"Well, forget it."

Xie Qian sighed and looked at the three reward boxes he had just won. He muttered to himself, "let's take a look at the reward given by the previous tasks."

With that, Xie Qian raised his hand and put it on the first box.

This box is a reward for completing the ten point stage. The box itself is gray, and there is no card surface.

It's worse than the rainbow box before, or the first box given by the big star mission.

With Xie Qian's right hand passing by, the box itself immediately began to disintegrate, and then the whole box broke, and the fragments of the broken box dissipated in the air, revealing what was inside.

Look at the shape. It's a leather glove.

This glove is a common kind of glove that motorcyclists like to wear when racing. The whole glove is made of leather. The part covering the fingers is cut off, and five fingers can be exposed after wearing it.

There are some shining silver nail heads on the grain of gloves, which seems to have no attack ability, more like an ornament.

See this pair of gloves, Xie Qian's forehead can not help but out of a few black lines.

He didn't like the motorcyclists who rode the broken motorcycles and didn't obey the traffic rules in the street.

In Xie Qian's view, the meaning of these creatures' existence is to use their own troublesome lives to add trouble to others' lives.

It seems that they are born to be disgusting. They think that they publicize their personality and attract other people's attention with dangerous and manic behaviors. They think that this is the highest realm of life, but they don't know that other people look at them with silly eyes.

Because he hated this group, Xie Qian even hated the clothes of this group. Naturally, the leather gloves in front of him were also in this category.

"Ha ha, it's not as good to give me a rag as it is to wipe the table."

With that, Xie Qian picked up the pair of gloves and prepared to throw them aside.

However, when Xie Qian's finger touched the glove, the attribute of the item popped up at the right time.

"Item name: old locomotive gloves."

"Item grade: high quality."

"Item type: equipment."

"Item attributes: endow the equiper with master motorcycle driving technology, super manual car driving technology, master automatic car driving technology, advanced truck driving technology, intermediate ship driving technology, advanced submachine boat driving technology, intermediate helicopter driving technology, low-level large aircraft driving technology, low-level rocket driving technology..."

Seeing this series of driving technical attributes, Xie Qian was a bit messy.

For the first time, he knew that the system's division of driving technology was so detailed

At the back of that series of driving skills, there are additional provisions.

"Item attributes (supplementary note): when equipping items, the driver's driving skills can be improved by enhancing the awareness and concentration of the equiper himself and his understanding of the vehicle. The equiper needs to meet the basic conditions of driving the vehicle before the item attributes can play a role."

"Description: This is the favorite of a motorcycle driver. It will give you a more comprehensive recognition of driving vehicles."

It's a piece of equipment. It's the same type as Chen Daozi's lucky badge.

It's just that the item has no basic attributes. The value of the item is fully reflected by the driving skills attached to the item. Correspondingly, these skills also play a passive role. There is no need for Xie Qian to take the initiative to open it, and there is no time limit. As long as you wear gloves, you can play a role.

There is no doubt that it is of great value in terms of function.

Xie Qian did not forget that he was ridiculed by Xu Jiaojiao when he was in the car last time.

At that time, although he taught Xu Jiaojiao a little lesson in his own way, he did not win her aboveboard after all. It was not his own skill to crush her through the driver's driving skills.

Xie Qian wanted to fight himself, but in terms of driving, he was just an ordinary person who had just got his driving license.

Even if the basic attributes of his body have been improved, his handling ability of the vehicle has been improved a lot, but this is not enough to make up for the gap in his driving experience.

Now, this glove can make up for his gap.

In fact, after the gloves are equipped, there are many practical situations that can be used in addition to making him pretend to be unexpected.

For example, he couldn't drive a helicopter. Although he bought ten helicopters, he still had to rely on the pilot to get there. He didn't have the ability to drive it himself.

For example, before running on the road, Huang Shao was stopped by Huang Shiyi, Huang Shier and others. If you are a master driver, you can notice the abnormal road conditions ahead when you are on the road, and you can directly avoid all the nails that pierce his tires.

And these are only part of the benefits. It can be imagined that the practicality of this thing is much higher than what he looks like.

"It's a little easy to use."

Xie Qian's eyes staring at the locomotive gloves, finally sighed, took the gloves over and put them on his hands.

At the moment when he started to use the gloves, Xie Qian's mind was like turning on some kind of switch. He had a brand-new holistic understanding of all kinds of vehicles with different names.

For the common vehicles such as motorcycles and cars, he feels that those objects have become his second body, which can be controlled by himself at any time, or even controlled like an arm.

Now he even wants to rush out of the room, find a motorcycle or a car, and then go for a ride on the road.

"So, it's just a matter."

People always report one-sided malice to things they don't know. At this moment, Xie Qian clearly realizes this feeling.

The feeling of driving skills appearing in my mind was clear at the beginning, but it gradually precipitated and became less obvious.

But Xie qian can feel that those things seem to have become the memory of his body. He can do all kinds of operations without thinking about them.

Gloves are also directly equipped in his hands. Xie qian can choose to display the shape or turn off the display.

Similarly, when he turns off the display, he doesn't feel like he's wearing gloves.

This equipment item is the same as Chen Daozi's lucky badge. If he doesn't want to, others won't see it.

"Ha ha, I found the treasure."

Xie Qian stares at the gloves on his hands and grins. The more he looks, the more he likes it.

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