Mrs. Xu was shocked. "How could Mr. goLet teach you the white step flying sword?"

"To tell you the truth, I don't know why Mr. goLet taught me the Baibu Feijian, but he did."

"Who are you?"

"I'm just a normal person."

"How long does it take to cast fish intestines sword?"

"At least half a year."

"I'll make up the money in half a year."

"What if it doesn't come together?"

"I can make it up."

"If you can master Baibu Feijian well, it's suitable to use Yuchang sword."

"In this way, since Goliath taught you the white footed flying sword and counted him as his disciple, I don't want you so much silver, a thousand Liang. My sword will never let you down. "

One thousand Liang is also a huge amount for myself.

Ding, system up.

"Since Mrs. Xu has promised to forge fish intestines sword for you, you will be rewarded with 1000 experience points, one full attribute and two points."

"You can use two points to unlock some items in the mall."

"Why are you so good all of a sudden? Don't let me rush to return your points. "

"I don't want you to rush to return points because the system has to give you tasks. If you don't unlock the items in the mall, you will never complete the task."

"Now you use two points to unlock the items in the mall. You can only unlock the parallel world map."

Xie Qian uses two points to unlock the parallel world map.

"Now, do you know where you are? Weicheng is in the southwest of the parallel world. The next task given by the system is to find tianwai meteorite, cold spring and Tieying, and let Mrs. Xu use these materials to make fish intestines sword. "

Xie Qian is going to be crazy. The system is going to kill people, one task after another.

"Miss Xu, how long will the fish intestine sword be ready?"

"Fast is half a month, slow is half a year."

"Made of what?"

"Copper and iron."

"I want to use meteorite, iron, cold spring casting."

"If you can cast these three things, you can definitely cast a peerless sword. It's just that there are so many strange things in the world. I've never seen meteorite, Tieying and Hanquan before. Do you have these three things?"

"No. But I can find it. "

Mrs. Xu looked at Xie Qian for a long time to see if he was lying. She couldn't see through this man. She didn't know why goLet taught him the white step flying sword.

Since goLet can teach him, he has some skills.

I dream of casting daggers with these three things.

"If you can find these three things, I don't want your silver. When can I get them?"

"I'll look for it now."

"Do you know where it is?"

Xie Qian shook his head. "To tell you the truth, I don't know where it is, but I can find it. If I can't find it, I don't need to cast fish intestine sword."

What Xie Qian thinks is that since the system has to perform its own tasks, it must be able to complete them.

Although I don't know where these three things are now, I believe there must be, at least two things, Hanquan and Tieying.

The swords made by master swordsmen like ou Yezi's general Mo Xie all use these things.

There are meteorites falling from outer space, and these three things can be found.

"Which do you decide to look for first?"


"Well, I'll come with you."

"You're not kidding, are you?"

"You think I'm joking?"

Looking at Mrs. Xu's serious look, Xie Qian knows that Mrs. Xu is not joking.

I didn't think, "follow me, what about the foundry? You don't earn money? "

"Once upon a time, I thought about casting daggers with Tieying cold spring, but after so many years, I've gone through thousands of mountains and rivers, looking for them for a long time, but I haven't found them."

"The people who used to travel with me have given up, and I have gradually given up, but I haven't given up completely. Since you are looking for me, I will join you, even if it's just a tiny piece of Tieying, it's priceless."

"No, it's not safe for you to be such a beautiful woman." I'm still scared to think of the people I met these days.

"You think I'll drag you down?"

"I'd better find it myself. I'll find you when I find it."

"It's extremely unsafe for you to find talent alone. I'll follow you whether you like it or not."

"If something happens, I'm not responsible."

Mrs. Xu closes the door and leaves it to her neighbor. She and Xie Qian look for Tie Ying.

The system shows that Tieying is in the southwest of Weicheng.

Two people set out, about 300 li away from turtle City, there is a village, surrounded by several people.

This is expected by Xie Qian, who has made psychological preparations.

Miss Xu is so beautiful that every man can't drool when he sees her. No, these men drool.

It's strange that there are still women with chicken crowns, tattoos on their necks and knives bent like the moon.

All men have the same tattoo on their necks, unlike ordinary mountain bandits.

"Xu Ji, I haven't seen you for many years. I'm all right." The woman said.

They know each other.

It's thousands of kilometers away from Weicheng. How can they know each other? Their appearance is aimed at Miss Xu, not only for her beauty, but also because they have known each other for a long time. Maybe there is something else.

Ignore yourself, since you are not looking for yourself, you have nothing to do with yourself and sit on the bulge.

"Hey, boy, who let you sit?" Cried one of the strong men.

"Wang Zhe, he has nothing to do with it. What's the matter with me?" Miss Xu said to the strong man.

"I haven't seen you for many years. You've had a good time, but do you know how we've spent these years?" Wang Zhe says to Xu Ji.

Xie Qian is sure that they surround themselves and follow Xu Ji, aiming at Xu Ji.

"What do you want?"

"What do you think we want? It's hard to find you. Do you want to kneel down in front of the grave of the dead to thank you for your death? "

"I always feel guilty about what happened in those years. You have already punished the culprit. Can't you let me go? Have I ever done anything to hurt you?"

Xie Qian lay down on the grass. There were several dark clouds in the blue sky.

"Boy, who told you to lie down? Believe it or not, I'll cut you off. " It's Wang Zhe speaking.

Xie Qian believes that he absolutely dares to fight each other in this era. It's not new. So there is no reason. Besides, I'm too tired to speak. I just keep my ears up and listen to what they say.

Maybe Xu Ji didn't think that he would meet his enemy here.

"You dare to ignore me, do you know who I am? I tell you, in this world, no one dares to ignore Lao Tzu. You are the first one, but soon you will pay for your behavior. "

"Wang Zhe, he has nothing to do with it. If you are rude to him again, I don't mind telling you a lesson."

Wang Zhe laughed, "what do you think you are? How dare you teach me? It's going to make me laugh. Believe it or not, if I slap you, you can't tell the difference between the East, the west, the north and the south. Your parents don't know each other. "

"By the way, your mother is in the grave now. Do you know who killed her? I think you have known for a long time. Then you will take revenge for your mother. Yes, we killed your mother and were cut to death by us. We always called your breast name before we died. That's a tragedy. "

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