Two Sides a Life

Chapter 21:21. Feelingless Mafia Man and Unlucky Woman 'Jeon Eun Ra' : No self-awareness!

"Big brother sucks," complained Tae Hyun, who was kicked out by his older brother to return to his grandfather's company.

Taehyun complied. from fifteen minutes ago Tae Hyun continued to grumble making the other Tae Jung keep hearing annoyed and irritated when he heard the umpteenth time Tae Hyun grumbled at Tae Jung.

"Tae Jung's brother is annoying, Ji Kang's brother. He--"

"Stop saying nonsense and shut up, you bastard!" Ji Kang is annoyed with feelings that make Tae Hyun silent because Ji Kang shouted at him.

"Don't scold me, don't be a brother Tae Jung is scary." Tae Hyun was annoyed with a very spoiled voice making Ji Kang who heard it throw a five hundred sheet thickness report at Tae Hyun.


Then it was quiet, Tae Hyun didn't complain because either Tae Hyun or Ji Kang both made eye contact with each other.

Now more serious, Tae Hyun averts his gaze from Ji Kang and chooses to remain silent.

The loud rumors from her brother were what her brother said.

'Ji Kang can mutilate all his victims almost fifteen victims per day, don't mess with him or you can be killed by him, Tae Hyun. Ji Kang kills not seeing feathers, everything he can hurt.'

Tae Hyun had been thinking about it for a while not thinking about making him depressed and thinking about making him cringe.

His older brother Ji Kang (B) is truly unmatched. If Tae Jung can only have four or five Ji Kang brothers (B) Ah, forget it.

"You made me want to rip your mouth out, Tae Hyun, shut up or I have to tear it to keep you quiet." Ji Kang snapped, making Tae Hyun who heard it sigh very softly and choose to swallow his saliva hard.

Now Tae Hyun is scared, he feels goosebumps this time. "Sorry," said Tae Hyun who chose to pick up the file that was thrown at him and Tae Hyun came out of the study to print out some mistakes.

"You pissed me off." Ji Kang irritated when he saw how Tae Hyun came out very quickly to avoid him.

Is anyone curious about what?

Ji Kang is always emotional, he's bad at dealing with things. besides he is bad at taking care of himself, when Ji Kang gets angry he can go crazy and forget everything.

That way Tae Hyun always has his supervision and that of the other employees if Ji Kang gets off the hook, he can kill all the workers.

Any victims?

There is!

Two female employees and five male employees. The only problem was that he accidentally hit or bumped into Ji Kang.

The payoff was his death.

"Are you okay, Mr. Tae Hyun?" asked the tall man making Tae Hyun who was surprised a little become accustomed and normal. "Yes."

"Thank you uncle, I wasn't very focused because Ji Kang's brother (B) scolded me. He's the very scary uncle." Tae Hyun argued, making the worker shake his head when he saw his master's brother immediately ran to the room next to him to continue some of his piled-up work.

"It's true, Mr. Tae Hyun, Mr. Ji Kang, when he is angry, it is scary. It's just that it is even scarier if Mr. Tae Jung is angry."

"He can kill anyone near him, explode or shoot anyone bad at his job." The worker mumbles seeing how much Tae Hyun is still a little scared and remembers Ji Kang's words earlier.

"May your life be happy, sir."


Ji Kang stopped the riot.

His hand stopped Ji Min's punch on Eun Ra's head so Eun Ra just moaned above her lips and her eyes closed tightly. "What do you want to do, Mr. Ji Min?" Ji Kang asked which was able to make Ji Min speechless and couldn't answer anything.

"Is this how you've been doing all this time?"

"Should I tell you what your duties are in this mansion, Song Ji Min?" asked Ji Kang firmly as soon as he forgot something that was left inside of him.


This time Ji Kang slams the bottle, causing the sound to echo only in Ji Min's grab bottle.

Looks like Ji Kang is angry, his eyes look at Ji Min with a look full of pain. Eun Ra could see it because when Eun Ra felt someone was helping her, Eun Ra started to open her eyes to see that person.

"You always interfere, Mr. Ji Kang," replied Ji Min, who at that time was not at all afraid to reply to Ji Min's words, which even Eun Ra saw was very obvious to be afraid of.

Ji Kang's gaze this time was very deep, further explaining how now Ji Kang doesn't play with his misery. Eun Ra thinks it's like, someone is making her angry.

"Well? You're always causing trouble here, aren't you satisfied that you managed to kill your momy? Shouldn't I explain your cruelty and tell everyone, Song Ji Min?"

"Shouldn't you be ashamed to still be living here Miss Ji Min?" Ji Kang asked sharply, making Eun Ra, who was eavesdropping, also fall silent. "Shut your mouth, sir--" Ji Min didn't finish saying Ji Kang's name yet, Ji Min's words were cut off quite clearly this time.


"No self-awareness!" Ji Kang cursed by pointing at the exit of the file warehouse, making Ji Min who saw it choose to stomp his feet seriously this time.

"Do you want me to drag you out, or do you want me to throw you?" Ji Kang asks excitedly enough how he managed to think and make things more serious than Eun Ra imagined.

This is weird, this is terrible. Is Ji Kang angry? Why is it so different from the good Ji Kang? Eun Ra started to get goosebumps this time.

"You always dominate everything, and now you get mad when I dominate. It's not fair!" annoyed Ji Min by walking roughly out of the room makes Ji Kang a little annoyed.

With enough anger, Ji Kang started to speak. "Be aware of the maid look at your face, crown, and throne. You're just a worker, not a queen. Why do you have to dominate in this mansion if your only job is to clean the mansion?" Ji Kang shouted slamming Ji Min's position with his high self-esteem.

Ji Min who was just about to leave stopped again, he looked at Ji Kang with sharp eyes, and his index finger pointed at Eun Ra.

Eun Ra who saw could only step back a little scared. "Look behind you, Mr. Ji Kanghe bitch, you forgot the same fact where you put shit on your head too. Did you forget?" After being satisfied with that, Ji Min chose to leave the increasingly narrow room which made Eun Ra even more awkward.

"Forget it." Ji Kang commanded, surprising Eun Ra because Ji Kang looked at him how he seemed to take Ji Min's words seriously.

"It seems that you are very close to Ji Min's sister?" asked Eun Ra who realized how very good Ji Kang's communication with Ji Min felt.

Even though they both cursed Eun Ra, she could see very clearly.

"Yeah, if master Tae Jung and I didn't drag him away from Grandpa's old mansion he would die like his mother and Soo Bin."

"A lot of deaths back then, he lacked gratitude and acted ignorantly. I just reprimanded him." Ji Kang explained how Ji Kang's communication looks very good with Ji Min.

Ji Kang seems to explain it very neatly and in detail so that Eun Ra understands and doesn't misunderstand his.

"You haven't finished your work yet?" asks Ji Kang who seems to be telling the truth that neither he nor Eun Ra has good communication as well. "How can you work seriously if this small warehouse is not right Eun Ra. It's troublesome, Tae Jung said."

"You can't be trusted." Ji Kang continued in a very serious voice that made Eun Ra pursed her lips in annoyance. He's not mad!

"Ji Min's sister asked me to clean the kitchen, and yes. I finished this work two hours ago. It took me five hours to clean it," explained Eun Ra, denying what happened to this room.

"Ji Min's sister ruined my work. Isn't it very obvious that Ji Min's sister hates me, Ji Kang?" Eun Ra asked seriously this time. and stupidly Ji Kang, he chose to laugh.

He took out the pills he usually took. Damn, he wanted to increase the dose.

"You're spoiled, Eun Ra." Ji Kang said as he walked out to his room on the third floor.

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