"Chengzhu? It's a good name. OK. My name is Xie Qian. You can follow me when the chance is right. "

Xie Qian waved his hand and said with a smile.

Naturally, Chengzhu expressed his gratitude repeatedly. He wished that he would quit his job and take refuge with Xie Qian.

After taking back the money, Xie Qian was in a much better mood, and he was not interested in tossing the Dragon brother and Huang Shao. He waved his hand and said, "OK, you two go away. I'm in a good mood this time. I'll spare you. If there's another time, you know the consequences!"

After hearing Xie Qian's words, brother long and Huang Shaoru are granted amnesty. They immediately take a group of younger brothers and stumble out.

Xie Qian didn't care about them any more.

"The boss is good at it."

Seeing that Xie Qian turned around, Tang Jun immediately stepped forward and said.

What he said is not flattery, but a true word from the heart. After all, Xie Qian's means are so powerful that they haven't even seen what kind of means Xie Qian used. Xie Qian has already cleaned up all those hooligans.

Next to him, Hans, a strong black man, was excited. He gave Xie Qian a thumbs up and kept saying, "great, Chinese Kung Fu, great."

This first-class fighter didn't see Xie Qian's movements clearly, so he directly attributed Xie Qian's ability to mysterious Chinese Kung Fu.

After all, there are many rumors about Kung Fu in China, and Hans has heard some of them. At this moment, he naturally regards Xie Qian as the successor of those mysterious Chinese Kung Fu.

Xie Qian doesn't have the idea to explain this. Anyway, he can't explain the system problem clearly. In that case, it's better not to say it at all and let them guess for themselves.

Anyway, the current situation is that as long as they don't say it, there is no reason for others to doubt anything.

"It's OK. These young people have no skills. They're just bullies."

Xie Qian opened his hand and said.

"Even so, boss, you are very good."

Tang Jun sincerely praised, and then asked: "boss, the shareholders' meeting of century Haoting has been decided. It will be held at 3:00 p.m. on time. It's about five hours away from now."

"Five hours."

Xie Qian pondered, then looked at Tang Jun and asked, "Tang Jun, do you know any better casinos around here? I'm going to play in the casinos before holding the shareholders' meeting again."


Hearing Xie Qian's question, Tang Jun lowered his head and began to think about it. A moment later, he raised his head and said, "I'm still shocked to know something about this, but most of them are far away, and the location is difficult to find. If we want to go there, it may take a little effort."

"It doesn't matter. We have nothing else to do now."

Xie Qian waved his hand and said directly.

Of course, what he didn't say is that he has no money now, and he urgently needs to go to the casino to get back a wave of blood, so that he can take the dominant position when holding the shareholders' meeting again.

Otherwise, when the time comes, he will not be able to buy the shares in the hands of those shareholders, and he will not be able to complete the task given by Xiaobai. That kind of situation is too bad for him.

As for going to the casino will lose this matter, Xie Qian is not to worry about.

After all, when he was browsing the points store just now, in addition to rebounding (the lowest level), another very interesting thing fell into Xie Qian's eyes.

That is: the soul of the God of gamblers.

The so-called soul of God of gamblers, as the name suggests, is a unique soul that can be attached to someone in a short time.

This kind of soul is often unconscious, that is, after being possessed, the dominant consciousness is Xie Qian.

But there are some unique abilities in the soul. For example, if Xie Qian uses the soul of IP man, he will get a strong ability of Wing Chun.

As for the soul of the God of gamblers that Xie Qian saw, it was naturally the ability of the God of gamblers.

At that time, Xie Qian was possessed by the God of gambling. In a place like a gambling house, he was naturally like a fish in water and had no future.

As for the points needed to exchange for the soul of the God of gamblers, Xie Qian is still a little short, but fortunately, Xiaobai can't get high interest loans, which solves his urgent need.

Xie Qian and Xiaobai discuss the integral loan, and Xiaobai can't wait to agree. Then Xie Qian directly buys the soul of the God of gamblers from the integral shop.

I'm going to gamble this afternoon.

This is also to avoid any mistakes. We should prepare things in advance, wait until we get to the place, use them directly and make money crazily.

After the exchange of things, Xie Qian's points also came to the figure of debt 106 points, and the daily interest was 11.6 points, which was not very good.

But Xie Qian is not in a hurry. Anyway, he can get points whether he is spending money or making money. As long as he has the ability, if he wants to get points, it's really a very simple thing.

After that, Xie Qian said to Tang Jun directly: "OK, lawyer Tang, where is the casino you mentioned now? Take me. I really want to see the scene of that legendary casino. "

"All right, boss."

For Xie Qian's request, Tang Jun naturally agreed, and then he directly took Xie Qian and Hans out of the sales hall, got on Xie Qian's Bentley car and sped away.

In the rear sales hall, the salesman and the one who sold the house to Xie Qian looked at Xie Qian, who had gone away gradually. He had a bad feeling in his heart.

What a local tyrant's behavior! He just bought a house worth tens of millions of yuan, but he didn't even look at it, so he took his own people to the casino for entertainment.

It seems that buying a villa is as easy for Xie Qian as ordinary people buying a cigarette at a roadside stall.

Of course, for these things, salesperson Cheng Zhu is everything.

He just knows that this is definitely an opportunity for himself.

If he can climb up the big tree of Xie Qian, it will be sooner or later for him to be outstanding.

After driving out of Jinhua real estate, Bentley drove directly to the west of Quyang County.

In Xie Qian's impression, the west of Quyang County is a relatively poor small rural area.

The layout and structure of the houses in that rural area is very unreasonable. In addition, the houses in the small mountain village are in chaos. It looks like a huge labyrinth.

The casino is built in such a place, which can be said to be very hidden. This place is not to mention the police. I'm afraid that when the police are still on the way, the casino will get the news and have enough time to prepare.

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