Xie Qian noticed his doubts, looked back and said with a mysterious smile: "these, these are our secret weapons. It's a pity that Wang Meng's stupid goods are not here, but he will miss the most interesting scene."

Hearing Xie Qian's words, Li Xiao and other people who didn't know about it were all aroused.

Xie Qian and Tang Jun look at each other and smile. Only they know what the secret weapons in those paper boxes are.

Little by little, the time soon came to two fifty-nine, and there was only one minute left from the time set by Xie Qian.

Xie Qian is not worried about the other party's not coming. He even expects the other party not to come.

Because according to the rules of the hotel, as long as one-third of the shareholders of the hotel request to hold a general meeting of shareholders, then the meeting can be held smoothly.

Shareholders who do not attend the meeting are deemed to have given up their voting rights.

If they don't come to the shareholders' meeting, the voting right belongs to Xie Qian. He can make any decision at will, even if he orders the hotel to be demolished.

Sure enough, just a few seconds before three o'clock, the door of the conference room was opened again.

Led by Zhao Feng, more than a dozen shareholders have been involved, and the action is neat as if they had practiced in advance.

These people have obviously negotiated ahead of time to attack Xie Qian severely at the general meeting of shareholders. Now this move is their downfall to Xie Qian.

As a group of shareholders came in and sat down, Xie Qian's eyes also fell on Zhao Feng, the second largest shareholder of the hotel opposite.

Zhao Feng is a middle-aged man with thin body, deep socket and poisonous eyes.

When he looked at Xie Qian, there was a strong hostility in his eyes, just like a deep hatred.

"It's strange that I haven't seen this guy before. How can he be so hostile to me?"

Xie Qian said doubtfully.

"Xiaobai, you know what this guy is about."

"Investigate the identity of Zhao Feng, the second largest shareholder of Century Hotel, and charge 20 points. Is it implemented?"

Xiaobai's voice came out without emotion.

"I depend on how to raise the price."

Xie Qian said that when he used this function before, it was only 10 points.

"According to the degree of identity concealment and the complexity of social relations, the number of points used will change accordingly."

After hearing Xiaobai's explanation, Xie Qian had nothing to say. He just bit his teeth and nodded, "OK, let's investigate."

All of a sudden, 20 points were deducted again. Taking into account the points deducted before because of laxatives, he spent 70 points in a very short time, and the number of points immediately became negative.

"Well, it's a long way to go."

Xie Qian sighed, and then opened Zhao Feng's information to check.

After looking at Xie Qian, it turns out that Zhao Feng is the father of Zhao Zhicheng, a young man who broke his leg before. Zhao Feng's wife is also related to Xie Qian. It's Jiang Baiwan and Jiang Fugui's sister, Jiang Tianfeng.

Zhao Feng seems to have joined Jiang's family. The shares of the century hotel are the dowry that Jiang million prepared for his sister.

In addition, Zhao Feng also has the characteristics of being afraid of wife, which seems to be because Jiang Tianfeng himself is also very strong.

In general, the survey given by the system is very detailed, and even Zhao Feng's secret love for any female classmate when he was a child has been found out.

Under the sub item of female relations, when he saw the recent relationship, Xie Qian's mouth immediately showed a smile.

Ha ha, it turns out that the 20 points are really worth it. With this one, I'm not afraid of you. Zhao Feng doesn't bow his head!

As the shareholders came in, some senior employees of the hotel also came in and sat on the chairs around the meeting room.

Although these employees do not have the right to vote, they also have the right to audit. This is a rule made by the first generation founders of the hotel.

Among all the people present, except those brought by Xie Qian, almost all the others have strong hostility to Xie Qian.

Especially Zhao Feng and Wang Qidong sitting behind him, they just want to jump on Xie Qian and bite him.

"Now that everyone is here, let's go."

Xie Qian looked at his watch, then looked up and said slowly.

This sentence, like a spark thrown into a gasoline can, immediately ignited the mood of the opposite shareholders.

I saw a white haired old shareholder, at least 70 or 80 years old, standing up first, pointing to Xie Qian's nose and swearing: "little doll, what are you, old man? When I was fighting, your mother was not weaned! Want to grab my share right now? I Pooh

Looking at the old shareholder, Xie Qian replied directly: "ha ha, you always speak slowly. You're all half legged. You're not afraid of the wind blowing your soul away."


The old shareholder was not breathed by Xie Qian and almost fainted.

But after all, he gritted his teeth and just sat down on the chair, staring at Xie Qian with an angry face, no longer talking.

Xie Qian's right-hand side diagonally opposite, immediately a second person stood up and said to Xie Qian, "little hairy boy, you are always the old shareholder of our hotel, and you are not polite to him. I don't think you are suitable to stay in this hotel at all. You'd better go back where you come from."

"Don't worry. After today, all of you will not be shareholders of this hotel. When the time comes, it will be clear who will leave and who will stay. "

Xie Qian said without expression, even did not look at the shareholder, as if the other party is just a trivial person.

"Ha ha, you dream!"

A shareholder next to the shareholder also stood up and said, "we will not sell the equity to you even if we die. Let's wait and see!"

"Oh?" Xie Qian glanced at all the shareholders and asked, "why, are you not going to sell shares to me?"


All shareholders said with one voice.

"And you, Zhao Feng, do you mean that too?"

Xie Qian's eyes fell on Zhao Feng and asked him specially.

"I wish you were dead!"

Zhao Feng said maliciously that he didn't mean to give in at all.

All the shareholders on the scene joined together, and even the old employees who were watching watched watched him fiercely.

At this moment, Xie Qian is equivalent to one person's strength against the hotel owner.

"Well, then it won't be sold!"

Xie Qian suddenly stood up, clapped his hands and said with a smile.


Everyone around was in a daze.

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