Two Realms: Don’t call me evil!

Chapter 88 You are far inferior to Pei Haibing

"You want to silence us all, don't you think it's too much, Senior Brother Xu?"

Looking at the huge half-human, half-lizard Xu Yihu in front of him, Su Jie stroked the bone sword with his hand, his eyes turned cold.

"Hehe, an outer disciple like you won't understand."

Xu Yihu squatted on the ground, his upper body piled with scales, he had eaten too many people and hadn't digested them yet, and looked very bloated.

"Isn't it just to practice the human insect sacrifice method, taking advantage of the attack by the righteous, and taking the excuse that the entire slave ship was destroyed, and taking all the slaves on the ship as food, to satisfy your own practice!"

Su Jie's tone was flat, he had seen Xu Yihu's greedy pursuit of living people before.

If it weren't for today's incident, he wouldn't dare to have any evil thoughts.

But now that the slave fleet has lost a lot of money, he put his own slave ship on the loss list, and then killed all the witnesses, he could enjoy the slaves on the entire slave ship at will, and no one would doubt him.

Su Jie had seen a news story before, where a bank was robbed by gangsters, and the president took the opportunity to exaggerate the amount of losses to cover up his own embezzlement. It was almost the same principle.

Xu Yihu was a little surprised, and sneered: "You really know this! That would be even more impossible to keep you. I originally saw that you had some relationship with Senior Sister Yu, and I wanted to take care of you. It was you who was too blind."

Xu Yihu shook his heavy body, supported by his two hind legs and stood up. The shadow cast down covered Su Jie, and the fishy wind swept from his mouth: "You are very strong, and you use the White Bone Sky Sword to perfection, but you are still a little bit worse against me. If Pei Haibing from your branch was here, he might still pose some threat to me, but it's a pity that he died too early, so I can only let you see the strength of our inner disciples."


With a roar, Xu Yihu bent his legs and tore the air. The powerful impact force cracked the deck with every step.

Chen Yun bit her lips tightly, and the dark sound bat in her hand continued to send out resonance attacks, but it was just a low-grade poisonous insect, which obviously could not cause effective damage to Xu Yihu. She could only watch this half-human, half-insect monster rushing to her.

Su Jie looked at Xu Yihu who was close at hand, and the shadow behind him pulled up and covered Su Jie's body.

As if entering the ink rubbing, a new Su Jie walked out and fled in another direction.

Xu Yihu, who was rushing to kill, was stunned, and slapped down with a slap, which directly dispersed the air transformed by the shadow.

"It's quite useful."

Su Jie learned and used it immediately, and nodded with satisfaction when he saw the effect of the Xuanying secret technique.

"With such a big Jinsha River, where can you escape to? If you don't use your white bone Tiansha sword, you will have no chance in a while."

Xu Yihu laughed sarcastically, not caring about some of Su Jie's tricks, and confident that he could solve all problems.

"Run away? That's what you think. Besides, I don't like to use a sword against a big guy."

Su Jie raised his right hand with a slight smile on his lips: "Xiao Qian, come out and play with him."


The sleeves were torn, and the ferocious and ferocious Thousand-Handed Centipede came out wildly, with dense pale corpse hands and insect eyes with the coldness and ruthlessness unique to insects, whistling and pounced on Xu Yihu.

"What, the three-refined poisonous insect."

Xu Yihu's pupils shrank violently, as if he had encountered a natural enemy, and he wanted to retreat in fear.

The Thousand-Handed Centipede, which was more than ten meters long, was much stronger than Xu Yihu, and did not give it a chance to dodge at all.

The moment the two sides came into contact, the Thousand-Handed Centipede overwhelmed it with unparalleled strength.

A pair of huge fangs bit Xu Yihu's neck, and blood gushed out like a fountain. The throat and cervical vertebrae were exposed to the air, and the pairs of pale corpse hands tightly entangled Xu Yihu's body.

"Su Sujie, this is really yours"

Chen Yun stared at this scene in amazement. The inverted fighting power in front of her made her feel like she was in a dream.

Su Jie actually had a three-refined Gu worm, which was difficult for many inner disciples to cultivate.

"Lucky, I managed to let it evolve three times by chance."

Su Jie smiled, Chen Yun remained silent, this was not something that could be explained by luck.

The evolution of a low-grade Gu worm to a medium-grade one is far less resource-intensive than the evolution to a low-grade three-refined one. The latter is more difficult. In terms of fighting power, a low-grade three-refined Gu worm can beat an ordinary middle-grade Gu worm that has not evolved.

But Su Jie said this, Chen Yun was also very sensible and did not continue to ask.

On the deck, Xu Yihu was suppressed by the Thousand-Handed Centipede, not to mention that the injuries caused by the inner disciples of Guanchao Pavilion in the previous battle had not yet fully recovered.

In addition, in terms of strength, defense, and speed, the Thousand-Handed Centipede crushed him in all aspects.

After the fight, the pale corpse hands squeezed him crazily, crushing countless of his hard bones.

Xu Yihu could only struggle continuously, with large amounts of hot magma gushing out of his mouth and skin, in an attempt to make the Thousand-Handed Centipede loosen its restraints and retreat.

The Thousand-Handed Centipede turned a blind eye. Its hard shell was extremely fire-resistant. Even if it could not withstand the burn, it would split into small centipedes to heal itself.


The Thousand-Handed Centipede wrapped around Xu Yihu and crashed into the superstructure of the ship. The ship's walls made of hard teak broke at the touch, the mast was broken, and the fallen sails covered the two frantically fighting behemoths, but could not stop the two from tearing the upper layer of the slave ship to pieces.

"Xiao Qian, take him down to the river."

Su Jie gave an order, and the Thousand-Handed Centipede decisively grabbed Xu Yihu and took him into the surging river.

Gurgle gurgle!

Large waves and bubbles appeared on the surface of the river, and nearby fish and shrimps floated to the surface with their white bellies turned upside down, and were cooked by the boiling river water.

Two huge shadows can be seen fighting under the water, the river water rolled up waves, and large pieces of silt and river sand made the water surface turbid.

Affected by the environment, the hot magma flames were suppressed by the river water, and the power was much smaller. It was no longer a threat to the Thousand-Handed Centipede, and the two sides entered a real hand-to-hand fight.

Half a minute later, as the dazzling purple light bloomed at the bottom of the river, the turbulent Jinsha River gradually calmed down, and the Thousand-Handed Centipede swam to the surface of the river with Xu Yihu in its mouth.

At this time, Xu Yihu only had the upper body left, and the lower half of his body below the chest had disappeared. The victory ended faster than expected.

Throwing Xu Yihu on the deck, the Thousand-Handed Centipede swayed its two tentacles and sizzled to ask Su Jie for credit.

"I'll reward you with a chicken leg later."

Su Jie patted the Thousand-Handed Centipede's head and walked in front of Xu Yihu.

"I blame you for not seeing through you earlier. You hid so deeply."

Xu Yihu's voice was weak, and his words were full of reluctance. Most of his chest organs fell into the Jinsha River, and his life began to count down.

"You are too weak to show my true strength."

Su Jie smiled and reached for the storage bag. Then he thought of something and added: "By the way, you are far worse than Pei Haibing. At least he can fight with me and bring me a threat. You are completely useless!"

Xu Yihu's eyes widened. Although Su Jie was telling the truth, as an inner disciple, he had never seen an outer disciple dare to belittle him like this.

A pair of bloodshot eyes stared at Su Jie, and Xu Yihu opened and closed his mouth, wanting to curse.

In the end, he couldn't catch his breath, and the last trace of his eyes dimmed and stopped breathing.

"He died so soon. The psychological quality of the inner disciples is not good!"

Su Jie shook his head, took off the storage bag, and kicked the body into the river.

Such dregs are not worthy of being buried in the ground, but are more suitable to be fed to fish and turtles in the river.

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