Getting the world involved? It was this world that pulled us into it all. Maki was about to say this, when Chiharu pulled her shoulder and said,

“Hey, Norfe. I don’t think they are like that. We just saw them on the train.”


Maki looked shocked for a second before replying.

“Oh, yes. Chouze. King Arthur and Prince Edwy were with them as well.”

“And that white-haired elf and the big beastman!”

The blonde elf looked at them with a puzzled expression.

“Two black-eyed and black-haired little girls who are carried by the bird folk. You cannot be anyone but the Saintesses.”

He said. Maki wanted to say something about the ‘little girls’ part, but she held it in.

“Look closely. My hair is dark brown, and so are my eyes. Besides, the birdfolk often carry children.”

She said. Of course, there were no other humans here with hair that was as dark as hers.

“Hmm. I suppose it does look a little brown?”

The elf said as he looked at Maki. Chiharu pressed further.

“Hey, Sauro. Didn’t you also see the Saintesses at the station?”

Sauro was used to this.

“I did. Both of them. They were with Arthur and Zynis.”

“I see… I am sorry then. I mistook you for someone else.”

The elf apologized. At least he was aware of his own rudeness. Of course, he had not actually mistaken them.

“Even if you thought we were someone else, you shouldn’t say such rude things.”

Chiharu said with a serious expression. Then she turned around and urged Maki to hurry up before the others arrived. They could already hear people talking near the gate.

“Sauro, Saikania. Take us to the balcony!”



They left the elf, who looked on as they rose into the bright sky. And in a minute, Maki and Chiharu were returned safely to their room. ‘Don’t look up!’ was the one thought that had been in their heads.

“Lady Maki! Lady Chiharu!”

“Miss Sera!”

“You’re okay! I was so worried!”

Sera had been waiting for them in the room. Her eyes were full of tears.

“Please tell me if there is anything that’s bothering you! I’ll deal with those inlanders for you!”

“No, I don’t think that’s a good idea.”

Chiharu then recalled all that had happened regarding the inland people. But she was more concerned over the fact that they had caused Sera to worry so much.

“I’m sorry. We thought that telling you about it would put you in trouble, so we kept everything a secret.”

“In trouble! Those people! They were quite stubborn for a while after the economic blockade, but they finally gave in and apologized!”

Economic blockade? Chiharu and Maki looked at each other with surprise. Just then, Sauro entered the room without permission and called to them.

“Maki. Chiharu. Everyone will be here soon. I think they’ll call for you.”

“Sauro! Saikania! You two are to lead your tribe one day, and yet your careless actions have caused us much trouble!”

It was quite true. Chiharu was impressed by Sera’s reading of the situation.

“But, it did help us out in the end so…please don’t blame them too much…”

“Lady Chiharu, you are too generous. They have been nothing but trouble for you since the beginning.”

Chiharu wondered if she was being praised or it was just that the birdfolk were being dissed. Just then, voices rang from the hallway.

“It looks like they came here directly.”

Sauro said. Saikania suddenly started looking at her nails. Birdfolk had wonderful ears.

The voices stopped by the door and became louder. 

“Oh, how rude of them all!”

Sera said with narrowed eyebrows.

“Who is it?”

She asked.

“It’s Edwy.”

Said a voice that was not Edwy’s.

“Hey, don’t use my name.”

“True. After all, Arthur is here as well.”

Sera looked towards Maki and Chiharu. They both nodded. It was true that they had returned ahead of the others without saying anything, after all.

“Come in.”

The door opened just as Sera said this.

“Excuse me.”

And then several people entered the room. The person in the front said…

“Ahh! It’s you two!”

It was the blonde elf. Then he saw the birdfolk behind them and became angry.

“And them! I knew it! You lied to me!”

He shouted. Maki sighed with exasperation as Chiharu opened her mouth.

“We didn’t lie.”

“But you suggested that you weren’t the Saintesses.”

“And why should we tell you who we are?”


The elf stumbled.

“But there is no reason to hide it!”

“We wouldn’t have if you were nice.”

Chiharu said quietly. The others all watched in silence.

“Just because we are in the castle, does not mean we are protected by everything. We have to defend ourselves from ill-intentioned people. You said the Saintesses were causing chaos. We aren’t so childish as to expose ourselves in front of people like you.”


He could not say it now. It was merely words that had fallen from his mouth because they had been so small and cute… Just then, Aeris interrupted them.

“Maki. Chiharu.”



“This one is my nephew. He is not yet matured and always worries and is impatient.”

Everyone there wanted to point out that Aeris had just described himself. Or at least, comment on how they were clearly family in that regard.

“I bet he hasn’t even introduced himself yet.”

“Forgive me. I am Van. My mother is Aeris’s younger sister.”

The blonde elf said. Chiharu and Maki saw that they did look a lot alike.

“I thought you were assisting the Prime Minister back at home? Why are you here?”

“That’s right! I shouldn’t be wasting my time here! Nyran! We must go to the elf lands at once! The dungeons are different now, and no one knows what will happen. I thought I would be able to meet you sooner if I just waited here, but now I think I should’ve gone by airship!”

Van said rapidly. The others all looked annoyed. Clearly, this kind of thing was not new to them.

“Really. He is like you when you were all irritated about the Saintess’s arrival. You really are family.”

Grudo said with a laugh as he looked at Aeris. Aeris grimaced.

“Being frantic never speeds anything up.”

He muttered. Even at 300, he still grew and learned.

“Now, Van. We weren’t exactly traveling leisurely ourselves. We returned earlier than the soldiers, after all. But in any case, we shouldn’t talk about this in front of the Saintesses. They are tired. Let’s go to Arthur’s study.”

“Yes, uncle.”

Van said quietly and followed after Aeris. But then…

“I’m sorry to have bothered you. Excuse me.”

He said to them first. And then…

“About my study. I wish you wouldn’t make it your meeting spot without my permission.”

Arthur muttered. He glanced towards Maki and Chiharu before leaving. The others all left as well.

“What did that have to do with us?”

“Was he just venting?”

Maki and Chiharu thought with exasperation.

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