"Wang Zheng, observe the target and report it to me."

"Yes." Wang Zheng climbed up, lying down behind the big stone, looking at the target with a telescope.

There is a brick house, white, two floors, each floor has seven rooms, surrounded by sentries, with guns, inspecting whether there are enemies.

There is also a building under the two-story building, which faces east from the West.

At this time, several people sat on the tower.

Wang Zheng thought that the observation was almost the same, so he came down to report it to Xie Qian.

"Have you seen a wolf dog?"

Wang Zheng shook his head and said, "I don't see it, but I think there must be. If we get close, they may smell our breath and send a signal to the host."

"Did you see the sniper?" Since there are guns, there should be snipers. Their shooting ability is very accurate.

"We haven't found it yet. We can still get close, but we can't get too close. It's midday, and as they eat, they quickly approach and find a hiding place

"I'll take the lead, clear the obstacles for you, and solve the snipers first, because if you don't solve the snipers, you can't move. Their shooting skills are very accurate, and there may be dozens of bullets in each gun."

Xie Qian knows Wang Zheng's shooting ability. He has been in the special forces for many years and won the championship many times during the competition. The reason why he followed him in this operation is that he has strong shooting ability.

If the other side has a sniper, and our side has no sniper, then the attack task is very likely to fail, even if it does not fail, it will also cause heavy casualties, which I am very reluctant to see and do not want to bear.

Wang Zheng is right. If the other side has a sniper, our side will act rashly, and the loss will be very heavy.

Agree to Wang Zheng's request.

The team members give out earphones to everyone and put them on.

Wang Zheng runs forward with his body bent. He stops about 1.5km away from the target and looks around. Is he found? Make sure you're not found out.

No one around, he said to his team friend: "it's safe to be 1.5 kilometers away from the target."

Ten people quickly approached the target, some lying behind the stone, some lying in the grass, some hiding behind the tree.

Because they are all wearing green clothes and green hats, it is not easy to be found.

Although it was autumn, Xie Qian still felt the heat and was about to enter the battle, hoping to capture it.

Wang Zheng was lying on the ground with a sniper gun. There was a bunch of grass in front of him as a cover. He didn't move. Several mosquitoes were buzzing in his ears and didn't move.

Carefully search the location of the sniper. If there is a sniper, if you don't solve it yourself, your teammates can't act. As long as you act, you will be killed by the sniper.

The watchman carefully observed everything around him, and would shoot whenever he found anything.

His companions found that someone had broken in. They should all have guns. At that time, they might not be able to complete the task.

Search for a while, ready to move forward, suddenly the eyes were something to shake.

Wang Zheng was shocked. Fortunately, he didn't move. If he moved, he would die, for the thing shaking his eyes was nothing else but the sight of the sniper gun.

Because the sun moves, the sniper moves the sniper gun, so the sight mirrors.

Wang Zheng searched the other party's position. At ten o'clock, he aimed his gun at himself, or, more accurately, at the grass in front of him.

If he doesn't use the grass as a cover, he will find out. Fortunately, he didn't move, or he would have killed him.

Now he can't move the muzzle of the gun. If he moves a little, he will find out.

Hand numbness, body stiffness, the whole body is uncomfortable, or stable as a rock, we must be patient.

When I used to train, it was common for me not to move for a few hours, which not only tested my patience, but also tested my psychological quality.

At this time, the mood can not have the slightest ups and downs, we must keep absolutely calm.

Sweat from the temples down, did not tell his teammates, teammates dare not move.

I'm not sure how many snipers the other side has. There are more than 20 people on the other side. There should be one sniper who changes shifts. There may be two snipers.

A few hours later, Xie Qian was impatient and asked Wang Zheng, "did you find a sniper? Can we attack? "

Wang Zheng said in a low voice, "I found a sniper in the direction of ten o'clock. I have been locked by the sniper and can't move. I can only wait until he changes shifts or when he is relaxed."

After a long time, Wang Zheng was still motionless. The soil under his face was wet with sweat, and he did not stare at the sniper for a moment.

The other side is well-trained and has very high psychological quality. He has been staring at his own direction. Maybe he has doubts and lies in ambush here. As long as he waits for himself to move, he will give himself a fatal blow.

Because he knows our side, if there is a sniper, this position is excellent, hidden elsewhere will be found soon.

Suddenly I felt a cool wind blowing, and the grass in front of me moved slightly. At this moment, Wang Zheng moved the muzzle of the gun along the direction of the grass, and finally aimed at him.

Still can't shoot, can see his muzzle only, can't see person, even if shoot can hit his barrel only, can't hit him.

If he doesn't hit him, he will find that he hit himself. He can only wait.

After dusk, it's getting dark, but the other side still doesn't move. I hope the other side will change shifts. At that time, they will relax their vigilance and give the other side a fatal blow. There must be shifts.

The people on the sentry have changed shifts, but we haven't found our personnel yet.

The light in the room came on, someone came out, soon went in again, another person came out.

Wang Zheng has a look. He has a sniper gun in his hand. He's going to change shifts.

Soon, he appeared in the sniper's position, the shift speed is very fast, but no matter how fast, no matter how fast Wang Zheng's bullet.

When he was completely exposed, Wang Zheng seized the opportunity to shoot decisively, hit his heart, and fell down with a snort.

The sniper in the back immediately fell down, but his speed was still slow. Just as he fell down, another bullet of Wang Zheng hit him in the head, and he fell down with a snort.

Making sure there were no other snipers, Wang Zheng killed the people on the right front sentry, and then killed the people on the left front sentry.

To the team friend: "I have killed two snipers, there should be no snipers. The people standing on the sentry are also killed by me. We can move forward. "

When the two men on the sentry fell down, Xie Qian saw that Wang Zheng had killed them. He used a muffler, but the other side didn't find anyone attacking us.

After waiting for such a long time, we can finally attack. With one hand raised, ten people are divided into three groups and run to the target from three directions.

When Xie Qian came to the back of the house, he couldn't see what was going on inside because they were all brick houses with curtains drawn. He could only hear the laughter inside.

They haven't found their companions killed, if they find that there is absolutely no such laughter.

They all have weapons and are very capable. They must not be taken lightly.

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