It's not a cell phone number. It's a landline number. A harassment call? Or does the owner of this number know his mobile phone number and call him?

Who is he? Why call yourself?

Their mobile phone number in addition to the important subordinate relatives, outsiders do not know.

Dial, "who?"

"Hello, are you Mr. Xie Qian?"

Xie Qian's heart a tight, since each other a mouth to say his name, he is to know himself, he is not a harassment call.

"I am. Who are you? What can I do for you

"I'm from the forest organization. You forgot that you talked to me in the early morning."

"It's you." Xie Qian looked around, saw no one and lowered his voice, "where are you calling? The card you bought is in the public phone booth? Or at the buffet? "

The other side laughed, "do you think I'm stupid to call you at the buffet? I'm not going to die. "

"Of course, I bought a phone card to call at a public phone booth. Now there is no one around me."

"Where are you now, I'm looking for you?" Said the mysterious man.

"No, I'm still looking for you."

"I'm near the skyscraper. Check how far it is from me. I feel like I'm being followed."

"I'm checking. It's about ten kilometers away from you. What? You're being followed? Are you sure you're being followed? "

"I'm not sure. I've seen you before. As long as I see you, I can recognize you. If you come now, if there's no traffic jam, you'll be there in about an hour."

"I'll call you an hour later. If you don't, you'll go to the gate of the skyscraper when you arrive. I can recognize it when I see it."

Xie Qian cleaned himself up, ate something and went straight to the skyscraper.

It's just the rush hour of work. I'm in a traffic jam. I look at my mobile phone from time to time, but it's only about three kilometers after an hour.

The provincial capital is not big, but it has a large population, and the government has not planned the city well, so it is rare that there are frequent traffic jams.

Other cities have a smaller area and a larger population than the provincial capital, but they have done a good job in urban planning. Traffic jams rarely occur in the rush hour before work or after work.

I finally got to the skyscraper before dark.

There were only a few people at the door, some carrying bags, some eating steamed buns, some squatting with branches to draw on the ground, some drinking beer, and some crouching in the corner, looking at passers-by with muddy eyes.

Xie Qian looked at it for a while and felt that no one was like a mysterious person who provided himself with top secret documents.

Because there is no sense of killing and felling from them. They are ordinary people. Only those who live on the tip of a knife and lick their blood have the smell of killing and felling. No matter how you pretend, you can't pretend.

Since he said it was here, he couldn't be wrong.

Look at the watch on his wrist. It's been an hour and a half since he came out from home. Why hasn't he called himself?

I got off the bus and stood at the gate of chongtian building for a while. No one said hello to me. Didn't he say that as long as he appeared, he would recognize himself, or did he find the wrong place? He's not here at all?

Maybe he was talking about another skyscraper. He turned out his cell phone and dialed his landline number. As he thought, he couldn't get through at all.

In the hall, men in overcoats are lying on iron chairs, security guards in hats are looking at mobile phones, lovers and other elevators. These are the only people who are not members of the forest organization at all.

Outside, on the left side of the path are Lanzhou Ramen restaurant, chain supermarket, clothing store of Dance Academy, restaurant, only a few pedestrians, and no one has the smell of killing.

Xie Qian was about to get on the bus and leave when he was attracted by several yellow public telephone booths on the roadside. He walked over and counted them. There were four.

The second one is inserted with a card. New one, insert and dial your own mobile phone number, dial to show the incoming call. The mysterious person dials his own mobile phone number first.

Why is his card here? What happened? First, he said on the phone that it seemed that several people were following him, maybe they were caught by the people he thought were following him.

Xie Qian's heart sinks suddenly. If he is caught, he can't get detailed information from him. If he can't get detailed information, he can't make a careful plan for attacking forest organizations.

Many experts have been summoned to train day and night. When the time is right, they will give a thunderbolt to the forest organization.

Maybe the forest organization can be dissolved from now on. If he is caught and unable to provide information to himself, then everything will be impossible.

Maybe he's around.

There is monitoring in the corner. Immediately go to the monitoring room of chongtian building to get the monitoring video. The video shows that at 5:53, the man in the cap is standing in the second yellow public telephone booth, calling whom. Suddenly, they rush up and take him forward. He struggles to get away.

The two men who caught him didn't drive, and they didn't get on the bus, so it's easy to do. They should be nearby.

Rush out of the skyscraper and run in the direction of catching the mysterious man. At the end of the road is the intersection of Dingzi. There is a large flow of people facing north and a small flow of people facing south. They are more likely to go to places with less flow of people.

Take a bet. Go to the place with small flow of people first. If you don't find it, go to the place with large flow of people.

Turn about 100 meters south. The wall is on the left and the low house is on the right. The doors are half open with ambiguous lights on.

There are three or five women in each room. They are heavily dressed and exposed. Some are sitting on the sofa watching TV, some are looking out, and some are standing and looking in the mirror to dress themselves.

See Xie Qian look inside, toward Xie Qian waved, "handsome boy, come in, come in to play, you are so big, also shy."

After a few rooms, there is a path leading to the inside, there are many low houses, one by one, are made of red bricks.

It's small, but it's not cheap in this city. Will it be in one of them?

There are also women in heavy makeup on both sides of the road.

There is a student in jeans and jeans, who is not bad looking.

"Big brother, do you want to play?" Asked the younger sister.

Xie Qian's heart move, if not for lack of money, who is willing to do it.

It's not easy for her parents to send her to school, so they can earn some living.

"A lot of money?"

"One hundred and five."

Xie Qian gave her 150.

She took Xie Qian's arm and went inside.

Xie Qian said with a smile, "I want to ask you something. Tell me the truth. How long have you been standing here?"

"I'll be here around two in the afternoon."

Xie Qian was very happy. He thought that since she came here and started work so early, she might have seen three men. As long as they had appeared here, she would have seen them, unless she was blind or deliberately concealed.

"I don't want to play with you. You tell me the truth. If it's true and it's confirmed by me, I'll give you another 850."

"Have you met three people? One is wearing a cap and carrying a bag. "

"Yes." Student sister, tell the truth.

"Brother, I don't know if the person you're talking about is the same person I saw."

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