Kneel or not???

Kneel down, I have no face to stay in this school.

If she doesn't kneel down, she can't stay.

This is a proposition without solution. There is no best answer. Both answers are wrong.

Lin Dandan raised his head and looked around.

With a cold smile on the corner of her mouth, the girl with hairy hair stared at her like a knife.

Wholesale women behind those women are also the same face, and around is pointing, mouth with a strange smile, said the words of abandonment.

They seem to be intertwined and woven into a huge cage, pressing Lin Dandan and Lin Huihui together.

Is there really no way out?

Lin Dandan mouth with bitter, a soft right leg, will kneel down.

Lin Huihui felt dizzy, almost the whole person will be in a coma.

At this time, a strong arm suddenly stretched out from the side, mixed with Lin Dandan's arm, and put her hand around Lin Huihui's waist, supporting both of them.

"Wang Meng and Li Xiao are so damn slow. Fortunately, I'm bored after I withdraw money, so I come here. What are you doing?"

A familiar voice came from my ear.

When Lin Huihui and Lin Dandan look at the same time, they see Xie Qian's confident and playful smile, as if all the problems are no longer problems, but entertainment.

"Boring. I'll call it a whore."

Seeing that Xie Qian appeared, the wholesale girl student knew that it was no good for her to entangle again, so she pushed open the dormitory door and went in.

Several others followed and slammed the door shut.

The female students around also scattered in a crowd, as if nothing had happened.

Looking at Xie Qian's side face, Lin Huihui quietly wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes and showed a happy smile on her face.

Lin Dandan also breathed a sigh of relief, and then quickly shook off Xie Qian's arm, and then dragged Lin Huihui out of Xie Qian's arms. He watched Xie Qian warily and asked, "what are you doing here? And, here is the hostel. How did you get in? "

"Come to you."

Xie Qian spread out his hand and said, "just walk in here."

"Well? It's impossible. We are famous for being strict. How can we let you in? "

Lin Dandan looks at Xie Qian with a puzzled face and asks.

"Oh, you said that amiable aunt."

Xie Qian laughed and walked back directly. At the same time, he said, "just follow me."

Lin Dandan smell speech then took Lin Huihui, suspicious of followed up.

When she came to the dormitory door, she was surprised to find that the housekeeper, who claimed that a male mouse would not be put into the female dormitory, was really smiling and greeting Xie Qian.

How is that possible?

Lin Dan Dan thought of it in surprise.

But the next second, her confusion was answered.

When Xie Qian was going out, he took out a pile of money from his arms and put it on the table of the hostess. At the same time, he said carelessly, "third aunt, this is what my brother dragged me to bring you."

The stack of money in Xie Qian's hand is at least fifty or sixty thousand.

"Oh, yes, good nephew."

As expected, the old lady of the dormitory responded with a smile: "come here often, come to see my aunt often, my good nephew."

Xie Qian nodded with a smile and went out without saying anything more.

Lin Huihui's mouth is in the shape of O.

"I can't believe that Xie Qian is still related to our hostess."

Lin Dandan helplessly covered his forehead and said: "silly sister, that guy is obviously talking nonsense. This is a naked bribe. If you fall into his hands alone, you don't know what you will be cheated by him."

"Is that so?"

Lin Huihui still asked.

When they followed Xie Qian to SuGuan's side, Lin Huihui looked at her and asked, "Auntie, are you really Xie Qian's third aunt?"

"Of course!"

Hearing Lin Huihui's question, the eldest sister of the dormitory stood up directly, opened her eyes and said, "it must be. Who said I'm not my nephew's third aunt? I'm more anxious!"

But at the end, she added in a low voice, "Oh, his name is Xie Qian. He's such a good boy."


Later, Lin Huihui and Lin Dandan followed Xie Qian out of the school.

Although Lin Dandan still hates Xie Qian, she also hates people who have no faith in their words. Since she promised Xie Qian before, she will not go back on her words.

Moreover, just when Xie Qian reached out to help him, Lin Dandan looked at him.

For such a short moment, Lin Dandan suddenly felt that this guy in front of him seemed... Quite handsome.


Just after Lin Dandan and Lin Huihui left with Xie Qian, in the middle of Lin Huihui's dormitory, the hairless girl student stood beside her bed and swept the place where Lin Huihui had just sat with a broom.

"Damn, little bitch, little slut, I don't know when I secretly colluded with a wild man. When you come back, I'll see how I deal with you."

At this time, a girl student next to him suddenly said, "Wang Xiaoli, my boyfriend just happens to be at the school gate. Why don't you let him drive and stare at those two bitches to see where they have gone?"

"Yes, yes."

Next to a female student also echoed: "the man who just appeared doesn't look like our school. It is estimated that he is a man in society. He colludes with a man in society. You say those two bitches won't sell."

Hearing the words of these two female students, Wang Xiaoli, a girl with haircut, was also moved.

"OK, Jiayu, let your boyfriend keep an eye on you. I'll inform Zhang Qiang to drive in the car and take us to see what those two bitches are doing.

With that, Wang Xiaoli called her boyfriend Zhang Qiang: "Hello, Zhang Qiang, you come to pick us up in the car. We have something to do..."

Bingzhou university gate.

Xie Qian came out with Lin Dandan and Lin Huihui and came to his Bentley car.

At the moment, there are already a group of college students around the Bentley car, including those who take photos and send friends, those who take self portraits and others who are curious about who drives such a luxury car.

When he saw Xie Qian come out, Hans stood up and roared, scaring all the college students away.

Then he opened the door and respectfully asked Xie Qian to get on the bus.

Because there was only one car and it was a bit crowded, Xie Qian rushed Tang Jun to the seat of the co driver.

Then he took Lin Dandan and Lin Huihui to the back.

Then, the engine gave out a strong roar, and took Xie Qian and them to the century grand hotel.

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