Xie Qian is also a little speechless at the moment.

If he gets the favor one day earlier, he can get the task reward one day earlier, and then there will be no specific attribute change, and he won't have to marry the two.

After all, Xie Qian really doesn't want a violent woman like Lin Dandan. He feels uncomfortable when he thinks that Lin Dandan may hit her on the ground after marriage.

"Well, it's a little late? But why even the guy Lin Dandan has a good feeling for himself? Is there a sudden change in her disposition? "

Xie Qian murmured to himself, but it was meaningless to think about it. After all, he just had a good feeling.

There is still a long way to go between liking and getting married.

At this moment, when his mood calms down and Xie Qian thinks about it again, he realizes that he is a little concerned and confused.

After all, the sisters Lin Dandan and Lin Huihui are not easy to get into trouble now. They both get a systematic increase. Everyone's total attribute points are above 100, and they also master a skill of top quality.

If even they were caught by the four heroes of Bingzhou, no matter how anxious Xie Qian was, I'm afraid there was nothing he could do.

After all, Xie Qian's current strength is not as good as the Lin sisters.

"After all, strength is the foundation."

Xie Qian sighed and looked at his current resources.

He has spent two-thirds of the five billion yuan he got from the previous investment promotion, almost all of which has been invested in the construction of Quyang County.

Accordingly, the money spent also gave him some points.

Plus yesterday's 3000 points from the training ground, there are about 6000 points in total.

Just because he opened the training ground before, he still owed more than 8000 points to the system, so now he is still in the state of 2000 points in debt.

However, it's not a big sum. The daily interest is only 200 points. For Xie Qian, it's not too much trouble to solve it.

"The money is running out."

Xie Qian said.

Taking a close look at his recent consumption, Xie Qian found that it was a little too much.

In just one day, he spent more than three billion yuan.

Most people can't believe it when they hear about it. After all, it's more than 30 billion yuan. It's no exaggeration to say that even if it's piled up and burned, it won't be finished in a day.

However, because Xie Qian has the artifact of the whole world map and all the orders related to investment in Quyang County, he only needs to use his finger on the whole world map to spend money, which has created his terrible spending speed.

Fortunately, after the initial investment, Quyang County will maintain the construction activities with the highest saturation in the next ten days. During this period, it is unable to carry out new investment projects, so there is no place to spend money.

After the investment in basic construction was guaranteed, Xie Qian considered that it was time to use the remaining money to improve his living standard.

After all, for him, the money is meaningful only when it is spent. If it is not spent, then everything is empty talk.

With this in mind, Xie Qian dials the manager who sold him the Mercedes Benz big G car.

When he got through, Xie Qian said directly, "Hello, do you sell helicopters in Mercedes Benz?"


About 30 minutes later, ten of the latest Benz Fett helicopters arrived at Xie Qian's location.

Only after asking Xie Qian did he know that Mercedes Benz really has helicopters under its name. It's this kind of Feite helicopter. The overall configuration is super luxurious, and the price of each helicopter is more than 10 million.

Xie Qian bought ten at once.

I almost gave the manager of the 4S store to Lefeng.

The total value of ten Mercedes Benz and Fett helicopters is more than 100 million, and the commission he gets at one time is several million, which is also a big profit.

The manager also didn't understand Xie Qian's purchase behavior. After all, Xie Qian just bought a large number of luxury cars. After a few days, he bought a helicopter again.

Does it mean that those luxury cars will be eliminated and no longer used? It's a black sheep.

Where does he know Xie Qian's consideration? In fact, Xie Qian thought that having a car was enough.

However, the fact that his car was punctured with a nail and a flat tire yesterday made his impression of luxury cars drop by more than a dozen grades.

Think about it. In addition to tanks, even the most expensive luxury cars have to run on the ground.

And as long as it's running on the ground, there's a risk of all kinds of chaos.

It's disgusting to be stuck in the road.

With this idea, Xie Qian directly gave up the idea of continuing to run on the ground, and cast his eyes on the sky, decided to use helicopters in the future.

As far as he knows, if he doesn't use any tools, only the congenital level experts can fly in the sky for a period of time.

In other words, after he used the helicopter, if anyone wants to blow up his tire, he can only send a team of congenital experts.

But the inborn master is not a Chinese cabbage. How can there be so many.

So for Xie Qian, helicopter is undoubtedly the best way to travel.

These helicopters were all from the pilots of Mercedes Benz company, and directly parked ten helicopters in front of Xie Qian.

Xie Qian also decisively took out another 100 million yuan as the annual salary of ten helicopter pilots, and poached them all from Mercedes Benz to his own name.

Ten pilots listen to the number of wages, on the spot to their superiors sent a letter of resignation in the past.

As for the penalty of employment contract, they didn't consider it at all.

I'm joking. If you can't find a job with an annual salary of 10 million, you can't even think about the mess.

The pilot and the helicopter were in place. Xie Qian nodded with satisfaction, and directly chose one of the Mercedes Benz Fett helicopters to sit on it, and then let its nine Mercedes Benz Fett helicopters escort. Ten helicopters flew neatly across the sky, just like the formation of a military exercise.

This scene, also let Quyang County residents have relish.

Some people even joked that Xie Qian built the roads in Quyang County so wide, just for the convenience of stopping helicopters.

At the same time, other people also have hope for their future life. They are imagining that as long as they follow Xie Qian all the time, will they be able to fly around Quyang County by helicopter one day?

On the plane, Xie Qian was enjoying the scenery of Quyang County and was in a good mood.

At the moment, they are hundreds of meters away from the ground. At this distance, experts like Huang 11 and Huang 12 don't have to worry about it.

"Boss, where are we going?"

The pilot on the helicopter turned around and asked respectfully to Xie Qian.

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