Ge Lao led a team to the abandoned house and unfolded the map on the ground. "This is the industrial location of the forest organization, such as supermarkets, clothing stores, power companies, teahouses, bars, fruit shops and flower shops, which Xie Qian painted himself."

"Every store has surveillance, killers."

"As long as we appear, we are bound to attack, so be careful."

"Only when the killers in the shop or in ambush are solved, can we go to the headquarters of the forest organization."

"The situation of other teams is similar to ours. The task is very arduous, but no matter how arduous it is, we have to carry it out."

"We are about 3.5 kilometers away from the headquarters of the forest organization. Are you ready?"

"Ready." The team member replied.

Mr. Ge collected the map and said, "after completing the task, I'll invite you to drink, relax your bones and enjoy. Now we attack the florist, and then the power company."

Then stand up to the outside, no one around, wave, team members to follow.

The flower shop is diagonally opposite, about 500 meters away from here. As long as it appears near the flower shop, it will be monitored by the enemy.

On the street, there are many people, laughing and laughing.

A few people cross the street to the side of the florist shop, and the roof is monitored.

The team members shot and exploded, and the gunfire startled many people.

Soon, there was no one on the street, so it was better to avoid the injury of innocent people.

At this time, the door of the florist is closed and the light is not on. I'm not sure if there is anyone inside.

Ge Laochao gestured to his teammates and went in through the back door. He soon found the back door, and the iron door was locked.

Teammates broke the lock and rushed in. The black paint was smeared. There were a lot of debris on both sides of the stairs and a lot of dust on the stairs.

The corridor on the second floor is full of flowers. They are real and colorful.

Everyone was nervous because they were not sure where the enemy was hiding.

Xie Qian said that they not only have guns, but also heavy weapons.

There's no movement in there, isn't there anyone?

Everyone looked for it separately. Ge Lao went to the living room and looked through the night vision. The living room was very big. There were several sofas, chairs and tables. There were many posters on the four walls, including beautiful women, handsome men and landscape paintings.

At this time, there is no one. Is there no one in it? When he was about to turn on the light, he smelled a strange smell. At that time, Ge Lao's heart sank violently, because he was very familiar with the smell, which was the smell of gunpowder.

Why does the flower shop smell of gunpowder? There is only one possibility, there are bombs, drink: "there are bombs, get out!"

As soon as they got to the corridor, there was a loud noise, which made people's eardrum ache, headache and the earth tremble. The hanging lamp fell to the ground and the ceiling collapsed.

Some hit his teammates, legs were broken, blood splashed, he cried.

Some heads were smashed, just like watermelons were smashed, a brain, an instant to hell.

Ge Lao and a few congenital experts reacted quickly. They all found a place that was not easy to be hit and didn't get hurt, because they were congenital experts. Even if they hit them, they would not get hurt.

Ge Lao searched whether there were any other bombs. He searched all the places to make sure there was no enemy here. If there was an enemy, he would never detonate the bombs. The enemy's method of fighting was very clever.

It's a bad start. How ever?

The opponent I met this time is definitely the strongest in history, but I will never flinch because the other party is strong. If I flinch, not only the younger generation look down on myself, but also Xu hanxuan, and even many friends look down on myself.

Is already an old bone, a foot into the coffin, live enough, not afraid of death, fell on the battlefield, the most glorious.

A teammate died.

If a teammate's leg is broken, he should be treated quickly and can't fight any more. He insisted on fighting. Ge Laojian refused to allow him. He called a team member to send him to the hospital.

The team members went downstairs with the wounded on their backs and took a taxi to the hospital.

Ge laolie in the window with a gun, searching for the enemy.

Opposite is the power company. The door is closed, the window is closed, the light is not on, and the curtain is tight. I'm not sure if there is anyone inside. There should be an enemy. I can't be careless. Time is very tight. I want to conquer these barriers to the headquarters as soon as possible.

Faintly heard the gunfire, there are several waves, other teams are fighting with the enemy.

After a break, he said to his team friend, "now, we are attacking the power company. The power company is about 2.8 kilometers away from the headquarters. I don't believe there are bombs in it."

Lead the team across the street, run forward for a while, and then come to the side of the power company. Some of the team-mates go to the back, some are on the side, not in the front.

People in the back smashed windows, jumped in, held guns tightly, and searched for the enemy.

There are many cigarette butts in the ashtray. At least half an hour ago, there were people, and more than one. There is a remote control under the ashtray, which is the remote control to detonate the bomb. The enemy detonated the bomb here.

The enemy is very cunning. Every move of the enemy is under their surveillance. The time of detonating the bomb is just right. This shows that the enemy has rich combat experience.

After detonating the bomb, they didn't leave in a hurry. They stayed for at least half an hour. Their psychological quality is very high.

After a few rounds of searching, he didn't find any trace of the enemy or the bomb. He was sure that he was safe and would not take down the power company. This was unexpected, he thought.

No more stop, run to the third goal, supermarket.

At this time, the door of the supermarket is also closed, the light is not on, as if no one, only to go to know if there is.

It's about 300 meters away from here. If you get there, it's only about 2.5 kilometers away from the headquarters.

There are several monitors near the supermarket, and teammates shoot and explode.

Several people quickly rushed to the supermarket, attacked directly from the front, opened the door a few times, and scanned the enemy back-to-back.

Patrol for a while, may be really, and no effort to capture the supermarket?

At this time, a bullet came through the air, his teammate's head was exploded, blood splashed, lying on the ground, eyes staring, dead.

A few people were shocked. They searched for the bullets from where they were fired. As long as they found the place where they were fired, they could kill the enemy.

There is no cash register, goods room or toilet.

It's either in the storage room or upstairs.

Gerrard looked at the ceiling. There was no sign of bullets. That is to say, no one shot from upstairs to below.

Make sure the bullet isn't coming from the outside. There's only one possibility. It's coming from the warehouse.

Several people approached the warehouse. At this time, the door of the warehouse was half closed.

A teammate squatted down, saw a corner of the door, said: "the enemy will be shooting here."

There is a hole in the corner of the door, just enough to put the barrel, and there are traces of ammunition around.

Several people rushed to the warehouse, but it was very strange that they didn't see the enemy at all. Didn't the enemy hide here?

Teammates test, put the gun in the position where the enemy put it first, and make sure that it is from here that they shoot and kill their teammates.

The enemy was very cunning. After shooting, he knew he couldn't stay here long and hid.

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