Whoever dares to fight against himself in the provincial capital will never turn over.

Xie Qian and I fight, you are still young.

Last time, the mercenary I sent failed to kill you. Don't think that I will not send anyone to kill you again. As long as I live for one day, I will try my best to kill you until I am killed.

"Dong Dong Dong."

The young master of Qi's cold eyes were staring at the door, "please come in."

When the door was pushed open, his hands pushed his glasses. The appearance of a rat's eye made young master Qi angry.

"What's the matter? Did the people you sent destroy Xie Qian's companies? Is Xie Qian afraid to talk to me? "

His hands wiped the sweat on his forehead, "boss, the coal mining company was smashed, and the employees ran away."

"What? Who did it? Is the information accurate? "


Mr. Qi immediately called the head of the coal mining company to find out whether his subordinates said that the coal mining company was smashed or not.

"Boss, it's true."

"Don't I have security for you? Are they all losers? How can you allow others to smash it? "

"They were all injured. There were dozens of people who smashed them. All of them were very horizontal."

"Do you know who did it?"

"Hans is the leader. No one else has ever seen him."

"Boss, my head is broken and bleeding. I'm going to the hospital. The treatment fee must be quite a lot."

"I have a 70 year old mother, an 83 year old father, and a 12-year-old son. I go to a private school. The tuition is very expensive."

"Now, the balance on my card is less than 300. Do you want to transfer it to me?"

"Is it an advance?"

"No, it's not. Am I injured at work? How can it be regarded as wages in advance? "

"Do you want me to pay for your medical expenses?"

"Isn't it you, boss?"

"I've provided you with so many security guards that the company can be smashed. Do you want me to compensate you for your medical expenses? Who gave me confidence and courage? "

"You have to be shameless. Do you know how much my coal company has lost because of your poor care?"

"I haven't asked you to pay for it, but you asked me to pay for it. I've met a lot of cheeky people, but I've never met anyone with a thicker skin than you."

"What are you saying, boss? Are you talking about people? If you don't give me the medical expenses, I'll sue you. "

"Doo Doo."

The head of the coal company hung up.

Even hung up my phone. Young master Qi was so angry that he wanted to smash his mobile phone. On second thought, the mobile phone he bought was not cheap. Besides, there were many important materials. If they were smashed, it would be a big trouble if they could not find the important materials.

The mobile phone vibrated, and his staff called, "boss, it's not good, it's not good."

"Your brain's in the door, Watt? What's wrong? "

"The oil company was smashed, many employees were injured, and I was also injured. Now I am covered in blood and rushing to the hospital."

"Who did it?"

"The leaders are Wang Meng and Li Xiao."

Mr. Qi had just hung up, and several of his staff called. Several hotels and telecom companies were also damaged by unidentified people, and some employees were seriously injured.

Young master Qi knows Hans, Wang Meng and Li Xiao. Since they are the leaders, their behind the scenes emissary must be Xie Qian.

Xie Qian, who gave you the courage to destroy my industry in the provincial capital? Are you impatient?

Since you dare to fight back, I will make you regret forever.

Call the umbrella immediately, gather the dark legion, the thirteen Taibao, and then the elite of the major security companies in the provincial capital.

One luxury car after another stopped at the gate of the enterprise group. Hundreds of people were all black with guys.

"Boss, do you want to go to the summit building? Directly destroyed the summit building? " Asked the man.

Mr. Qi shook his head. "It's the rush hour now. Driving from here to the peak building, we have to go to the main street of the provincial capital. The traffic jam is serious. Maybe before we get to the peak building, our group has been destroyed by Xie Qian's people."

"Since Xie Qian took the initiative to attack and destroy some of my branches first, he is sure to destroy the group. I'm sure they are not far away from here."

Young master Qi is right. It's only half an hour. There are a lot of cars coming from the south. There are also hundreds of people. They are all big men with guys in their hands.

The leader is Xie Qian, dressed in white clothes and shoes. He stares at the young master of Qi with cold eyes and stops when he is less than 100 meters away from the people of Qi group.

"Master Qi, get out of the group. I can spare you a dog's life, or I will let you die miserably." Xie Qian went straight in.

"Ha ha ha." The young master of Qi was laughing wildly, and the fat on his face was shaking. "Who gave you confidence and courage to challenge me? Are you impatient?"

"Young master Qi, if you don't kidnap my wife, kidnap me, and kill me, our cooperation in the provincial capital will continue. If you have money, won't you earn it together?"

"If you want to kill everything, then don't blame me."

"Well, you seem to cooperate with me. Who knows what kind of heart you are in? You devour Chu Shao's industry, and then you will certainly devour my industry. I'm stupid, waiting for you to kill me. "

"To tell you the truth, I have the heart to devour your industry, but I will never let you suffer losses. I will give you a lot of money. How can I move you?"

"Xie Qian, what do you want to do? How dare you kill? "

"You don't think I dare? How did the three mercenaries you hired die? You don't know? Give me all your property, and I will not kill you. "

"Joke, this joke you told is not funny at all. You think I was scared."

"You don't have to look at how many people we have and how effective we are. You have to look at how many people you have. They are all weak chickens."

Xie Qian smiles, "young master Qi, it's getting dark. Let's make a decision as soon as possible so that I can go home and cook for my wife. Everyone is safe and happy. Isn't it fragrant? Do you really want to see blood? We have broken limbs and feet. "

"What if I don't?"

"Then there's nothing to say." With a wave of Xie Qian's hand, everyone rushed to master Qi's people.

The muscles on master Qi's face kept shaking. I didn't expect that Xie Qian's people were more than 100 less than his own. Did they dare to go up there? Was his brain really pinched by the door?

The two waves of people collided fiercely, the war broke out, the sparks splashed, the limbs flew around, the screams continued, and some people fell down.

Young master Qi is essentially a businessman. It's the first time for him to fight in such a big scene. I'm afraid.

After several rounds of fighting, both sides were seriously injured.

Young master Qi's people are injured more.

Although the dark army's combat effectiveness is strong, it spends most of its time in training and has little actual combat experience. The gang led by Hans, Wang Meng and Li Xiao often fight and live a life of licking blood on a knife.

The young master of Qi discovered that there were two people around Xie Qian who didn't make a move. They were expressionless and had never seen each other.

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