"Silly fork." Waving is a slap, no mercy, hit Zhang Hui turn a few circles fell to the ground.

"Wow... He hit me and he hit me again."

Chen Feng looks at this and pours on Xie Qian like an angry cow.

Xie Qian stepped back, then kicked Chen Feng on the chin with a flying kick, which dislocated his chin.

Ma Yue joins in the battle. The three fight together. After only one minute, Chen Feng and Ma Yue lie on the ground, all over in pain.

"Scum like you don't deserve to stay here. Call your Japanese boss and I'll talk to him."

"The dog's eyes are low, don't you think I have no money? I want to buy this hot spring."

On hearing this, the onlookers thought that Xie Qian was exaggerating, and he didn't have to make a draft to brag. He was really a bragging king, and he was not afraid to blow the leather.

If in the past, Ma Yue absolutely did not hang Xie Qian, and now he is beaten, he can just turn to the Japanese boss for support.

Call the boss in Japan and say the bird language that ordinary people don't understand.

Xie Qian understood and said that he was beaten and found his own trouble.

Soon, when the Japanese boss came to see his subordinates beaten, he called dozens of thugs without saying a word.

Xie Qian was calm and used Japanese to communicate with his Japanese boss.

The Japanese boss was surprised that the troublemaker could speak his own language.

"Just dismiss these three pigs and never employ them. If you don't, I'll fight with you to get you out of the provincial capital and never enter it." Xie Qian's words have a strong sense of threat.

The big bellied and white haired Japanese boss thinks Xie Qian is joking.

"Either let them go, or I'll buy the shop and you go."

Both of them are important subordinates of the Japanese boss. How can they be fired? They think that Xie Qian is talking big.

"This gentleman, please don't talk big, or you will beat your own face, compensate them for their medical expenses, and apologize, or I promise you won't get out of this hot spring today."

"I want to buy a spa. How much is it? Ten thousand? "

Hearing this, the Japanese boss laughed and looked at Xie Qian like a fool“ order.

Dozens of strong men beat Xie Qian, but after a few moves, they all fell down.

"100000 yen? RMB? dollar? Transfer or cash? "

"One million, ten million, one hundred million, no more. If you don't agree, I promise you'll never go back to your hometown."

Seeing Xie Qian's method, the Japanese boss is sweating.

Xie Qian called Hans and said to his Japanese boss, "soon, a hundred million yuan of cash will arrive. Take the money home to provide for the aged. Don't let me see you in the provincial capital."

Except for Linda, Zhou Ling and others think Xie Qian is pretending to be forced, which is a bit too big.

Xie Qian smiles and stares at his staff, who are still lying on the ground.

"You think I'm poor if I want to play for nothing? Keep your eyes open later. "

Dozens of minutes later, Hans and the black man came in a truck full of cash.

Push it up with a cart and pile it up into a hill.

Xie Qian picked up several stacks, at least ten thousand each, and looked at the crowd.

"It's hard work for you. It's hard work. From tonight on, this hot spring is mine. Please take care of the business." Then he scattered the money to the crowd.

We're all in a rush.

At least dozens of folds.

"What are you still doing? If you don't get out of here, do you want me to do it?"

Several people ran away in ashes.

The next day, the guests who found the money sent a circle of friends.

Take a bath in a hot spring and you can find money.

I found a thousand.

I found five thousand.

I found ten thousand.

The boss is too proud.

I'll go to the hot spring again today to see if I have such good luck.

I will go too.

After buying the hot springs opened by Japanese, they sent management personnel to manage them, while they went to the research center and the research team far away from the city to develop new technology products.

After several months of hard work, we have finally developed transport aircraft and civil aircraft with better performance, and started to develop fighter planes, man-made earth satellites and spaceships. We have made some achievements in the aerospace field and are still exploring.

Some time ago, we spent tens of billions to develop media companies. Rainbow media, in particular, is dozens of times larger than before.

Almost one sixth of the people in China subscribe to various publications of rainbow media.

Once Xie Qian had nothing, but he was like a black horse. He made a lot of money in a short time. He became a business tycoon and the richest man.

Under the crazy publicity and influence of rainbow media, in the hearts of Chinese people, they are excellent entrepreneurs, who have the responsibility to take on the responsibilities, and become the multi gold idols that all kinds of people yearn to worship and chase.

Xie Qian's popularity has aroused great attention of the state, and he decided to award the national model worker award to encourage Xie Qian to vigorously develop enterprises and make outstanding contributions to the development of the city. It is also a call for the people of the whole country to learn from such entrepreneurs.

Of course, for the sake of fairness, the relevant departments launched online voting activities, with a total of more than a dozen entrepreneurs as candidates, and the one with the highest vote can get the national model worker award.

There is no black box operation. I believe that with Xie Qian's influence in the whole country, many people will vote for him.

Xie Qian did not know about this activity. He has been working side by side with scientific research talents in the research center.

Until the minister called to say congratulations.

At first, Xie qianzhen was confused, "Minister Wang, congratulations on what?"

Wang Zilong on the other end of the phone was a little surprised, "Xie Qian, don't you know that you have been elected a national model worker?"

"Minister Wang, are you kidding me? Where am I qualified to be elected a national model worker? Many entrepreneurs are more conscientious and low-key than me. I'm more high-profile, so I'm more famous. "

"Mr. Xie, do you think I'm joking with you? You think I'm kidding you about this? If you don't believe it, you can look it up on the Internet and I'll tell you the address. "

Hang up the phone and input the address that minister Wang said. It's really, very authoritative. It's done by the relevant departments of the state.

I'm the first with 100 million votes.

Second place entrepreneur, with 10 million votes.

Third place, eight million.

Fourth, six million.

Rub your eyes, how can the gap between your own vote and the second place vote be so big? It's really that big.

Just at this time, the telephone rings and Minister Wang calls. He calculates the right time. At this moment, he must have read his ticket information on the Internet.

"Mr. Xie, I'm not joking with you. People all over the country support you very much. You must have known the date of the award ceremony. I'll come to the capital ahead of time. Time flies. We haven't talked for a long time."

Xie Qian really didn't expect that he would win the award. Looking at the memo, he had something to do on the day of the award ceremony and had to push it. After all, he couldn't send his subordinates to receive the award.

On the night before the award ceremony, Xie Qian flew to the capital.

Mr. Wang picked up the original power blue fire car and praised it all the way.

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