Two Realms: Don’t call me evil!

Chapter 97: Intermediate-grade poisonous insect (third update)

Pigs, sheep, cattle, chickens, ducks, geese, etc. were bled and slaughtered one by one, and the slaughterhouse was full of mutton smell.

The soul-absorbing range of the soul-calling banner was more than enough to cover the entire slaughterhouse.

The souls produced by each animal are different. Su Jie watched the souls of livestock flying out after death and being sucked into the soul-calling banner. According to the condensation progress of the third ghost on the soul-calling banner, he recorded notes and compared them.

Taking the soul of an ordinary person as an example, the quality of an ordinary person's soul is marked as 1.

Although there are differences in the quality of souls between individuals, the difference will not be too big, after all, they are not practitioners.

"Pig soul 0.033, sheep soul 0.005, cattle soul 0.012, chicken soul 0.0001"

Su Jie recorded the data one by one, and compared the animal soul data he found in the mountains and forests in the past few days, and finally came to a conclusion.

In addition to humans, the souls of elephants and primates are ranked the highest. Perhaps the souls of killer whales and whales are also of good quality, but Su Jie did not have time to find them.

Apart from these animals, pigs have the highest soul quality, followed by cows, sheep and so on.

Su Jie set his sights on pigs. This creature, which is often associated with stupidity, has such a high soul quality.

It seems that there is indeed a saying that the IQ of a pig is equal to that of a three or four-year-old child.

"It's decided to be you."

Su Jie made a decision in his mind. The souls of thirty pigs are equivalent to the soul of an ordinary person. Ten ordinary people's souls can condense a ghost. In other words, there is no need to kill people. Su Jie can create a ghost with the souls of three hundred pigs.

As for other wild animals, even if the soul quality is higher, the number is too small. Killing them to extinction is not enough for Su Jie.

In terms of efficiency, only pigs, which rank second in human meat consumption, second only to chickens, are the most suitable for cultivating ghosts.

"I have to buy a large breeding company as soon as possible."

Su Jie is already impatient and wants to fully develop the soul-calling flag.

When the flag comes out, thousands of ghosts and souls will howl, which will enhance the combat power unparalleled.

And now, in Su Jie's arms, the fifth ghost of the soul-calling banner has also condensed.

"Boss Su, do you think these are enough?"

The factory director trotted over and looked at the slaughtered livestock, which had already filled the slaughterhouse.

"Okay, that's all."

Su Jie nodded. There were too few livestock in the small farm in front of him. Even if they were all killed, they couldn't raise many ghosts. They had to rely on those real large farms.

After giving instructions to Liu Yingying, Su Jie did not stay to host the subsequent meat distribution meeting, but took a car to the Fumen Farm.

Fumen Farm is the largest insect farm in the Mande area. All kinds of insects purchased from farmers are basically transported here.

And deep underground in the Fumen Farm, a large number of Gu worms from the Tianyuan World are continuously devouring these Gu worms from the Blue Star to complete their evolution and metamorphosis.

Su Jie took the elevator and came to the underground Gu worm cultivation base that he had not visited for a long time.

Fifty meters underground, as soon as the elevator door opened, bursts of harsh buzzing came into his ears.

After stepping out of the elevator, the sight was that a layer of blue ice curtain divided and blocked this Gu worm breeding base. This was the Qiankun Xuanbing formation diagram that Su Jie bought.

In the formation diagram, among the Gu worms brought from the Tianyuan world, many Tianyuan Gu worms have undergone metamorphosis, from low-grade Gu worms to low-grade Gu worms, thanks to the countless blue star poisonous insects that they eat every day.

"Xiao Qian, come out, and evolve here."

Su Jie released the Thousand Hands Centipede, and the giant monster, which was more than ten meters long, stood up and propped up its head to the feed outlet.

Hula la.

In the thick feed pipe, a large number of spiders, centipedes, poisonous snakes, poisonous frogs, and poisonous bees were dumped down. These were poisonous insects raised on the ground, and they were fed to the Tianyuan Gu worms underground on a regular basis every day. However, the employees of Jie Ke who were working were not aware of it and thought that they were conducting experiments to deal with these poisons.

The Thousand-Handed Centipede opened its mouth wide, and the feeling of food automatically entering its mouth was so wonderful that the Thousand-Handed Centipede was reluctant to leave for a long time after swallowing its full meal.

However, evolution is not something that the Thousand-Handed Centipede can stop when the time comes.

Su Jie took out hundreds of blood marrow crystals and fed them to the Thousand-Handed Centipede himself.

The spiritual energy contained in the blood marrow crystals allowed the Thousand-Handed Centipede to complete its final leap.

A thick cocoon grew from the surface shell and finally covered the whole body of the Thousand-Handed Centipede. The cocoon, which was more than ten meters long, was dark red, rising and falling like a beating heart, transforming into a medium-grade Gu worm.




I don’t know if they sensed danger, but the various Gu worms in the Qiankun Xuanbing Formation smelled the breath of danger and became restless. They rushed left and right in the formation frantically, trying to stay away from the Thousand-Handed Centipede.

This time, the transformation of the Thousand-Handed Centipede was very fast. It takes a long time for ordinary low-grade Gu worms to evolve into medium-grade ones, and it is also quite dangerous.

If there is any mistake, the Gu worm will fail to transform and damage its foundation, or even die directly.

The Thousand-Handed Centipede is a low-grade three-refined Gu worm. Its strength is even far greater than that of ordinary medium-grade Gu worms. This transformation is a natural process without any difficulty.

Compared with the evolution that took more than ten hours in the past, the Thousand-Handed Centipede completed its evolution in less than two hours.

When the cocoon was broken, the Thousand-Handed Centipede that emerged from it had reached a size of 20 meters.

The armor on the whole body is shiny black, harder than steel, and there are more than 200 pairs of pale corpse hands.

With the completion of evolution, the various abilities of the Thousand-Handed Centipede have also been improved. Each of the pale corpse hands is thicker than the thigh of an ordinary person, with extremely terrifying strength, and can easily grip steel into mud.

The two abilities of self-healing splitting and purple light rays have also been comprehensively improved as the Thousand-Handed Centipede evolves to a medium-grade Gu worm.

And this is not the evolutionary limit of the Thousand-Handed Centipede. Su Jie patted the head of the Thousand-Handed Centipede, and released the Qiankun Xuanbing Formation Diagram one by one, releasing the uneasy low-grade Gu worms inside, and smiled: "Go and eat, these are all yours."

The Thousand-Handed Centipede hissed, and pale corpse hands crawled out from its abdomen, rushing towards a low-grade Gu worm, the evil eye thunder worm.

This evil eye thunder worm is the strongest Gu worm in the Gu worm breeding base. It looks like a basketball-sized one-eye embedded on the top of the white fat maggot.


The evil-eyed thunderworm blinked its single eye, and lightning struck the huge body of the Thousand-handed Centipede.

The electric current sizzled on its body, but the Thousand-handed Centipede was not affected at all. The difference in strength between the two sides was too great. The next moment, the fat white evil-eyed thunderworm was grabbed by more than a dozen pale corpse hands and dragged to the mouth of the Thousand-handed Centipede.

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