"You think I'll let you go? I'm busy. I don't have time for you. Hurry up. "

"You want me to do it? I'm afraid I'll dirty my hands. "

"Help, somebody."

"The sound insulation effect of the villa is very good. Even if you break your voice, no one can hear you."

"You have to let me do it, don't you?" Jiang Huai picks up the knife and approaches Yang Chen.

Yang Chen stepped back and hit the table.

No one saw how he moved. He came to Yang Chen's back. Blood splashed from Yang Chen's neck and covered it with his hands. He couldn't cover it at all. He took a big breath and had difficulty breathing. He fell to the ground with his eyes open.

Soon, two people in black came in, both wearing gloves, and put the body on the car to clean up the scene.

The next day, it was reported on the news that there was a murder in the capital, and the throat was cut off by a knife. Now we don't know who the murderer is. We are looking into it. Please tell us the clues and offer a reward of 100000 yuan.

In the presidential suite, Jiang man turns off the TV, draws back the curtains, and looks at the modern high-rise building. On the gray day, he is not in a better mood because he killed Yang Chen last night. On the contrary, he is even more depressed.

I don't know what the investigation is like? Did you find the killer? As long as we find out who the killer is, we can deal with him.

I'm curious. Who's the killer? If you dare to fight against yourself and can kill several people in one of your strongholds, you are not weak. You should quickly find out who the murderer is.

In China, there is no killer organization with stronger ability than its own. Fighting with itself is like an egg against a stone.

Sitting on the sofa, I picked up a magazine and didn't read it at all.

The mobile phone vibrates. I turn it on. I'll call.

"Did you find out who the killer was?"

"Yes, the leader is Wang Meng."

"Immediately send someone to monitor, track down and arrest, and let me know as soon as you have news."

Hang up the phone and search for Wang Meng. There are many people named Wang Meng on the Internet. Using the exclusion method, there are four Wang Meng in the provincial capital, two women and two men. Excluding two women, there are only two men.

Search the information of two men. One works in a public institution, and his position is manager. His monthly income is about 20000 yuan. He looks pretty and doesn't feel like he is.

The other one, who manages the Century Grand Hotel, looks fierce. He just looks at it and thinks it's him. There is no contradiction or intersection with him. Why attack his own stronghold? Did his subordinates or himself offend him unintentionally?

If there is no hatred that cannot be resolved, he will never attack his stronghold.

Who gave him courage? Dare to attack your own stronghold.

I can't remember where I met this man. I have a cup of tea and try to think about it. It's a flash of inspiration. The century grand hotel in the provincial capital belongs to Xie Qian. Xie Qian is very famous. He is a business tycoon. He built three landmark buildings in the provincial capital recently.

Wang Meng and Xie Qian are superior and subordinate.

Xie Qian dominates all the industries of young master Qi. He is famous all over the country, and his enterprises are almost all over the country. It took only a short time.

He has also made outstanding contributions in the field of science and technology, especially the original power blue fire automobile, which is supported by the above.

I saw him on the news on TV many times and wanted to meet him when I had a chance. I didn't expect that not long ago, the organization received a task to assassinate Xie Qian with satisfactory remuneration. At that time, it took the task without hesitation and thought it was easy to finish.

The first time he sent a killer, he failed.

The second time we sent killers, we still failed.

The third time, he made an explosion and destroyed his car. He was so lucky that he usually sat in the car where his subordinates detonated the bomb. At that time, he sat in the second car.

Does he have the ability to foretell? Or do you know the news in advance?

The person who sent someone to check and issue the task didn't expect that he was the biggest employer in the past, young master Huang of the Huang family. Now his relationship with the Huang family has broken, but because he paid a high salary, he pretended that he didn't know it was the task he issued.

Could it be that Xie Qian found out that the person who wanted to kill him was the killer of the forest organization? Doesn't he know the strength of the forest organization? He didn't investigate the forest organization?

The forest organization is very famous. Its headquarters are in the provincial capital, and he has been in the provincial capital for so many years. It is impossible that he has not heard of the forest organization and he does not know its strength.

Now that he knows the strength of the forest organization, he dares to retaliate and die?

Although I admit that he is a genius and inventor in business. He has a lot of money and a lot of contacts, after all, he has not developed for a long time. Compared with himself, his strength is not half the same.

He's very smart. Don't you know that?

He doesn't look fierce. He doesn't look like a reckless man.

When Jiang man is thinking about it, his mobile phone rings again. It's still the same man.

"What's the matter?"

"No, No."

Jiang man's heart suddenly sank, "what's the matter?"

"The second stronghold was also captured."

"What? Who did it? Did Wang Meng's men do it? "


"Who did that? Did you find the killer? "

"Yes, the leader's name is Jessie."

"I see. Strengthen the security of other strongholds and bases." She quickly found out that she had a superior subordinate relationship with Xie Qian. Her combat effectiveness was ok, and it had something to do with Xie Qian. Can't Xie Qian really send someone to do it?

Is there something wrong with his brain? Did you get caught in the door when you went out?

It wasn't long before this man got off the phone again.

"No, no, more than a dozen people in the third stronghold were killed. This stronghold is next to the city center. The branch casinos were destroyed, dozens of bodyguards were killed, and Liu Zhi was also killed."

Jiang Manqi want to smash the mobile phone, forbear anger, "who did it?"

"The leader is Li Xiao."

You don't have to guess it's Xie Qian's man. The messenger behind the scenes is Xie Qian. He tried to kill him several times, and he wanted revenge.

Never thought that in this world, there are people who dare to attack the organization they created.

Xie Qian is the first one, but soon I will make you feel regret for your behavior. If you make me pay a heavy price, I will definitely double in return.

Prepare to return to the provincial capital by helicopter in a few hours.

It wasn't long before my subordinates called again. They didn't rush to answer it. It's certainly not good news. But they kept fighting. Although they didn't want to answer it, they still had to answer it. Although they didn't want to face reality, they still had to face reality.

"Which stronghold was conquered?"

"The base was blown up."

"What? The base has been destroyed. Who is the leader? I will tear him up myself. "

"Yes, it's Xie Qian."

"Ah." The river roars wildly.

Just hang up, dial a few mobile phone numbers, "Qin Jie, organized a major event, immediately back from the island."

"Wang wenle, no matter how important things you have to do now, put them aside and go back to the headquarters."

"What? You're in Africa, wherever you are, come back. "

"Pei Yu, stop chasing the target. Are you going to hunt?"

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