"Mr. Xie, this evidence is not a joke."

Director Zheng's tone was a little soft, but he didn't let go.

"Director Zheng! I promise I won't touch the evidence in the whole process. Let me have a try! "

It's also true that there's no way to deal with the pleasure criminal who fled to Quyang County. Director Zheng finally let go of the idea that a dead horse should be a living horse doctor.

"Well, all right."

In order to avoid frightening others, director Zheng still didn't believe what Xie Qian said. Only Xie Qian and Zheng, who had changed their casual clothes, left the police station quietly.

Out of the police station, Xie Qian exchanged a 50 point loyal dog Qigong, quietly tore up the paper for use, and then secretly blew a loud whistle.

Half a minute later, a little white dog came running.

Director Zheng frowned and looked at the little white dog. He really couldn't see anything strange.

"Xie Qian, is that what you said?"

"Yes, director Zheng, just let him smell the murder weapon."

Xie Qian nodded.

Director Zheng took a suspicious look at Xie Qian, opened the sealed bag and let Zhonggou Qigong smell it carefully.

"Find the man who fingerprinted the handle of the knife."

The little white dog, Zhonggou Qigong, wagged his tail, jumped out of the car and ran away.

"Keep up!"

Three people drive with little white dog.

Whenever the time came, Xie Qian would exchange a new loyal dog Qigong.

In the fourth picture, after the use of Zhonggou Qigong, xiaobaigou takes Xie Qian's car to a dilapidated residential area in Xicheng District.

In the rental house.

"Quyang County is really like paradise. Other cities are full of monitoring, and Quyang County is full of monitoring dead ends."

"Where does the dog bark? I'd better change my place in a few days. The sound insulation of this broken place is too bad. "

Knock, knock.


The men in the rental house are very alert. The first reaction to the knock is to look out of the window, not to the door.

There are no police cars or bread cars that can hold a lot of people nearby.

The man didn't put down his vigilance completely. He walked to the door carefully, wearing slippers, but there was almost no movement.

"Electricity collector, when do you pay for your home appliances?"

"Didn't you pay the electricity bill?"

"You paid the electricity bill. What am I doing here? Hurry up, I'll stop your appliances if I don't hand it in! "

The man peered through the cat's eyes at the door.

There is no wrong place, there is only one person at the door, carrying a small bag.

"Just a moment. I'll get dressed."

"Hurry up, there's another one after you've collected it!"

"Woof, woof, woof."

No, the barking dog is at the door.

The man quickly went back to the house, picked up a black backpack and jumped out of the window.

Second floor window, said to jump on the jump, did not hesitate.

The man who jumped out of the window pedaled on an old bicycle.

The bike is not locked. It's very old, but it's very smooth.

This man to Quyang County habitually prepared such a bicycle, did not expect to really use.

No one can steal such an old bicycle without locking it. If it is found, he jumps out of the window on the second floor and runs by bike. He can move quickly.

The car target is too big.

After the man jumped out of the window, the little white dog barked twice and ran downstairs.

Standing on the stairs, director Zheng was more puzzled: "Mr. Xie, is this dog really reliable? Why are you running downstairs? "

"He's gone. Keep up."

In charge of playing the role of the gray wolf who collects electricity charges, he smashed the door a few times.

There was no movement behind the door.

Xie Qian has run out of the building, director Zheng and gray wolf quickly follow Xie Qian.

Xiaobaigou pursues the fugitive, Xie Qian pursues xiaobaigou, director Zheng and gray wolf pursues Xie Qian.

The fleeing criminals on bicycles are riding fast with backpacks on their backs, and the little white dog is chasing closer and closer.

Finally, little white dog caught up with the bike tightly.

It looks like a student walking his dog on a bicycle.

"Is that him? It's too far away from the photos. "

"Xiaobai, information."

The man in the photo is a little handsome, but now the man on the bike is only ordinary.

The kind you can't find when you throw it in a pile.

The information quickly came to Xie Qian's mind, which is worth 200 points. He is not an expert, but an ordinary murderer with psychopathic anti reconnaissance ability.

Xie Qian grabbed the back seat of the bicycle.

The bicycle was forced to stop in the deserted lane.

"Who are you, pulling my car for?"

Xie Qian didn't answer at all. He just started.

That man is also a tough stubble, took out a spring knife from his trouser pocket and stabbed Xie Qian.

Unfortunately, Xie Qian's three attributes are 160. Even if he has a knife, how can a man hurt Xie Qian.

Xie Qian easily grasped the man's hand holding the knife, and then dislocated the man's arm directly.

It's the same with the other arm.

Even if the man didn't give up resistance, he kicked Xie Qian with one leg.

Xie Qian legs motionless, hand gently around, the man's offensive was Xie Qian light floating resolved.

"Be honest, I don't want to break your leg. If I hadn't given you to the police, I would have killed you directly."

Men have killed more than one person, just look at Xie Qian's eyes to know that Xie Qian is really moved to kill.

When gray wolf and director Zheng finally catch up with each other, they only see Xie Qian in the alley unharmed, an ordinary man with both arms removed, and a spring knife on the ground.

"Well, why is this man different from what he looks like in the picture?"

"Gray wolf, you go to buy a bag of wipes. It's alcoholic."

The wolf nodded. He was tired, but he ran to the store as fast as he could.

When he got the wet towel, Xie Qian wiped it on the man's face.

"Made up. Make up technology is not bad

Why it was so difficult to find someone before, why this man could escape from other places full of monitoring to Quyang County, everything is clear.

If the capture process starts from Xie Qian grabbing the back seat of the bicycle. Until the end of the battle, it took only one minute.

The difficulty is all about finding people.

Director Zheng took out a pair of handcuffs, Xie Qian handcuffed the man's hand, but still did not help the man put the dislocated arm.

It's a bit dangerous to take a spring knife from your trouser pocket. I'll go back to the police station to search and control it thoroughly.

The man no longer resisted, but when Xie Qian put handcuffs on him, he asked in a low voice.

"What's the matter with that dog? Normally, you can't find me. "

Fake ID card, constantly through make-up cross dressing, is a change of a person.

The murder weapon that left fingerprints was deliberately left by him in order to be more pleasant.

"You base your happiness on other people's pain. The net of justice is clear, and it is inevitable that you will be arrested. Without that dog, you will also be arrested soon."

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