Two Realms: Don’t call me evil!

Chapter 93 Return to Blue Star (Fourth Update)

Blue Star!

Mandech City, Eastern Qin State, Zen Kingdom.

In the core area of ​​this newly renovated city, a new building is rising from the ground, and workers are busy working hard on the construction.

This is the newly built headquarters building of Jieke Company. It is more than 70 stories high. It hired a construction company from China and it will take some time to complete.

Not far away, a thirteen-story building is the current office location of Jieke Company.

In the CEO's office on the top floor, Su Jie pushed open the door and entered.

Behind the desk, a beautiful lady wearing a hip-hugging skirt and her legs wrapped in black stockings raised her head when she heard the movement.


Liu Yingying stood up suddenly, her foxy eyes full of surprise.

"Miss me?"

Su Jie walked into the office, and before he could even tease him, the other party kissed him.

After their lips parted for a long time, Liu Yingying beat Su Jie's chest and complained a little: "Why did you stay for so long this time? The company doesn't want you."

"Isn't this busy!"

Su Jie sat on the boss's chair, touched Liu Yingying's hair in his arms, and asked, "How is Jieke's company developing during this time?"

"According to your request, we did not expand blindly, but just consolidated our basic base in the Mande area. Now our insect breeding industry has developed to every household. Jieke Company has more than 6,000 employees. We have signed a cooperation agreement. There are more than 80,000 farmers, and there are many reports in other places mocking our company. "

Liu Yingying narrowed her eyes slightly, with a comfortable expression, and knew everything about the company.

"It's just that the city is a little unstable these days when you are away."

Liu Yingying thought of something and hesitated to speak.

Su Jie's hand stroking his hair paused slightly and said calmly: "Oh, someone from outside is causing trouble?"

"It's our internal people. Some officials have started to engage in corruption again, including the moths within our company. I have tried to crack down on them, but the effect is not good."

"How did you hit it?"

"There are suspensions, dismissals, and imprisonments. There are still many people to help, and some officials have high positions. If you are not here, and their officials protect each other, I can't make a decision directly."

Su Jie's face turned cold and he shook his head and said, "What you are doing is too gentle. You have forgotten how we started. The violent machine is in our hands. Those who are disobedient should just go and accompany Lu Wenbo."

"Ah! You mean to use the army to clean up?"

Liu Yingying opened her mouth in surprise, stunned by Su Jie's words.

She has never thought about how to deal with a group of corrupt officials by dispatching the army. She has never seen it in China!

"We have just established a foothold in the Mande area, how can others be convinced, especially when we have dealt with the group of officials who colluded too deeply with Lu Wenbo. Under the power vacuum, the officials who were temporarily promoted are mixed, so we must be more ruthless when dealing with pests. . Otherwise, if you can be corrupted today, you will be betrayed tomorrow. After all, we are just outsiders to the Zen Kingdom, and we will naturally be excluded."

Su Jie's voice was calm. Liu Yingying's method was too gentle. Being gentle was not a shortcoming, but the place was not suitable.

This is Zen country, and Su Jie is just an outsider. Being too gentle will only make people think you are weak and can be bullied, and then they will push you further.

On the contrary, making the enemy afraid is the fastest way to gain a foothold in a foreign country.

Knowing that Liu Yingying, who lived in a peaceful era, would not be able to accept it, Su Jie added, "I will handle this matter. You don't have to worry about it. Let's talk about the domestic company's affairs."

"Domestic Tianyuan Home Furnishing is also developing smoothly. Our high-end furniture relies on raw materials and has completely established its reputation in the country. Without Tianyuan Home Furnishing's continuous cash flow, we would not be able to develop so fast."

"How much cash is left in the account?"

Su Jie nodded with satisfaction and continued to ask.

"2.9 billion Chinese yuan, do you want to use it?"

"Get ready to acquire a few breeding farms."

"Don't we already have many breeding farms?"

Upon hearing this order, Liu Yingying subconsciously thought it was referring to the insect farm.

"Not an insect farm, but a livestock farm, a large-scale farm that includes an assembly line slaughtering operation."

Su Jie smiled mysteriously, and Liu Yingying was puzzled, but Su Jie's order was the highest will. She did not ask any more questions, but immediately went out to find someone to make arrangements.


Mandela City, in a high-end villa.

No matter how poor a place is, there are rich people, and Mandeb City is no exception.

In the villa, a group of officials and wealthy businessmen are holding a party.

Since Jieko Company took over the supreme power in the Mander region, it has eradicated large tracts of industry owned by the Mander United Army.

However, capital will never disappear, let alone be eliminated, and the lack of business will be replenished.

Especially now that Jieke Company is engaged in infrastructure construction and insect breeding is booming, businessmen will naturally come back when they smell the smell of money.

And with businessmen, collusion between government and business is inevitable.

As the actual controller of the Mande area, Jieco Company is betraying the interests of Jieco Company.

Only the reputation of Jieke Company was destroyed.

Because everyone knows who these officials are working for.

"Mr. Mayor, I'd like to toast you."

"Mr. Mayor, the last Pudun Bridge breakage was really not our construction fault. I hope you can help with the operation."

"Mr. Mayor, this is Pasha, the son of the director of the power supply bureau. He just came back from studying abroad. He just opened a construction company. I heard that the government has a big project. Let me tell you..."

Mander City Deputy Mayor Manarin held a glass of wine, and businessmen kept coming up to flatter him.

"Okay, okay, as long as everyone works hard and builds the Mander area well, you will definitely have the opportunity to make a fortune."

Manarin was in a happy mood. He was not the deputy mayor originally, but he stood on the side early when the Mander United Army was destroyed last time, so he was promoted all the way and became the deputy mayor like a rocket. His actual position is the director of the Land Planning Bureau.

"Mayor Ma, I heard that you were promoted. I just came back from abroad and didn't bring anything. This box of cigars is my gift."

Pasha handed over a box and handed it to Manarin personally.

"What cigars are you giving me! I am a person."

Manarin took the cigar box and felt that the weight was wrong.

After opening it, there were gold bars under the cigars, and the golden wealth was dazzling.

Pasha smiled and said, "It's just a small gift. Mayor Ma, please don't refuse it."

"Oh, you've made me suffer! I was planning to quit smoking, but seeing that you are so sincere, I will smoke a few more cigarettes, just a few, and you all have to testify!"

Manalin's old face was full of smiles, and he handed the cigar box to the secretary.

The businessmen nearby were also very sensible, and they raised their glasses to show that they would testify.

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