When Wang Meng and Li Xiao heard David Zhou's words, their faces suddenly showed a sarcastic smile. Looking at David Zhou's expression was like looking at a fool.

David Chow didn't have any self-consciousness, but the more he said, the more he worked hard. He just stood up, walked out of the crowd, and began to walk around Hans and them.

"Ouch, the mass actors are looking for a good job. One by one, they are stronger than the other. I'm afraid they can't be employed for hundreds a day."

Other members of David Chow's group also believed this, especially four eyes and pockmarked son. They jumped up and pointed to Xie Qian and said, "ha ha, you think you're acting like him, but you don't know that you've already been exposed! If you're really a bull, how can you walk here in the first place

Pockmarked Zhang also echoed and said: "yes, such a powerful person has already driven a luxury car, and still walks? Xie Qian, if you don't have the ability, don't pretend to be forced! "

Xie Qian looked at these scenes with great interest, just like watching a group of clowns perform.

Black bear then also stood up, he was more courageous, ran directly to a bodyguard side, began to compare the two people's muscles.

The bodyguard didn't get Xie Qian's order, so he just stood still.

The black bear compared and found that the biggest muscle of his body was not as big as the smallest muscle of others, and the muscle of the bodyguard looked as hard as a stone.

"Ha ha, it's hired. No matter how strong it is, what's the use? Do you dare to attack us? As long as you dare to do it, I will sue you to ruin your fortune. "

Said, the black bear even stretched out his finger on the bodyguard's muscles, as if to test whether these muscles are true or false.

make love.

Xie Qian clapped again and then said:

"It's fun, but that's it. Hans, clean up the three guys who jumped up. David Zhou, don't move!"

With Xie Qian's order, Hans and the bodyguards moved at the same time.

Hans hit his pockmarked son on the ground with just one elbow. He vomited all the things he had just eaten. It looked like a dead fish on the shore.

Four eyes looked at the scene in horror. As soon as he wanted to say something, a bodyguard next to him slapped him in the face.

As for the four eyes themselves, they fell to the ground without any sound. They didn't know whether they were alive or dead.

Black bear see the situation is not good, immediately ran towards the door.

This guy looks clumsy, but his brain is very good. Just when he stood up, his body had quietly leaned to the door, thinking that if the situation was bad, he would escape directly.

However, the black bear rushed to the door, directly silly.

On both sides of the corridor at the door of the box, he was blocked by a dense muscular man. He had to run away, even though it was hard to get through.

The bodyguard behind him walked past with a grim smile. A moment later, the black bear could only scream.

Perhaps because of his strong body, black bear carried five or six attacks before he fainted, which made him bear more pain.

At this moment, the other college students who were going to jump up, one by one, all shrunk back, their heads were buried lower, and the atmosphere did not dare to come out.

They are now completely desperate in their hearts. When they know that these people are really Xie Qian's people, they are about to regret their death.

No one would have thought that Xie Qian, who was once poor and weak, could become such a character now.

A few girls are scared to lose face, they think of the irony of Xie Qian, heart immediately full of regret, want to tear their own mouth.

There are several timid girls who cry directly. They look ugly originally. Now they are wearing makeup with tears. All of a sudden, they look like ghosts.

David Zhou stood in the same place, with a cold sweat on his forehead. Seeing the tragedy of four eyes and others, he was afraid that he would be treated like this.

When he bullies others strongly, he only has strong distorted and abnormal pleasure in his heart, but he doesn't realize what kind of situation he will be in if he encounters bullying one day.

Xie Qian waved and let Wang Meng walk over. He Wen, who fell on the ground, helped him up and brought him to his side.

After being beaten by David Zhou, he wen looks even thinner, and his face is full of frustration, as if he is desperate for life.

Xie Qian smiles at He Wen and says, "he Wen, do you remember? There was a week when I was hungry in college, and you lent me three bags of instant noodles. "


He Wen was a little confused. When he heard Xie Qian's words, he vaguely remembered what happened at that time.

At that time, he Wen and Xie Qian lived a poor life, but Xie Qian's life was better and he could eat normally, but he only ate instant noodles.

Once again, Xie Qian spent all his living expenses on Su Yingxia's birthday. He Wen also gave Xie Qian three bags of his instant noodles.

Three bags of instant noodles may not be much, but for Xie Qian at that time, it was the best delicacy in the world.

Later, Xie Qian also said that he wen would be invited to a few meals, but he Wen, who has a strong sense of self-esteem, refused and said that he only likes instant noodles and doesn't want to eat anything else.

In this way, the kindness of three bags of instant noodles has not been replaced.

"Oh... Yes, you remember. I forgot myself."

He Wen's simple and honest smile, he did not expect that Xie Qian would mention it.

Xie Qian stood up and shook He Wen's hand. Then he waved to Hans and asked him to lift a leather box.

"Here's three million yuan. Take it and use it. Even if it's the money for your three bags of instant noodles."

With that, Hans opened his suitcase.

Inside are red hundred yuan notes, all of which are linked. At first sight, they are just taken out of the bank, and they look as if they are still steaming.

The eyes of those college students around David Zhou were straight.

He Wen is directly Leng in situ, looking at those hundred dollar bills, a time can't believe his eyes.

Xie Qian still held He Wen's hands and continued to say: "I recently opened a new construction company. If I remember correctly, you were the first in the class in the management course. Now if you want to, you can be my general manager and help me manage that construction company."

Those college students around David Zhou couldn't believe their ears.

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