Zhang bingchao and Xie Qian put up his middle finger and then looked down. The crowd burst into laughter.

Xie Qian glanced at the crowd, "is that funny? You think I'm going to lose? "

"Have you seen me on TV? Even if you haven't seen me on TV, have you seen me in the newspaper? "

"Are you Xie Qian?" There is a sharp sound.

"So you are Xie Qian, a business tycoon."

"Business genius."

"Mr. Xie, I admire you for your outstanding achievements in business. But your skills are worse than him by more than one grade. You'd better admit defeat, so as not to be reported by others, and your image will be greatly reduced."

"Yes, Mr. Xie Qian, please come down."

Xie Qian threw his fists and said, "thank you for your kindness. Since I can achieve unparalleled success in business, I can't do without success in other fields. What if I lose?"

"His ability is better than mine. I learn from him. It's not a fight. It's just a fight. It's just a fight. Let's have fun. If you win, clap and laugh. If you lose, don't scold."

"I don't care about the villain making a fuss about it and letting him do it. Besides, I never fight unprepared battles. If I'm not sure, I will never come up."

"Well, Mr. Xie, I support you."

"It's very nice of you, Mr. Xie. I support you, too."

"It's really what the boss said. It's interesting. I support it."

"Since Mr. Xie said that, what else can I advise? Good luck to Mr. Xie."

"No rules?" The referee asked Xie Qian, hoping to limit the rules, so that Xie qian can hold on for a long time and everyone can see it for a long time. If you don't limit the rules, you'll lose with only one move.

"No rules."

The referee was very unhappy, but he didn't show it. He asked Zhang Bing, "he said there are no rules. Do you agree?"

Zhang Bing didn't want to agree, but if he didn't, his opponent would think he didn't respect him, so there was no fight.

Since the other party is so ungrateful, it's good to teach him a lesson. Although his achievements in business are unparalleled, he thinks he can also make extraordinary achievements in other fields?

"Yes, give him a condom." To the referee.

"No Xie Qian said.

"If you don't wear a headgear, I'm afraid you'll be seriously injured."

"If I'm seriously injured, even if I'm killed, I won't pursue it. Everyone can witness it. If you're not sure, you can record a video as evidence. "

"Since you are so ungrateful, I'll teach you a lesson."

"Here we go." At the referee's command, Zhang Bing rushed to Xie Qian like lightning, trying to solve Xie Qian with one move, and then beat him violently to pay for his arrogance.

When you punch, the sound of your fist is roaring. How can it be that you miss it? I used this move to solve many opponents.

See Xie Qian Dodge, people are surprised, Zhang Bing's speed is so fast, how Xie Qian dodge? Maybe it's luck.

Zhang Bing took Xie Qian's footwall and hit it.

Xie Qian dodged again.

At this time, people didn't think it was luck that Xie Qian could escape this time.

Xie Qian clenched his fist with one hand and put it behind his back, "boy, how about one hand for you?"

There was an uproar.

Zhang Bing was so angry that he thought he would be his opponent if he avoided his attack? You must pay for your arrogance this time.

The empty move fist takes Xie Qian's eyes, but it hits him in the ribs.

Xie Qian stepped back, stood firm at the edge of the challenge arena, and looked at Zhang Bing with a smile. "Zhang Bing, you attacked me three times, but I didn't even touch my clothes, and I haven't done it yet. Do you still think it's my opponent?"

"Let your hand not look down on you. I have long said that if I am not sure I can defeat you, I will never be on the stage. I am not stupid enough to be beaten on the stage."

Zhang Bing thought that what he said was the truth. He made three moves, but he didn't attack him, and he didn't fight back.

Although the three moves haven't been attacked, they haven't used fighting skills. Doesn't he say that there are no rules? I thought I could get rid of him soon, but I didn't use fighting.

He can't be solved by fighting. He never shows mercy to arrogant people.

Use the unique skill of fighting to lock the throat. Immediately in front of Xie Qian.

The speed is too fast. When Xie Qian reacts, he is only a few inches away from himself, and his heart jumps. He used the fighting technique. Fortunately, he could not avoid it.

Zhang Bing stretched out his legs to sweep Xie Qian's feet, trying to trip him over, and then went behind him to lock his throat.

Sweep empty, chill diffuse whole body, have 100% assurance can sweep, why didn't sweep?

Xie Qian is beside him.

Zhang Bing sweeps again.

Xie Qian stepped back, and the corners of his mouth curled up. "Zhang Bing, if I am not mistaken, the trick you have just used is called the lock throat, which is the essence of fighting skills."

"When you see that your movements are smooth and your moves are old and spicy, you must have locked many opponents. You think you can lock yourself. Then you lose. When the fight is over, you get full applause."

"But you have to know that the ideal is full, and the reality is bony, isn't it?"

"Now, you are wondering, why does your essence move out in front of me? I don't cheat you. I'm faster than you. You can't believe it. That's the truth. "

Zhang Bing couldn't keep his face. He bumped his leg against his chest, his crotch against his head, and his ass.

Under the attack of Zhang Bing's serial moves, Xie Qian only received one blow, but at this time, he did not fight back.

"Zhang Bing, I've said for a long time that if I let you have one hand, you're not my opponent even if you kick your crotch and stick it in your asshole."

"Ready to take my attack? Here we go The voice fell, Lei Yanbu, left hook fist, left upper fist, left swing fist, after turning around, kick, side kick, hook kick, Zhang Bing lost his center of gravity and lay on the ground.

Lock Zhang Bing with his legs and arms.

No matter how hard you struggle, if you can't get out of the cage, admit defeat.

"Wonderful, wonderful." Cried the beauty.

The crowd applauded.

"Xie Zong is powerful, Xie Zong niucha."

"Mr. Xie, do you want to treat if you win?"

Thin white youth, the referee did not expect the result to be like this, the original people can not look reasonable.

Xie Qian jumps up.

Zhang Bing clasped his hands and said, "I've offended a lot just now. I'm wrong."

First look down on Xie Qian, now admire, can not admire it? His combat effectiveness is very strong, and he not only let himself a hand, but also easily locked himself, so that he soon lost.

It's the first time I've met an expert I admire.

Master is already very strong. He is much better than master.

Master has practiced for many years, but he is still young, not much older than himself.

On the stage, the trainers sweat, and Xie Qian and his boss sit in the lounge.

Zhang Bing dressed, backpacked and ready to leave.

The boss came up and said, "sit down for a while."

Zhang Bing saw Xie Qian looking at himself, understood Xie Qian's meaning, put down his bag, took off his coat, and sat down beside him.

"Zhang Bing, do you admire my fighting power now?"

"I admire it very much."

"To tell you the truth, I didn't do my best to you. If I do my best to you, I'm afraid you will lose faster. Before we fight, you must think I'm exaggerating. After we fight, you don't think so."

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