Two Sides a Life

Chapter 18:18. Feelingless Mafia Man and Unlucky Woman 'Jeon Eun Ra' : Reprimand dady too!

Song Ji Min.

He's crazy. Most of the aunts in Eun Ra's room he managed to get rid of. I don't know why to be honest, it's just that seeing Ji Min's great power some of the helpers will not dare to speak to Ji Min even to reprimand him.

They dare not do, never will.

"You're lucky." Ji Min complained making Eun Ra could only lower her head to dominate the atmosphere that seemed one was in power and the other was being trampled and trampled on. "Me? Why am I sister?" asked Eun Ra who didn't understand what Ji Min was saying to her.

"Let's get out!" Ji Min's orders made Eun Ra swallow hard, Eun Ra walked backward just as Ji Min was about to pull her hand very roughly to get out of her room. Only the second floor.

The door was forced open, Ji Min opened it. Two male workers were waiting, the two maids who had been in Eun Ra's room were also waiting for her. "Where do you want to take sister Eun Ra, Ji Min?" asked the aunt in the same tone.

Don't respect Ji Min at all, at least as much as they respect Eun Ra. One person that Tae Jung bought at a high price.

"He's a bitch, did you forget?" Now Ji Min raises her voice to some of the maids in her. The maid can only sigh heavily and start walking downstairs, Eun Ra has been looking at the boundary of the room where Tae Jung has given her a stern warning if only Eun Ra crossed the room limit, the relationship was like before, right Eun Ra got from Tae Jung that second also Tae Jung knows. Eun Ra swallowed hard, dry, painful, and bitter. His sweat suddenly came out, the confusing contents of his head made Eun Ra even more confused.

'Should I go?'


'How do I handle Tae Jung, then?'

Damn, there was no other way but to reject it. Eun Ra threw her hands from Ji Min's grip from her hands. "Sister." Eun Ra exclaimed making Ji Min raise one alias confused. "What?"

"I can't get out of my room, this is the order of Mr. Tae Jung's." She remembers giving a stern warning to Ji Min to want to hear it, but Eun Ra rolls her eyes lazily listening. "You're a nobody." Ji Min said making Eun Ra speechless.

His eyes were still on the same thing, but it was too late for Eun Ra Ji Min to pull her wrist and.


Eun Ra comes out of her room at Ji Min's insistence. His surname is Song, complete with Song Ji Min.

"Sister!" Eun Ra exclaimed a little angry but surprised. "What? You want to curse me!" Ji Min replied no less ferociously making Eun Ra go fast.

Eun Ra gives up, she fails on her first day again. I don't know, There's no other way to go. Eun Ra will not be able to obey what Tae Jung ordered her if Ji Min is there, this is the main problem.

His eyes glaring at her, Ji Min tugged on Eun Ra's hand hard and inhumanely. Now it's much rougher than before. "Follow me!" She ordered himself, Eun Ra couldn't say anything. She chose him and followed what Ji Min wanted even though Ji Min's grip on him was very hard and cruel.

"Can't big sister loosen her grip on me a little bit?" His small protests make Ji Min do crazy things to Eun Ra again.

Now Ji Min pulls Eun Ra's head hair more violently down the stairs making some of the workers who see it scream. 'Aish,' Eun Ra cursed in her heart, very softly.

Only fifteen seconds of Ji Min's hand on Eun Ra's head someone interrupts Ji Min to be rude to Eun Ra.

"Get your hands off Eun Ra, Ji Min," said a man to Ji Min which made Ji Min immediately let go.

"Did dad teach you to treat other people like that?"


Kim Tae Hyun testified to his brother about the fight Ji Min (a worker who worked at his grandfather's mansion) had with Eun Ra.

"What's wrong? You're two hours late Ji Kang's brother said, and now you come to this place? Go! I'm counting how many pieces of heart and kidney I can sell for several hospitals in China." Tae Jung complained to him brother who had been looking for him with a serious face wanting to tell big news to his brother with great enthusiasm.

"I want to talk to you brother, it's about Eun Ra. You'll hear it right? This is a serious problem." Tae Hyun honestly made Tae Jung sigh heavily, Tae Jung took off his black mask and put down some equipment and ballpoint he used to count.

"Hurry and tell me clearly, brother will be busy." Tae Jung beat his job for his sister because he was very excited, Tae Hyun smiled faintly.

The two of them went to Tae Jung's room to discuss something that Tae Hyun thought was very important. "What's with that weak woman? I told her not to work because she fell in her bathroom, so what now?"

"I might mutilate his own body by slashing it with a blunt sharp object to get into more serious problems later." Tae Jung grumbled making Tae Hyun chuckle.

"You remember Ji Min? Song Ji Min the maid who lives on the second floor?" Tae Hyun asked reminding Tae Jung to remember the woman named Ji Min who worked at his mansion.

"Ji Min forced Eun Ra out of her room, by pulling her hair from the first stair to the last stair to the first floor," explains Tae Hyun complaining about his problem to his brother Tae Jung as if he were complaining to his mother. "Are you serious?" Tae Jung asked who was confused about what Tae Hyun meant.

"I saw the older brother with my own eyes, Eun Ra was also dragged from her room violently. It seems that Song Ji Min doesn't like Eun Ra secretly. she seems to act only when you're not in the mansion, some maids can't do anything because of her father's influence. You remember big brother?" Tae Hyun explained how influential Song Ji Min's father was to their grandfather's family.

But, isn't Song Ji Min too much like this?

He injures the woman Tae Jung bought, and Tae Jung has to give him a stern warning against two-touch items.

"You're not lying are you?" stupid question out of Tae Jung's mouth, Tae Hyun who heard it could only sigh heavily. "I'm serious." Tae Hyun replied very firmly on what the two meant.

Tae Jung sighed a few times, tapping the ballpoint pen on the table a few times to say he was thinking very seriously.

"Can you not interfere in Eun Ra's business I'll just take care of it." Tae Jung answered beyond what Tae Hyun had imagined. "Why?" asked Tae Hyun who was still confused and surprised.

"I like Eun Ra." Tae Hyun explained making Tae Jung chuckle to see him, Tae Jung hit his sister's shoulder lightly. "Give up." He ordered one party.

"If you don't want Eun Ra to die by my hands or at least Eun Ra to be like Soo Bin before, you have to stop your feelings for Eun Ra." Tae Jung explained, making Tae Hyun's younger brother not believe what Tae Jung said.

"You're playing selfish, big brother." Tae Hyun scolded not liking it, Tae Jung chuckled to see it. "I warned you." Tae Jung explained making Tae Hyun silent.

"Go back to grandpa's company, I'll be home early to talk to Song Ji Min later." Tae Jung answered making Tae Hyun feel relieved.

"Reprimand his father too!" Tae Hyun added which made Tae Jung chuckle with a firm shake of his head. "I'm not sure about it, uncle." Tae Jung answered quickly.

So, does anyone know what Song Ji Min's father's name is?

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