Just as they were about to get angry, Wang Meng directly raised his hand and patted Zhang Qiang's face. He said in a cold voice, "brother, pretend to be modest, and don't provoke people who shouldn't, otherwise you will find that you are just two idiots."

At the same time, two big black men came slowly to the car behind Wang Meng and Li Xiao and stood behind them.

Then the big black man raised his hand and pushed Zhang Qiang and Lu Qing aside, just like sweeping away the garbage on the roadside, to open a way for Wang Meng and Li Xiao.

Zhang Qiang and Lu Qing looked at the black man with straight eyes. Their Adam's apple stirred and they swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

After all, each other's muscles are bigger than his head. Zhang Qiang and Lu Qing have no doubt that these two strong black men can beat them to death with only one punch.

Next to Zhang Jiayu and Wang Xiaoli see this scene also a little confused, they dare not mention what to lose money, can only watch Wang Meng and Li Xiao into the hotel.

After the black man left, Zhang Qiang and Lu Qing relaxed a little.

"Damn, these two bastards, how can they afford such bodyguards?"

Lu Qing gasped for breath and said that he was really afraid just now. Although he was a man on the road, he was not afraid of everything, but he could not summon any courage to face the two big black men.

Zhang Qiang said with a cold face: "hum, no matter what his origin is, no one in Bingzhou city does not know our Zhang group. I don't believe that a small person in Quyang County can turn the world around."

With that, Zhang Qiang took out his cell phone and made a call.

Wang Xiaoli stepped forward and rubbed Zhang Qiang's arm with her chest. She said with an expression of grievance: "sorry, brother Qiang, I don't know those two guys are still with bodyguards. I shouldn't make trouble."

"Nothing. It's not your fault."

Zhang Qiang said in a cold voice: "it's the two bastards' eyes that are disgusting. Don't worry, I'll send someone to dig the eyes of the two bastards."

"Thank you, brother Qiang. You are the best."

Zhang Qiang looked at Wang Xiaoli's chest and said with a smile, "I think I'm good. Then you should pass that suit in the evening."

"No, you're good or bad."

Wang Xiaoli beat Zhang Qiang's arm with a powder fist and said with a smile.

Lu Qing also called, and then he looked at Zhang Qiang and asked, "Zhang Qiang, what shall we do next?"

Zhang Qiang looked at the century hotel in front of him and said with a sneer, "ha ha, let's go in to have a meal and see what those two bastards are doing. And didn't Xiaoli and her roommates also go in? Let's go and have a look. "

Hearing this, Wang Xiaoli also said in a cold voice: "yes, those two bitches should not let them go. Let them run away in the dormitory. This time, I must make them look good."

With that, Wang Xiaoli and others walked into the century hotel.

But Wang Meng and Li Xiao went to the box on the second floor. They didn't see Wang Meng and Li Xiao and others, so they had to sit down in the hall.

In the box on the second floor of the hotel, all the meals were served. Just as Xie Qian was about to move his chopsticks, Xiao Bai suddenly gave him a hint.

"As a friendly reminder, there are laxatives in the braised fish and lotus seed tremella soup. This tip charges 50 points. "


Did Xie Qian feel confused when he heard this tip? Laxatives? 50 points?

He worked hard all morning and only earned 150 points. In the blink of an eye, he lost one third of his points?

Xie Qian's face is black. Someone gave him laxatives and made him 50 points!

"Damn it

Xie Qian stood up directly.

Just then, Wang Meng and Li Xiao came in and saw Xie Qian stand up. They thought they were angry with them.

"Hey, QIANZI, listen to me. It's not that we're slow. Our brothers are really bad. We met a stupid woman on the way and almost didn't fight."

Li Xiao said busily.

Wang Meng came in and directly took a bowl of lotus seed tremella soup and poured it into his mouth. While pouring it, he said, "yes, QIANZI, my mother is thirsty. That woman is really not a thing."

"Don't you, Wang Meng!"

Seeing this, Xie Qian quickly put out his hand to stop him. Unfortunately, Wang Meng acted too fast and drank a bowl of lotus seed and tremella soup in the blink of an eye.

After drinking, he looked at Xie Qian and asked, "hmm? Don't say what? "

Xie Qian covered his forehead, this man.

"Xiaobai, is there anything in the store that can relieve laxatives?"

With a try mentality, Xie Qian asked.

"Yes, there is a universal antidote." Xiaobai said directly.

"Great. How many points?"

Although cathartic is not fatal, it is still very uncomfortable. If he can, he also wants to help Wang Meng.

"100 points."


"You'd better squat in the toilet for a while."

Xie Qian sighed, then looked at the people in the box and said, "there are laxatives in this fish and that lotus seed tremella soup. Don't eat them."

Hearing these words, Wang Meng was dumbfounded directly, and everyone was a little stunned.

"What, QIANZI, you're not scaring me."

Wang Meng looked at Xie Qian and asked.

Xie Qian spread out his hand, but said: "do I scare you? Don't you feel like it's ok?"

As soon as the voice fell, Wang Meng covered his stomach.

"Ouch, trough, toilet, where is the toilet?"

Wang Meng while howling, while rushed out, look like that, afraid of the next second will gush out.

The people in the box looked at each other and pushed the fish and soup away for fear that they would not be able to avoid it.

Xie Qian is cold and silent, eating in his hotel, but this kind of thing happened, which means that Xie Qian has almost completely lost control of the hotel.

"Sorry, everyone."

Xie Qian bowed his head to the people in the box, and then slowly said, "this meal seems to be out of date for the time being. I'll make it up to you next time."

With that, Xie Qian directly stood up and walked towards the staff area of the hotel, and others quickly followed.

The staff area of the hotel is on the third floor. There is a small square, which is a place for hotel staff to gather and rest.

Li Li had been paying attention to the situation of Xie Qian's box. When she saw that the dishes were brought in, Xie Qian and they didn't eat. Instead, they came out angrily, and immediately knew that something might have gone wrong.

"No, it's going to be a big deal."

Li Li exclaimed in a low voice and rushed to Xie Qian's side. She nodded and said, "thank you, boss Xie. What's the matter? What's the matter?"

"I'll give you five minutes!"

Xie Qian didn't explain to her. He ordered directly: "in five minutes, take everyone in the hotel to the lounge."

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