Fortunately, the company is composed of people, and people have weaknesses. As long as there are weaknesses, Xie qian can find a way to break them.

Now that the task has come down, Xie Qian doesn't want to do anything else. He just focuses on the task.

He directly opened the world map and focused his eyes on Changjiu construction company and Zhang construction company.

These two construction companies are located in Quyang County, so they can be observed by Xie Qian's world map.

Through the world map, the relationship network, development status and economic level of the two companies can be seen at a glance.

At the same time, every member of the company, a brief description of each member, as well as their personal relationships, are clearly displayed in front of Xie Qian.

For Xie Qian, it's the first time that these two companies have contacted each other, but he has thoroughly seen through the whole company from the inside out.

This is an unparalleled information advantage.

It took more than an hour for Xie Qian to take a close look at the situation of the two companies, and his face showed a confident expression.

"Ha ha, it's really easy to do this task."

Xie Qian laughed and walked out of his bedroom.

Li Li is sitting in the living room of the villa, watching TV in boredom. When she hears something moving in Xie Qian's bedroom door, she immediately stands up and looks at Xie Qian and respectfully asks, "Xie Dong, do you want to go out?"

"Well, Li Li, you go to the long term construction company and help me with something."

"Oh, yes, Xie Dong. What's the matter, please?"

"Help me buy all the 100% shares of the long term construction company. Here is the information."

With that, Xie Qian sent a copy of the information he had just seen from the whole world map to Li Li.


Li Li's face is full of question marks.

Why does Xie Qian just want to buy a company? Are the lives of rich people so boring?

"I'll give you a budget of 100 million yuan. That company is 100% owned by a single person. You can just find that person and talk to him directly. Is that ok?"

Xie Qian naturally said.

Li Li's eyes are black now. She has no idea what the so-called long-term construction company is like.

But since Xie Qian said it, she couldn't say no, so she nodded and replied, "OK, Xie Dong."


Xie Qian agreed, went out and drove directly to Zhang's construction company.

This Zhang's construction company is the hard nut to crack. As for the long-term construction company, Xie Qian believes that with Li Li's personal ability and the information he has prepared for her, it is not difficult to complete this task.

Li Li's heart is still a little distressed. Xie Qian gave her such a big task without saying a word. She doesn't know what to do.

But when she opened the document that Xie Qian sent her, her face changed.

"This is... How Xie Dong got the information."

Li Li was more and more surprised. After all, the information was too detailed. Many of the information was very hidden. It was the kind of information that private detectives had to investigate for a long time to get.

But Xie Qian just threw it to her.

At this moment, Li Li's awe for Xie Qian immediately deepened. In her eyes, Xie Qian has become a mysterious and omnipotent figure.

She also thought that it was unwise for Xie Qian to offend those bigwigs in Bingzhou.

But now she realized that what she should really worry about is the big people in Bingzhou.

With this in mind, Li Li picked up her handbag and walked out the door full of confidence.


Among Zhang's construction companies, the general manager, deputy general manager, chairman of the board and major shareholders of the company are sitting in the conference room, looking sad.

They are having a meeting.

These days, the high-level people in Zhang's construction company are really depressed.

Because Quyang County is beginning a wave of unprecedented construction tide.

At the beginning, they chose this place for their company. In fact, they just saw the cheap land price here. They didn't expect to find any business locally.

After all, Quyang County is famously poor, and no construction company would expect such a place to make money.

All along, they have been taking jobs from other places in Bingzhou City, but Quyang County, which is closest to Bingzhou City, is not valued by them.

But now it's different. At the dinner party for attracting investment, the five billion yuan construction plan of Quyang County is no secret at all. This news has been published in the newspaper.

Quyang County, which used to be a poor county, suddenly turned into a fragrant pastry full of oil and water.

Such a big pool of oil and water is in front of us, but Zhang's construction company can't get it.

It's not that Xie Qian doesn't open bidding to Zhang's construction company. In fact, just now, Xie Qian released a project bidding for infrastructure construction in Quyang County to Zhang's construction company through the world map.

It is the project bidding that leads to the high-level meeting of the whole Zhang's construction company.

What they are discussing is whether or not to take the task.

"Yes, of course. It's a big order of 20 million. After this order is made, our company can earn at least 5 million, which is close to half of our profits in previous years."

A bald middle-aged shareholder said.

"There is no problem with the workers. We haven't received any decent list this year. All the workers can join in."

A person with the brand of deputy general manager also spoke.

"Moreover, the construction of Quyang County has just begun. If we don't take the list this time, will we not take the list in the future? That's five billion. "

Another shareholder spoke.

Five billion is like a needle sticking to the butt of all the people present, and all the shareholders are talking about it one after another.

After all, they take a stake in Zhang's construction company just to make money. If they don't even make the five billion yuan in front of them, what else do they want the company to do.

To put it bluntly, money is everything, money is the master, everywhere is the same truth.


Just as everyone was talking about it, the chairman of Zhang's construction company, who was sitting on the throne, said, "my family name is Zhang."

He only said three simple words, but let all the people present silence.

"I'm Zhang, too."

The general manager also spoke.

The chairman and the general manager are the people who have the right to speak in the company.

One of them controls the voting rights of the general meeting of shareholders, and the other controls all the departments under the company.

Frankly speaking, the attitude of these two individuals determines the direction of the whole Zhang's construction company.

If they don't agree with each other, no matter how much others say, it doesn't make any sense. "

The word "Zhang" means something more profound.

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