Two Realms: Don’t call me evil!

Chapter 86 Top-grade Talisman

"Secret Treasure Realm."

Su Jie's face darkened. Enemies in this realm were not something that the disciples could match.

Generally speaking, the elders would not interfere with the fights between the disciples.

Because if the elders attacked the disciples on a large scale, it would only cause the other sect to retaliate in kind.

If the elders of both sides were determined to kill ordinary disciples, it would only lead to heavy casualties among the disciples of each other's sects. No sect could bear such losses.

It can be said that in Jiashao Prefecture, the elders of the Secret Treasure Realm were nuclear weapons. They would not be deployed easily, but were just an invisible deterrent.

Even if the elders fought each other, most of them were limited to the elders' fights.

Ordinary disciples would not be involved on a large scale, unless it was a battle to destroy the sect.

But for the Demonic Path, there was no such concern.

Because the Demonic Path was suppressed everywhere, look at the elders of Guiling Palace, they all huddled in the mountain gate and dared not go out easily. There was no expectation that they could retaliate in kind and deter the righteous sects.

If it was hundreds of years ago, it would still be possible. Now that the magic path is desolate, such things can only be dreamed of.

Jiang Yanyi's killing did not stop. As an elder of the Secret Treasure Realm, his appearance completely laid the foundation for the battle.

The water dragon soared in the sky, its body covered with dragon scales as hard as iron marks, shining with the silver light of water, its dragon eyes were sharp, and its dragon tail was like an arrow. The strong airflow impact generated during flight made the Jinsha River turbulent and set off waves.


A simple slap and tail flick, a slave ship was blown off.

Under the pressure of the dragon claws, two slave ships were pressed into the Jinsha River in succession, and the river water poured in crazily.

The dragon head was raised, and the dragon roar was so shocking that it made people's heart and gallbladder break.

"Heavenly thunder helps me to destroy the demon."

Jiang Yanyi stepped on the top of the faucet, and on the majestic dragon horns, there was a dazzling thunder condensed, turning into lightning and blasting around.

The disciples of Guiling Palace screamed one by one. Once they were hit by thunder, their bodies were torn into pieces, and they had no power to resist.

"The Great Seal of Mountains and Rivers, shock and kill the villains."

A mid-grade magic weapon was thrown out. This was a seal with mountains, rivers and the state. The surface of the seal emitted golden flames, and released golden light in the air.

The air around them suddenly became heavy. The disciples of Guiling Palace who were exposed to the thunder felt like they were carrying a small mountain on their backs, as if an invisible big hand was slowly squeezing their bodies. Their bones made a sound of being overwhelmed by the heavy load, and finally their bones broke inch by inch, and their internal organs were squeezed into minced meat.

"In accordance with the order of the sect master, today you must be reduced to ashes and return a bright and clear world to this world."

With his hands clasped together, a tsunami suddenly rose in front of Jiang Yanyi, but it was frozen in an instant and condensed into an ice wall.

On the ice wall, it was as if there was a paintbrush, quickly painting on the ice wall. Between the silver hooks and iron paintings, ice swords shattered the wall, separated from it, and gathered into a brilliant sword river.

Wherever the sword river passed, the disciples of Guiling Palace were pierced by thousands of swords. There was no way to stop it.

Such a prominent fighting power scared the disciples of Guiling Palace to death, and their bodies trembled like sieves, thinking that a disaster was coming.

I don’t know how many disciples chose to jump into the Jinsha River in fear, hoping to escape. It was absolutely impossible to force their way in.

"The great elder of Guanchao Pavilion actually bullied us juniors. It’s really shameless."

Suddenly, a voice came from a slave ship in the back of the Jinsha River.

Su Jie recognized it, it seemed to be Jia Changxun’s voice.

"Well, is there another expert?"

Jiang Yanyi narrowed his eyes and looked at the slave ship, then sneered: "You dare to bark with your mere ninth-level cultivation in the Soul Condensation Realm."

"I can't beat you, but I can't let you destroy all the property of Guiling Palace."

As soon as the voice fell, a palm-sized talisman was thrown out.

On the talisman, the blood of the demon was engraved with intricate patterns, each of which was like an earthworm, twisted and tangled, obscure and difficult to understand, and between the patterns, there was a strong spiritual power.

"Top-grade talisman."

Jiang Yanyi's face changed drastically, and he hurriedly wanted to withdraw, but it was too late.

The talisman burned to ashes, and suddenly, a golden sun appeared on the horizon.

Looking carefully, it was not the sun, but a huge alchemy furnace constructed by spiritual power, which was a hundred meters in size. It swallowed Jiang Yanyi and sucked him in. A blazing golden flame rose from the bottom of the furnace, as if Jiang Yanyi was being refined as an elixir.

"This talisman may not be able to kill him. Take advantage of his entrapment and retreat."

Jia Changxun's voice came from the slave ship. Relying on the talisman given by the leader of Guiling Palace, Jiang Yanyi, the terrifying guy, was forced to stop.

But the situation was still not optimistic. Jiang Yanyi had killed too many people in Guiling Palace just now, and the disciples suffered heavy losses.

At this time, they were besieged by disciples from various sects and could no longer hold on. They turned the bow and fled faster.

On the water, Xu Yihu fled back in a panic and shouted, "Ship quickly, let's leave here."

The sails were raised, and the disciples of Guiling Palace tried their best to attack the disciples of the righteous sects who rushed from all sides in the face of life and death crisis.

Blood, wailing, broken limbs, scattered weapons, corpses floating on the river, flying swords interweaving and fighting, magics clashing, poisonous insects flying, the entire Jinsha River is in chaos, and the battle has entered the most brutal and intense stage.

Su Jie controls the White Bone Sky Sword, and every time the sword rings, a life falls under the sword.

There were not many disciples of Guiling Palace still fighting on the deck. Su Jie was the most eye-catching one besides Xu Yihu.

Countless disciples of the righteous sects wanted to kill Su Jie, the stumbling block, but they all became the dead souls under Su Jie's sword in the end.

Chen Yun followed Su Jie closely, holding the Dark Sound Bat in her hand, and cooperated with Su Jie in the battle.

Under the resonance of the sound waves of the Dark Sound Bat, the weaker disciples would have internal bleeding from their internal organs, broken tendons and veins, and slow movements, making it even more difficult to block the fatal attack of the White Bone Sky Sword.

Heads were chopped off one by one, and the White Bone Sky Sword was still as bright as new, and blood gathered into a stream at Su Jie's feet.

Su Jie walked to the side of the ship step by step, and the White Bone Sky Sword slashed quickly, cutting off all the oars on both sides of the pursuing double-sailed speedboat, and cutting the sails together.

Soon, the speed of the double-sailed speedboat dropped sharply, and it could no longer catch up.

"Well done."

Xu Yihu laughed loudly, vomiting a large amount of blood from his mouth.

His injuries were very serious, and he was beaten badly by the inner disciple of Guanchao Pavilion.

"You ruined my business."

The disciple of Guanchao Pavilion looked at him coldly, stepped on the water, and was about to attack Su Jie.

Su Jie hooked his fingers, and the White Bone Sky Sword was like a silver-white lightning. The sword was sharp, which made the inner disciples of Guanchao Pavilion very afraid and stopped.

"Get back."

Xu Yihu's cheeks bulged, and a huge mouthful of thick magma spurted out, cooperating with the White Bone Sky Sword, igniting half of his body, forcing him to hide under the river, and hurriedly looking for water to put out the fire.

The White Bone Sky Sword interspersed in the water several times, and the turbid river water had no vision, and it was impossible to determine its position.

However, the main purpose of forcing him to retreat has been achieved. Now it is still important to run away. Who knows when the elder of the Secret Treasure Realm will escape.

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