"I asked my sister what's wrong, but she said that she was a God and wanted to kill all the people who resisted her. I think there might be something wrong here." He pointed to his head.

He said: "I always dream recently. In my dream, I have strong fighting power. The man in black has skills. As soon as he holds his hand, a blue light pours on me and is killed by me. Every time he has the same dream."

"Tell my sister that finding the world that my sister sees is the same as seeing the world. I suspect I have a problem here, too. " Then he knocked on his head.

Xie Qian sees that Lin Dandan looks good, and he can't see any problems. It may be that he has been under great pressure recently.

Since the doctor said there was no problem, there should be no problem. He said to Lin Huihui, "don't worry. It's nothing. Since the doctor said there was no problem, there must be no problem. We should believe in the doctor's skill“

"You see your sister looks so good. It's OK. Call me if you have any problems. My mobile phone is available 24 hours a day."

Because I have something important to do, I rush back to the office.

Then plan your own business blueprint and leave the situation of the Lin sisters out of the clouds.

Through Xiaobai, we know that the specific location of the forest organization's overseas casinos is in Las Vegas. Take Hans and several people with strong fighting power to go overseas to find the person in charge of the casinos.

The person in charge of the gambling house had long heard that the forest organization had been eliminated, and he began to be frightened. He thought he would attack the gambling house, but he didn't attack it for a long time.

Those who thought that the forest organization had been eliminated gave up the overseas casinos of the forest organization. From then on, several casinos were their own.

I didn't expect that someone would come to me now. Naturally, I wouldn't give up the casino. I didn't want to fight with him. I thought that Xie Qian was not their opponent because he had few hands. I didn't expect that he would be beaten to urine and kneel down to beg for mercy before he made a few moves.

Originally, Xie Qian wanted to kill him to avoid future trouble. However, the risk of killing someone in a foreign country is very high, not to mention occupying casinos. As soon as the relevant departments investigate, they can find out that they did it themselves.

Although they may not be able to catch themselves, the casinos certainly can't go on.

Now, the person in charge of the casino is running a very good business. He is a native of China, and his network is naturally larger than his own. So he told him that he could not kill him, but to manage the casino, he would be absolutely satisfied with the remuneration. If he did not agree, he would kill him.

He knew the importance and agreed to manage it at that time.

In fact, the scale of these casinos is very large, but in Xie Qian's eyes, they are not big at all, so they are looking everywhere to expand the casino industry.

With the help of the person in charge, he bought a piece of land at a low price, and bought several islands in the nearest place to the land, built luxury villas on these islands, and added gambling equipment on the corresponding supporting facilities.

The plan is to make these islands the most luxurious and gambling featured resort.

And the one you buy will build the most luxurious and largest casino in the world.

No matter which side of the gambler may win, the one who runs the casino will win.

Under Linda's design and planning, a large number of construction personnel are recruited in other countries, and the construction work is started nonstop.

Not long after, usually sparsely populated places, erected a breathtaking high-rise buildings.

Both exterior and interior decoration are extremely luxurious.

Before it is completed, many small buildings will be built around. As long as several high-rise buildings are completed, they will attract a large number of customers. At that time, they can sell their own products to customers.

Several buildings were completed, and all the equipment of the casino was ready. On the day of opening and ribbon cutting, there was a sea of people, making hundreds of thousands on the first day.

Regal system level upgrade [level: 13]

[skills: Qi family skills, Lei Yanbu, Shaolin Changquan]

Possession of props: the ring of attachment, the whole picture of the world, puppet Legion

[system permission: Level 6]

[strength: 200]

[physical strength: 200]

[defense: 200]

[speed: 220]

[Intelligence: 220]

[Charm: 220]

Prompt permission reaches level 6. If you go to the parallel world, all properties will change.

Xie Qian's face is muddled. What's the parallel world? From the perspective of quantum mechanics, there is a parallel world.

Can you go to the parallel world by yourself? I'm kidding. People on this blue planet have studied it for many years. They just think that there may be a parallel world, but no one has ever been there.

It may be the system ventilation, or it may be the system level upgrade, which shows that the normal world is just a noun.

I'll soon forget about it, because there are a lot of things to do.

The casino is on the right track, and Xie Qian returns home.

Looking at the accounts, we find that the most profitable industries are energy and banks, and casinos are also profiteering industries.

It has been involved in the oil industry for a long time. There has been no problem in the cooperation with Prince pizayat of Arabia. I am very happy and have made a lot of money.

Only the banking industry is not involved.

Domestic banks are basically monopolized by the state. It is precisely because of monopoly that it is not beneficial to customers who deposit money.

If you open your own bank and operate it in a new mode, it will benefit both the customers and yourself. Why not.

This is just an idea, not a win-win solution.

It's hard to understand after a few days' hard thinking.

In this respect, Tang Jun knows better than himself.

Xie Qian's work is vigorous and resolute. He never procrastinates. He calls Tang Jun and doesn't know what time it is.

"Tang Jun, come to the company immediately. I have something important to discuss with you."

Tang Jun wakes up with a mobile phone ring. He rubs his eyes and looks at the clock. It's two o'clock in the morning. What's the matter with the boss when it's so late?

I'm very excited to hear from the boss. It shouldn't be a big deal.

I used to call myself at this time and say that I have something to discuss with myself. I usually come up with some good ideas. After many times of discussing with myself, I soon put them into practice.

I don't know what method the boss uses, but I can succeed every time.

It seems that all the luck is focused on the boss.

But on second thought, it's not all like this, because the boss has suffered a lot and suffered a lot.

I've been through hell many times. If the boss's skill is not good, he will die long ago.

When I knew him, his skill was already very good. I have worked with him for many years, and his skill has improved. If he has not worked hard, how can he improve?

Early years must have been harder.

Nowadays, the reason why the boss owns all this is that he works hard.

"Boss, it's early in the morning. I'll be here in 30 minutes."

"It turned out to be early in the morning. I thought it was just dark. I just came back from abroad. The time difference hasn't been adjusted. Sorry to disturb your dream. You can go to work late tomorrow."

"I have a very important thing, but I'm not in a hurry. We'll talk about it in detail when I go to work during the day."

This surprised Tang Jun, when the boss will be so considerate.

Don't rush in the middle of the night, naturally very happy, and lying in the warm blanket, not to mention how comfortable.

During the day, in the office of the chairman of summit building, Xie Qian sits on the chair of the boss and Tang Jun sits opposite.

"Tang Jun, I plan to open a bank."

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