“The market sure is lively today.”

Corete craned his neck. Apparently, some group of people had brought a new product to the market. And when he looked closer, he saw that a young boy and girl were selling Soluna oranges.

“Soluna oranges, huh. They aren’t exactly rare back home, but I guess they don’t have them in the human territories.”

He muttered as he saw the townspeople gathered around in order to buy the oranges. Then he turned to Dilon, who was standing behind a small table that displayed ornaments made of scales, and said,

“We’ve been here for three days now. I think we got all of the information that we can get. We should pack up the store now. Besides, I bet Zynis is tired of living in the forest.”

“If anything, I bet father is enjoying being able to run around in the mountains every day.”

Dilon said with an annoyed look. He was so lively no matter where he went.

This was his first mission in the human territories, and the special humanoid form took a lot of concentration. It was him and not Zynis who was feeling tired. However, the girls who gathered around to see the unusual accessories were very cute. And he did not mind the way they looked at his ash-colored hair with admiration. Yes. It wasn’t bad at all.

“Oh? It seems they are walking around with the oranges as well. That way, people who can’t leave their stall can also buy some.”

Corete sounded impressed.

“But you wouldn’t be able to sell the scale accessories like that.”

“Well, that’s true. Regardless, we already sold the unprocessed scales to a craftsman. So selling the accessories is just a way to make a little extra money and something we could use for cover.”

It was easy to bring up the merfolk when you were selling the scales. And they were able to learn that a merman had been caught near the villa. Perhaps the rumor about ‘being wary of the mirror lake’ had something to do with this ‘captive merman.’

Zynis was currently looking into it during the night.

“Oh, too bad. The oranges got sold out before they reached us.”

“You sure like fruits, Corete. Well, I’m bored of tending to the store. Maybe I’ll go scouting and buy some oranges along the way. There seem to be less customers now.”

“Then buy some early-ripening grapes as well.”

“Fine. Fine.”

Dilon jumped over the table and began to slowly walk through the market. It was said that inland people were prejudiced against non-humans, but he had asked a dwarf who had come to buy some scales, and was told that such sentiments were not common. In fact, many people had stared at his unusual ash-colored hair, but he never felt anything other than curiosity in their looks.

Well, he did see annoyance on the faces of other young men. However, there was none of that now. When he looked at the market, he saw that everyone was focused on the two young men who were carrying the empty boxes. And also on the young boy and girl who sold the oranges. Even the young men were looking at them.

Well, they were traveling merchants who would only be here temporarily. There was no point in being annoyed by them. Dilon told this to himself as he stood in line to buy some oranges.

“Oh, it’s the young man with gray hair. Did you come to buy the oranges?”

An old lady who had already finished buying some started to talk to him.

“Yeah. My friend really likes them.”

“How many do you want?”

The boy had a pretty high-pitched voice. It would probably deepen soon.

“Uh, I’ll take three.”

When he looked down, he saw that the boy with blonde hair and black eyes was looking up at him in surprise. No, the eyes were dark brown. Dilon was surprised as well.


“No, it’s not.”

The girl said from the side as the boy muttered.

“R-right. Sorry. You just look like a friend.”

“No, he doesn’t. If anything, they aren’t even the same species.”

The girl butted in again as the boy apologized. Not the same species? Dilon wondered what she meant by that. Still, he accepted the paper bag of oranges and handed them the boy his money. The boy held Dilon’s hand and put the change in it.

Just then…


A scream could be heard. Dilon and the boy turned around in surprise. Suddenly, there were many more young girls there from all over the town. And they were looking at them with sparkling eyes.



The two looked around in confusion. Finally, the small girl next to the boy sighed.

“Those girls followed you here. And now you’re standing in front of the Lowland boy everyone is interested in. Also, you’re holding hands.”

The two looked down in surprise. They had frozen while still holding the change. Perhaps it looked like they were holding hands at a distance. They frantically pulled their hands back.

“Uh, um, I look forward to tasting them.”

“Oh, ah. We’ll probably be selling them tomorrow as well. So you should come again.”

Their awkward conversation ended there and they turned away and walked in different directions.

Oh. This was scarier than being looked at with descrimination. That was what Dilon thought as he rushed back to his store.

“I heard a lot of noise. Did you learn anything?”

“I didn’t have time for that. Girls are scary.”

“Selling Soluna oranges at this time of the year is very suspicious. Damn it. You really can’t do anything, can you?”

Corete glared at the still shaken Dilon. Then he looked at the two men who were selling the oranges. There was something about them that seemed familiar to him.

“Seslan? No, he should be in the beast territories. And the hair is different as well. Besides, the other one… Hey, Dilon. Look at the shorter one over there. Doesn’t he look like someone?”

Dilon was still not himself.

“The one selling the oranges? Smaller, oh, I see. The hair color is wrong, but the face and eyes look like Arthur. No, he’s too young. Edwy? Is that a wig?”

“And look at the taller one.”

“Taller? Oh, Seslan? No, but he looks like him…”

Dilon and Corete looked at each other.

“What would Midland and Lowland royalty be doing here?”

“And in disguise. Well, one of them, anyway. Besides, this mission was due to Arthur’s request. I didn’t hear anything about a separate team.”

“Besides, weren’t they supposed to be in the elf territory…”

Both of them folded their arms and stared at the two men selling oranges. The shorter one must have noticed this, because he looked at them and then looked away. Then an expression of surprise appeared on his face as he looked back at them. They could see his mouth shape the name ‘Dilon?’

“It’s confirmed then. That is Edwy.”

Dilon had also played with Edwy when he was younger. Now that he thought about it, his scent had seemed familiar.

“The boy said that they would be selling oranges tomorrow as well. That means they will be staying here. Tonight, then.”


That’s when it would happen.

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