Two Realms: Don’t call me evil!

Chapter 83 Mysterious Shadow Art

"Your technique is quite complicated!"

Su Jie wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth. This mysterious secret technique was more complicated than the Hundred Poisons and Gu Refining Manual and the Body Insect Concentration Technique that Su Jie had learned. Not only did it require the spiritual energy to travel along hundreds of meridians around the body according to a predetermined route, It is even more necessary to finely control the operation of several major acupoints on the human body.

"It's you who is so bad. I could learn it as soon as I learned it."

Ning Xinyue found an opportunity to retaliate against Su Jie. At this time, she did not hesitate to laugh at Su Jie's jokes.

"You can't generalize from person to person. In terms of qualifications, I really don't have much room for improvement, but it doesn't matter. Anyway, I am a demon cultivator. There are many ways to improve my strength, such as kidnapping the eldest lady."

Su Jie shrugged, and Ning Xinyue couldn't laugh this time.

"You are this person, you are this person"

Ning Xinyue felt angry and had nowhere to vent her anger, because no matter what, her status as a prisoner could not be changed now.

"In addition to this mysterious shadow technique, do you also master other techniques?"

Su Jie temporarily put aside his practice of the Xuanying Secret Technique. He would not be able to comprehend this technique for a while.

Ning Xinyue rolled her eyes and said: "I know a lot of skills, but unless you rescue me, I will give you other skills. Otherwise, you will give me all the skills." If you learn, I will be worthless, and who knows what you will do.”

Su Jie was stunned and said amusedly: "You still have such a brain!"

"Stop looking down on others."

Ning Xinyue puffed up her cheeks and felt that Su Jie was disgusting.

"Rescuing people or something like that, I can't do any good for now. I have to see the effect of your Xuan Ying Secret Technique first."

"Then how long do you want to study? Your talent is so poor, it will be difficult for you to get started in a month."

When Ning Xinyue heard this, she immediately became anxious.

"I haven't seen the effect. How do I know the level of your secret technique? If it's just a sideshow, I can't trust your dictation alone."

"That's it, that's it"

As if she had made up her mind, Ning Xinyue stared: "Come closer, put your palms on the ice crystals, let go of your own limitations, and I will help you practice your skills."

Su Jie was waiting for these words. He sat cross-legged on the ground and stretched out his left hand, placing it against the ice crystals.

The extreme coldness passed over him, and a layer of frost formed on Su Jie's arms.

The frost traveled on the skin, turning into a few strands of chill, like arrows, guiding the movement of spiritual power in Su Jie's body.

A few waves of chills were like a dedicated teacher, helping Su Jie become familiar with the operation route of Xuan Ying's secret technique.

Ten minutes later, the shadow behind Su Jie changed.

The shadow suddenly lengthened, emerged three-dimensionally from the ground, changed like water, and finally turned into the exact same form as Su Jie.

Su Jie turned to look at Shadow, and Shadow looked at Su Jie simultaneously.

Su Jie blinked, and the shadow opposite him blinked in the same way, as if he was looking into a mirror.


Su Jie reached out to touch it in surprise, and the other side also extended his hand.

The palms of both parties immediately passed through their respective bodies, just like touching the air. The shadows were completely incorporeal.

"You are so handsome."

Su Jie opened his mouth, and the shadow opposite him opened and closed his mouth, but no sound came out.

"It's so shameless. Shadow can't speak."

Ning Xinyue looked disgusted, why was this man so thick-skinned?

"You can't speak! That's a little worse."

Su Jie felt a little regretful. If he could talk and even touch him physically, he would be a perfect stand-in puppet.

Before he could try a few more times, the shadow that transformed into himself suddenly fluctuated, as if stuck, and then suddenly disappeared.

Ning Xinyue's voice came from the ice crystal, explaining: "The mysterious shadow technique allows the shadow to imitate oneself. However, the shadow has no attack power. It can only confuse the enemy and make the enemy misjudge the attack. Your proficiency is too low now." , it can only make the shadows perform mirror actions. Like me, I can condense three shadows at the same time and each perform different actions. You have to practice more. "

"It's so imitated, it's almost like the real thing."

Su Jie shook off Hanshuang in his left hand. The shadow in front of him imitated it perfectly in terms of body shape, smell, and aura. Although there were restrictions on the control range, time limit, and number of shadows, it was still powerful.

Many times, if a practitioner misjudges his trump card during a battle and hits the shadow, the situation may turn around in an instant.

"It's only useful in the Yunling Realm. Practitioners in the Secret Realm will not be deceived. I don't care about using it."

Ning Xinyue was elated and very satisfied with Su Jie's surprising performance.

"Speaking of which, you know so many powerful techniques. How did you get caught?"

Su Jie looked at Ning Xinyue with a smile, and one sentence made the girl's face turn red.

"That's it. That's because they were so despicable. They actually put drugs in the wine. Fortunately, I was smart. When I noticed something was wrong, I immediately used the Nine Yin Ice Seal, leaving them unable to do anything to me."

Ning Xinyue grumbled and complained, which made Su Jie laugh.

Thinking about how easily she had deceived the other party before, it was clear that the Ning Xinyue in front of her was not very experienced in the world and had not had much experience in the world. Although she had mastered many skills, she could overturn if she was not careful.

Su Jie shook his head and said, "You call this smart? A young lady with a mysterious background like you actually came out without a guard. You must have run away from home secretly."

"how do you know"

Ning Xinyue spoke subconsciously, but immediately covered her mouth, fearing that her family background would be revealed.

"I was right. It's no wonder that a young man like you would be caught in a few moves."

"Hey, what do you say? Will you save me?"

Ning Xinyue yelled, dissatisfied with Su Jie's questions, just wanting Su Jie to help her escape.

"Let's talk about this later."

Su Jie stretched, put the Thousand Hands Centipede back into his sleeves, turned around and walked out the door.

"Why don't you keep your word? I have taught you a mysterious shadow secret technique. Hey, you bastard."

No matter how Ning Xinyue yelled, Su Jie didn't mean to stop. He walked out of the house in a blink of an eye and closed the door again.

"It's great to learn a secret technique for free."

Su Jie looked at the slightly twisting shadow behind him, and a satisfied smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

As for saving people, he never made any promises.

Such a large slave trading fleet, even if Su Jie had ideas, he was powerless. He didn't have the spirit of selflessness.

After leaving the cabin, Su Jie returned to his room.

His residence was the same as that of other disciples, a small cabin, only slightly better than those disciples who slept in hammocks, at least there was a bed.

Su Jie was ready to study the Xuanying secret technique carefully, master it as soon as possible, and use it in battle.

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