Two Realms: Don’t call me evil!

Chapter 95 Ghost (First Update)

The operation lasted all night, and on the next day, all the targets on the list were arrested.

In Mandecheng Prison, Su Jie sat alone in the room and looked at a prisoner being escorted in.

Depending on the size of the crimes they committed, the officials and businessmen captured last night will have different trials waiting for them. Those with more serious crimes will also have to go to the mines to undergo labor camps until they die.

As for the more serious cases, they were sent to Su Jie.

"Sir, bring the prisoner."

The soldiers from Jieke's security saluted Su Jie.

Su Jie put down the tea he was holding, waved his hand and said, "You guys go down."

Jie Ke, who was standing guard outside the door, withdrew after being guarded. Only Su Jie and the people who had just been escorted in were left in the house.

The criminal was a frightened middle-aged man. His clothes were soaked with sweat because of fear.

"Mr. Su Su. I was wrongly accused. I really didn't do anything."

Seeing Su Jie, the man desperately wanted to explain.

"Everyone comes in and says they were wronged. During the time you were the chief of security, you committed murder, took bribes, concealed reports and got away with crimes, and colluded with gangs."

Su Jie listed the crimes one by one. Every time he mentioned one, the middle-aged man in front of him showed more fear on his face.

Because he knew what would happen if the things he did fell into Su Jie's hands.

"Obviously I have a good life and a high enough status, but you challenge my bottom line again and again. Do you think I will be more soft-hearted than Lu Wenbo and dare not deal with you guys?"

Su Jie twisted his neck, turned around, picked up a revolver on the table, and inserted bullets one by one.

This foundation was laid by him, and he will never allow others to destroy it.

"You are a bastard from China. This is our Zen country, and it is our land. Even if I am guilty, it will be under the control of the Zen government. What qualifications do you have to arrest me?"

Seeing that Su Jie showed no mercy, the middle-aged man roared and his head became hot. He didn't care that his hands were handcuffed and actually wanted to attack Su Jie.


Su Jie raised the revolver, pointed it at the opponent's thigh, and pulled the trigger.

"Your land? Ask the hundreds of thousands of people in the Mande area whether they welcome the arrival of our Jieke Company. Those who don't welcome us are just you rentiers. It's too good to think so. For the things you committed, I will give you the fairest trial and make your death absolutely exciting.”

Su Jie sneered, pulled the trigger, and fired bullets that hit the opponent's hands and feet, making him scream in agony.

Finally, the revolver was pointed at the middle-aged man's head and the trigger was pulled.

The bullet penetrated into the skull and opened it, and red and white blood flowed all over the ground.

A group of souls also floated out of the corpse's head at the same time. Uncontrollably, they were absorbed by the soul-calling flag that Su Jie took out.

For such enemies, Su Jie would not show mercy at all. Letting their souls become the basis for his soul-calling banner was considered as the last waste utilization.

If a middle-aged man knew that he would be distraught after death and would not even be able to leave his soul behind, I wonder if he would still dare to do those evil things.


On the soul-calling flag, the ghosts drawn with blood became increasingly clear.

The night was low, and the moonlight was projected into the room through the window. The light breeze blew the soul-calling flag in Su Jie's hand. The ghostly figure on it seemed to be alive, swaying with the wind.

"It's still a lot worse."

Su Jie felt the change on the soul-calling flag, picked up the intercom and said: "Bring in all the criminals outside."

Jacko's security guards came one after another and brought more than 20 prisoners into the room.

None of them glanced at the dead body on the ground.

Su Jie raised his pistol again. This time he was too lazy to talk nonsense. He pointed it at the people in front and pulled the trigger.

"Don't kill me, don't kill me!"

"Spare my life, I don't want to die!"

"You devil."

Su Jie's short, frightened shouts failed to make Su Jie hesitate at all, and he pulled the trigger ruthlessly again and again.

The bullet accurately penetrated the brain of the criminal, taking away their life and soul.

After killing nine people in a row, the soul-calling flag absorbed their souls after death, and at this time, earth-shaking changes finally occurred.

A strange and pungent fishy smell filled the room.

The light shines on the soul-calling flag, and the light is distorted. The mouth of the ghost in the painting is split to the base of the ear. The black hole in the mouth seems to be laughing silently, and the face is full of evil and ominousness.

The next moment, Yinhun twisted his neck, picked up the banner cloth with both hands, and actually floated out from the soul-calling banner.

The ghost is like a ball of ashes, its body posture is twisted, its eyes are empty, and its strange aura conveys an inexplicable and strange force, as if its soul is trembling.

This is the Yin Hun, the first Yin Hun to take shape.

"Ghost, ghost!"

Su Jie was admiring the newly born ghost, but the prisoners who were escorted into the room were so frightened that they trembled.

Witnessing this kind of supernatural event with their own eyes had a huge impact on their outlook on life. A group of people huddled in the corner, shouting hysterically.


Su Jie let out a soft drink, and the ghost flew around, like the image of a ghost in a movie or TV show, directly penetrating through real objects such as tables and chairs.

At high speed, Yinhun's body was stretched and thinned, like a scimitar blade, instantly passing through the body of a criminal.

This man's body twitched. Although there were no external or internal injuries on his body, his pupils instantly lost their brightness.

Su Jie noticed that the moment the ghost turned into a sharp blade and passed through the opponent's body, his soul was also torn apart at the same time.

It is difficult to hurt the human soul, and even Su Jie has no means to directly target the soul now.

But Yinhun is born from the condensation of souls and has the innate ability to attack souls.

The torn soul floated out from the corpse and was sucked directly into the soul-calling flag.

The attack of the ghost did not stop. The weird and strange figure was like a cold wind, passing through the body of an individual criminal and taking away their life.

Looking around, corpses that had lost their life and warmth were lying on the ground.

If it weren't for the rising and falling of his chest, he would be as quiet as if he was asleep.

The souls of these ordinary people have not undergone any training and baptism, and their resistance to ghosts is basically zero.

As the soul was harvested, a new ghost condensed from the soul calling flag. It seemed to feel the death breath from the outside world. It couldn't wait to get out. The madness and coldness on its face gave people a sense of suffocation. .

"The souls of ten ordinary people create a ghost!"

Su Jie murmured to himself, then moved his fingers, letting the two ghosts rush towards him.


Two ghosts rushed through his body. Su Jie felt his body was inexplicably cold and his vision was slightly blurred, but he recovered immediately.

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