Xie Qian came near and said with a light smile, "go ahead."

The Secretary hesitated and looked at them subconsciously.

"It's OK. They're all my people."

Seeing that Xie Qian had said so, the Secretary hardened his head and said after pondering for a few seconds:

"Xie Dong, I didn't mean to target you just now. After all, Gu Tianhang is a man..."

"If you want to talk about it, you don't have to go on. I don't mean to blame you. Just do it well in the future."

People have to bow under the eaves.

Xie Qian understands this.

Once upon a time, I was just like them. I had to compromise my conscience.

It's a matter of course.

"Really, really?"

The secretary looked at Xie Qian in disbelief.

Xie Qian wry smile: "do you think I have to cheat you?"

The Secretary thought about it and said gratefully:

"Thank you, thank you, Mr. Dong. As long as you don't fire me, I will serve you wholeheartedly in the future..."

"Stop, you are working for yourself, not for me, so I hope to make this clear. Is there anything else?"

"No more."

The Secretary shook his head.

"Well, work hard. I believe tomorrow will be better."

"Xie Dong"

Xie Qian is turning to leave, the Secretary once again to stop him.


The secretary seems to be engaged in a fierce ideological struggle, but finally reminds us:

"Xie Dong, Gu Tianhang and Xu Hanlin, they are not as simple as they seem, especially Xu Hanlin. Once I overheard Gu Tianhang say that they seem to have something to do with the Xu family in the city."


When Xie Qian heard the speech, he raised his eyebrows slightly.

Meditating for a few seconds, nodding with a smile: "OK, I'll be careful, you go first."

Looking at Xie Qian's indifferent appearance, it's hard for the Secretary to say anything more.

"Xu family..."

After the secretary left, Xie Qian repeated these two words.

"Do you need me to give you the information of the Xu family in Bingzhou city?"

Xiao Bai's voice suddenly rang out.

"What do you have?"

Xie Qian asked.

Although he has never heard of the Xu family, I'm afraid the secretary just now is a very powerful presence.

"Of course."

The simple two words reveal Xiaobai's confidence.

Originally, Xie Qian was still a little happy and was thinking about whether to get some information from Xiaobai.

But its next sentence choked Xie Qian completely out of his mind.

"200 points."


Xie Qian rolled his eyes.

If 20 points, he gritted his teeth, it's estimated that he would be checked.

200 points?

What concept?

It's equivalent to earning 100 million yuan and then spending another 100 million yuan, which is just right.

It may be possible in the future, but now, it certainly can't, even if it's not enough.

Xie Qian doesn't believe that Xiaobai, a "unscrupulous businessman", can make himself in debt out of thin air.

"Well, Xiaobai, let me ask, do I have any interest on the points I owe you now?"

"Of course."

Sure enough.

Xiaobai's answer, of course.

Listen to Xie Qian, the black thread is all over his head

"I'll give you a form. You can calculate it yourself."

A formula appeared in Xie Qian's mind.

When Xie Qian finished reading it, he scolded Xiaobai as a unscrupulous businessman.

One day interest as high as 20%, usury is not so high!

According to this calculation, plus what he owes today, Xie Qian owes 62 points now.

Tomorrow is 74 points.

That's more than 70 million!


I thought I was rich now, but here in Xiaobai, I am still a top poor man.

Can't stir up, can't stir up


"Secretary Li, is that what Xie Dong really said?"

Back to their jobs, just in the office of the several hotel management personnel, have gathered.

When I heard that Xie Qian ignored the past, I was overjoyed.


Secretary Li nodded.

After being confirmed, everyone's face was even more relaxed.

Among them, one of the famous older managers said with disdain:

"I've said it's OK for a long time. You still have to ask. How is it now? Am I right?"

"Yes, brother Wang is an old man in our hotel. We are rude." Suddenly someone flattered.

Brother Wang, whose full name is Wang Qidong, is the deputy general manager of the hotel.

In addition to Gu Tianhang, he has the most power in the administration of the hotel.

"Yes, brother Wang is in our hotel. That's a serious old qualification. If it wasn't for Gu Tianhang's dirty means, the position of general manager, what would have happened to him."

"Brother Wang, I estimate that nine times out of ten you will be promoted to general manager. Don't forget your brothers then."

I don't know who put forward such a sentence, and everyone began to flatter again.

"Well, you can't say it so early. After all, the final decision depends on the consent of the people above."

Wang Qidong waved his hand modestly.

"Brother Wang, I'll leave it alone today. Besides you, I'm the first to resign from the position of general manager."

"Yes, me too."

"I quit, too!"

"It's said that Xie Dong is the illegitimate son of Qian Zhengshan. He only has two stinky money. What can he understand when he is young? As long as our brothers are united, brother Wang, you think you can sit firmly in the position of general manager!"

You say a word, I say a word, all in the table loyalty.

Wang Qidong is modest on the surface, but he has put himself in the role of general manager.

Only Secretary Li.

She didn't say a word from beginning to end.

Because intuition told her that just now in their eyes, Xie Dong, who was young and did nothing, might not be as simple as everyone thought.

Besides, it's not the time to choose anyone.


"Where is QIANZI?"

At this time, Xie Qian just left the hotel to get on the bus, Wang Meng's phone call came over, listen to his voice, seems to be a little worried.

"Just came out of the hotel. What's the matter?"

Wang Meng hesitated and said, "QIANZI, something happened to brother Meng."

"What's the matter?"

I was fine when I had dinner last night. What happened today?

"I can't make it clear for a moment and a half on the phone. Come to the first hospital first."

It's all in the hospital?

"I see. I'll be right there!"

After hanging up, Xie Qian said to Hans in a deep voice, "go to the first people's hospital."

Although elder brother Meng was the first one to ask Xie Qian to pay back the money last night, every family has its own difficulties. Besides, he is really rich now. If he has no money, I believe elder brother Meng would rather be punished by his daughter-in-law to sleep in the living room, but he will never say a word to himself.

At first, brother Meng took care of himself when he went to work. Now that brother Meng had an accident, he had to be present.

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