, what's wrong?"

Gu Weinian's disciples were puzzled. It seemed that there was still a long way to go before returning to the original team.

"Would you believe me if I said that I feel a little uncomfortable in my stomach? It may be due to the bad food I had in Shaoshan Town."

Su Jie rubbed his belly deliberately, and after hearing this, the group of people were speechless.

Because of practicing the Hundred Poisons Gu Refining Manual, most disciples of Ghost Ridge Palace are immune to many poisons.

There are actually people who can eat bad food, and it is difficult for others to poison their food.

"Haha, I'm just kidding you. I left something in Shaoshan Town. If I want to go back and get it back, you don't have to follow me."

Su Jie said with a smile, this reason is convincing enough.

"Then you should hurry up and catch up."

The group of people didn't think much and quickly moved on.

After all, there is no danger in a place like Shaoshan Town.

Su Jie turned his horse's head and headed back the way he came.

“If you want to drive away wolves and devour tigers, it’s not yet certain who is the wolf and who is the tiger.”

Su Jie looked at the light rain falling from the sky, tied the horned scale horse to the tree, and broke off a few branches.


With a flick of his finger, the branches passed through the heavy rain curtain and nailed several bees to the trunk.

Then Su Jie chuckled and walked alone in the muddy mountains.

the other side.

Following the traces of the cavalry, Zhang Changxin and the five men advanced like apes at high speed through the mountains and forests. Rain fell on their iron clothes and fell to pieces.

Because she disliked Lu Feng's slow speed, Qu Lingxuan simply carried him in her hand and drove away.

"I can feel that I'm about to catch up with that demon cultivator."

There was still a trace of a muddy horse hoof print, and Lu Feng said.

"Get ready for battle."

Zhang Changxin gave the order, and the remaining three people agreed, placing their palms on the sword.

"From here, they won't be more than five miles away from us, as long as we..."

Lu Feng pointed in a direction, his voice suddenly paused as he spoke, and he subconsciously rubbed his eyes.

"Just anything."

When Zhang Changxin turned his head and spoke, two low-grade primary fire-gathering talismans were buried underground by someone unknown. At this time, they were suddenly detonated, and a huge fire shot into the sky.

Unprepared, among the five people in the group including Lu Feng, only Hou Yongqing and Chu Pu were not affected due to the distance.

Zhang Changxin, Qu Lingxuan and Lu Feng were all burned by the flames.

Fortunately, Zhang Changxin and Qu Lingxuan had good cultivation. When they turned their iron hats, most of the flames around them were pushed away, and a few were also blocked by the iron clothes.

But Lu Feng is different.

"Hey, how are you?"

Zhang Changxin immediately looked at Lu Feng, worried that the guide would be burned to death.

However, the next scene made his eyes widen.

In the firelight, Lu Feng's body shape changed drastically, his bones crackled, and his skin seemed to be melting with wax, transforming into a strange man with indifferent eyes, who was Pei Haibing, an inner disciple of Guiling Palace.

Pei Hai's cold eyes flashed, and his right hand came out like lightning, grabbing the nearest Qu Lingxuan like a snake.


Qu Lingxuan's heart was pounding, and she felt a fatal threat. She stepped back quickly, and the two knives at her waist were unsheathed with a stabbing sound, and flew out from her hands, turning into two silver crescent moons, rotating and cutting towards Pei Haibing.

"Little tricks."

Pei Haibing's open five fingers pierced the skin one by one. The bones proliferated and expanded wildly, turning into a two-foot-wide bone hand. He tightly grasped the two high-speed rotating full-moon scimitars, accompanied by a harsh cutting sound, and bone fragments were scattered. It was flying all over the sky, and finally he was caught with brute force and turned into a pile of deformed scrap metal.

"The White Bone Transformation Technique, you are the inner disciple of Guiling Palace."

Seeing this scene, Zhang Changxin's voice suddenly changed.

As a disciple of the Criminal Law Hall who has a deep understanding of demonic cultivation, he is naturally no stranger to the famous Guiling Palace in Jiashao Prefecture.

For example, many of the famous skills in Guiling Palace have been recorded. The white bone transformation technique performed by Pei Haibing in front of him happened to match what was recorded in the classics.

"Hmph, I have good eyesight. Unfortunately, there was a flaw in the plan. Did that boy notice it?"

Pei Haibing licked his lips. His reconnaissance insect suddenly died at the same time, and was attacked again immediately. The white bones turned into weak fire, and the detonation of the fire gathering talisman just broke his disguise.

Otherwise, according to Pei Haibing's idea, he should have led Zhang Changxin and others to catch up with Su Jie, let Su Jie be killed by Zixia sect disciples, and then come forward to clean up all the traces, let one or two people go back to report the news, and confirm this matter. thing.

In this way, he can hide himself and attribute Su Jie's death to the Zixia sect because Su Jie acted recklessly and exposed his whereabouts, which resulted in his death.

In this way, Qiu Laodao can also have an explanation, and he will not be implicated.

"What's going on? What's going on?"

Chu Pu's eyes were horrified, and he didn't even react to the sudden scene.

"Idiot, don't you understand? It was probably a trap set up by this person himself. As expected, you Chu family members were killed by this guy."

Hou Yongqing slapped Chu Pu staggering, and stared at Pei Haibing solemnly, feeling a great threat from this man.

The demonic sect of Guiling Palace is much stronger than their Zixia sect in terms of size and strength.

Every one of the inner disciples who came out of Ghost Ridge Palace was extremely difficult to deal with. If they were not careful, their whole army would be wiped out.

"Did you destroy the entire Chu family?"

Chu Pu's pupils dilated, and he finally understood that this man was the culprit of everything.

"Don't worry, I will send you to meet your family soon."

Pei Haibing glanced at Chu Pu indifferently. He did not pay attention to this little person. Instead, he looked at the forest in front of him that was covered by the rain curtain. He said loudly: "Su Jie, I underestimated you. Haha, I know you are observing in secret. I want to If you rely on these trash to make me lose both sides, I can only say that you are overthinking, and if I want to kill you, no one can stop me."

While speaking, Pei Haibing also took action at the same time.

His skin began to squirm strangely, and the white bones broke out of his flesh, growing wildly, spreading and branching. In the blink of an eye, a giant white-bone coral tree dozens of meters high rose up.

Before Chu Pu could get angry, he was so frightened by this weird and terrifying scene that he turned pale and subconsciously wanted to seek Zhang Changxin's protection.

Unfortunately, Zhang Changxin's three Criminal Law Hall disciples were also frightened. Pei Haibing's strength far exceeded their expectations.

"Go together."

Zhang Changxin shouted sternly, and he, Qu Lingxuan and Hou Yongqing stood in a cross-shaped position. They cooperated with each other and rushed towards Pei Haibing's body.

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